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G. Eric Matson and Edith Matson papers, 1908-1977

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BOX 4-19 Correspondence, 1926-1977
Correspondence, interleaved with invoices, photographs, and printed matter, between the Matsons and clients, friends, acquaintances, organizations, and family relating to personal and professional activities.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization.
BOX 4 Aber, Ita H., 1975-1976, undated
BOX 4 Abingdon Press See Container 15, Methodist Publishing House
BOX 4 American Bible Society, 1976-1977
BOX 4 American Lutheran Church, 1973-1974
BOX 4 Arno Press, 1977
BOX 4 Art Reference Bureau, 1962
BOX 4 Augsburg Publishing House, 1968-1976
BOX 5 “A” miscellaneous, 1965-1977, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 5 Baer, Mervin J., 1976-1977, undated
BOX 5 Baker Book House, 1966-1972
BOX 5 Baptist Book Store, 1959-1963
BOX 5 Baptist Publications Committee/Baptist Bible & Book House, 1961-1974
BOX 5 Bass, C. V., and R. H. Lord, 1962
BOX 5 Bell, Will A., 1948-1949
BOX 5 Bible Lands Missions Aid Society, 1956-1964 See also Oversize
(3 folders)
BOX 5 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1960, 1966-1977, undated
BOX 5 Boas, Rollo M., 1965-1970
BOX 5 Bortz, Roland G., 1974-1975
BOX 6 Brethren Missionary Herald Co., 1969-1973
BOX 6 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1963
BOX 6 Bruce Publishing Co., 1966-1968
BOX 6 Buschhausen, Helmut, 1973
BOX 6 “B” miscellaneous, 1958-1977
(2 folders)
BOX 6 Cambridge University Press, 1960, 1967-1970
BOX 6 Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 1963-1972
BOX 6 Catholic Press, 1970
BOX 6 Champlin, Russell N., 1974-1975
BOX 6 Christian Light Publications, 1975-1976
BOX 6 Christian Supply Center, 1957-1968
BOX 6 Christianity Today, 1956-1964, undated
BOX 7 Church of the Nazarene, Department of Church Schools, 1966-1977
BOX 7 Church Services Materials Division, 1974-1977 See also Container 18, Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Clarendon Press See Container 16, Oxford University Press
BOX 7 College Press, 1964-1974
BOX 7 Concordia Publishing House, 1975-1976
BOX 7 Consolidated Book Publishers, 1967-1973, undated
BOX 7 Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., 1970-1972
BOX 7 “C” miscellaneous, 1966, 1973-1977
BOX 7 Deeb, Louis George, and Joseph H. Giries, 1946-1965, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 8 Deseret Book Co., 1963-1965, 1972
BOX 8 Diek, Gabriel Said, and Michel S. Stephan
BOX 8 General, 1947-1955, undated
BOX 8 Partnership, 1947-1950
BOX 8 Dornberger, Wilbur C., 1973
BOX 8 Dossett, Anne Matson, and Dossett family, 1962-1974, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 8 “D” miscellaneous, 1959-1975
BOX 8 Éditions Albert Guillot, 1955-1959
BOX 9 Éditions Bernard Grasset and Hubert Decaux, 1964-1969
BOX 9 Editorial Caribe/Latin American Mission Publications, 1972-1975
BOX 9 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1961
BOX 9 Eliachar, Menache H., 1977
BOX 9 Elson, Barbara A., 1977
BOX 9 “E” miscellaneous, 1959-1977
BOX 9 Fernand Hazan Editeur, 1970-1971, undated
BOX 9 Field Enterprises Educational Corp., 1965
BOX 9 Fleming H. Revell Co., 1963-1969
BOX 9 Folda, Jaroslav, 1973-1974
BOX 9 Foundation Series, 1976-1977
BOX 9 Freund, Yvonne, 1973-1974
BOX 9 Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Calif., 1973
BOX 9 “F” miscellaneous, 1962-1976
BOX 9 Gaiser, Judith, and Ora Vacrat, 1976
BOX 9 General Conference Mennonite Church, 1961-1962, 1969-1976
BOX 9 Geo. A. Pflaum, Publisher, Inc., 1964-1968
BOX 9 Gidal, Nachum Tim, 1960-1962, 1972-1976, undated
BOX 9 Gillan, Oscar T., 1960-1974, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 10 Ginn & Co., 1969-1972
BOX 10 Glint, 1968
BOX 10 Gospel Light Press, 1958-1976
BOX 10 Gourbillon, J. G., 1962-1964
BOX 10 Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Ind., 1969-1975
BOX 10 Gráfica Bel, 1971-1972
BOX 10 Grolier Enterprises, 1973
BOX 10 Guideposts, 1974-1977, undated
BOX 10 “G” miscellaneous, 1957-1977
(2 folders)
BOX 10 H. S. Stuttman Co., 1965-1973
BOX 10 Haboush, Stephen A., 1960-1961
BOX 11 Hadawi, Sami, 1958-1964
BOX 11 Halaby, Sultanie S., 1958, undated
BOX 11 Halperin, Samuel, 1973-1975
BOX 11 Handford, Walter, 1971
BOX 11 Hargis, Billy James, 1974-1975, undated
BOX 11 Harris, Richard E., 1972-1973
BOX 11 Hassner, Rune, 1972-1973
BOX 11 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1956-1961, 1974-1977
BOX 11 Heidt, William See Container 13, Liturgical Press
BOX 11 Help for Children in the Holy Land, 1974-1977, undated
BOX 11 Holley, Carolyn F., and J. E., 1952-1970, undated
BOX 11 Holy Land Bible-Knowledge Society, 1966-1977, undated
BOX 11 “H” miscellaneous, 1963-1977, undated
BOX 11 Ideals Publishing Co., 1962-1963, 1969
BOX 11 Ingilizian, Nishan, 1955-1964, undated
BOX 11 Interaction See Container 13, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
BOX 11 Interkerklike Uitgewertrust, 1968-1973
BOX 11 “I” miscellaneous, 1973-1974
BOX 11 Jerusalem Young Men’s Christian Association, 1969-1972
BOX 11 Joseph I. Bahous & Co. See same container, Halaby, Sultanie
BOX 12 “J” miscellaneous, 1965-1973
BOX 12 Keter Publishing House, 1973-1977, undated
BOX 12 Kreitler, Peter G., 1975-1976, undated
BOX 12 KTAV Publishing House, 1958-1967, undated
BOX 12 “K” miscellaneous, 1965-1976
BOX 12 Levin, Menahem See Container 15, Municipality of Jerusalem
BOX 12 Library of Congress
BOX 12 Einhorn, Nathan R., 1970-1973, undated
BOX 12 General, 1966-1976, undated
BOX 12 Hobart, George S., 1971-1977, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 12 Maddox, Jerald C., 1969-1972
BOX 13 Younger, William E., 1974-1977
BOX 13 Life and Time magazines, 1961-1964, 1971
BOX 13 Lind, Lars E., and Lind family, 1960-1966
BOX 13 Liturgical Press, 1960-1976, undated
BOX 13 Log of correspondence, 1974-1977
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