| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Oversize, 1813-1986
(continued) |
Flower portraits,
1952-1953, undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 32 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 33 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 34 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 35 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 36 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 37 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 38 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 39 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 40 |
Flower portraits, 1952-1953,
undated (Container 208) |
BOX OV 41 |
Scrapbooks |
Creative |
“Azadia As I See You,”
1945-1956 (Container 209) |
BOX OV 42 |
“A Family Album of the
World,” 1948 (Container 209) |
BOX OV 43 |
Personal |
(Container 209) |
BOX OV 44 |
1925-1947 (Container
209) |
BOX OV 45 |
Productions |
1931-1932 (Container 209) |
BOX OV 46 |
Film and stage |
(Container 209) |
BOX OV 47 |
1935-1941 (Container
209) |
BOX OV 48 |
Stage, 1930
(Container 209) |
BOX VA 1-VA 12 |
Artifacts, circa 1800-1986
Briefcase, cigarette cases, megaphones, statuettes and awards, and other
memorabilia. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of item and by size. |
BOX VA 1 |
Briefcase with engraving “ Porgy December 24, 1927” |
Portfolio with “Rouben from Tyrone Christmas
1940” stamped on interior |
BOX VA 2 |
Cigarette cases |
Jeweled case engraved with signature
“Marlene” [Dietrich] on interior, 1930s
“Jubelee V. Mamoulian to Rouben Oct. 9, 1949”
engraved on bottom |
Monogrammed case, “Hollywood Christmas 1930”
on interior |
Handkerchief with insignia of Napoleon
Bonaparte, circa 1800
Money clip, engraved “In Deep Appreciation Love
Marilyn,” undated
Medal, Ville de Paris, “ Oklahoma! Rouben Mamoulian,” 1955
BOX VA 3 |
Key, “Welcome to San Francisco Rouben
Mamoulian,” 1938
Script holders |
Black leather with “RM” on cover,
Red leather with “RM” on cover, interior “
Carmen 1953”, “From Azadia Oct. 8, 1953” |
Star from Carousel, circa 1945
BOX VA 4 |
Megaphones |
With “Mamoulian” on exterior,
With “Mamoulian Applause” on exterior and signatures, 1929
BOX VA 5 |
Signed and illustrated director's chair back
from Applause,
BOX VA 6 |
Statuettes and awards |
Directors Guild of America, annual awards
dinner miniature director's chairs, 1952, 1954, 1986,
BOX VA 7 |
Directors Guild Award,
BOX VA 8 |
Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and
Horror Films, 1980
BOX VA 9 |
Count Dracula Society Award |
BOX VA 10 |
Heritage Award, Hollywood International
Spotlight Awards, 1982
BOX VA 11 |
Statuette presented to Rouben Mamoulian on
the occasion of his Fortieth Anniversary Tribute at the Gallery of Modern
Art, 1967
BOX VA 12 |
Cane (broken), undated