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Rouben Mamoulian papers, 1740-1987

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Oversize, 1813-1986 (continued)
Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 32 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 33 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 34 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 35 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 36 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 37 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 38 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 39 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 40 Flower portraits, 1952-1953, undated (Container 208)
BOX OV 41 Scrapbooks
“Azadia As I See You,” 1945-1956 (Container 209)
BOX OV 42 “A Family Album of the World,” 1948 (Container 209)
BOX OV 43 Personal
1906-1945 (Container 209)
BOX OV 44 1925-1947 (Container 209)
BOX OV 45 Productions
Film, 1931-1932 (Container 209)
BOX OV 46 Film and stage
1929-1934 (Container 209)
BOX OV 47 1935-1941 (Container 209)
BOX OV 48 Stage, 1930 (Container 209)
BOX VA 1-VA 12 Artifacts, circa 1800-1986
Briefcase, cigarette cases, megaphones, statuettes and awards, and other memorabilia.
Arranged alphabetically by type of item and by size.
BOX VA 1 Briefcase with engraving “ Porgy December 24, 1927”
Portfolio with “Rouben from Tyrone Christmas 1940” stamped on interior
BOX VA 2 Cigarette cases
Jeweled case engraved with signature “Marlene” [Dietrich] on interior, 1930s
“Jubelee V. Mamoulian to Rouben Oct. 9, 1949” engraved on bottom
Monogrammed case, “Hollywood Christmas 1930” on interior
Handkerchief with insignia of Napoleon Bonaparte, circa 1800
Money clip, engraved “In Deep Appreciation Love Marilyn,” undated
Medal, Ville de Paris, “ Oklahoma! Rouben Mamoulian,” 1955
BOX VA 3 Key, “Welcome to San Francisco Rouben Mamoulian,” 1938
Script holders
Black leather with “RM” on cover, undated
Red leather with “RM” on cover, interior “ Carmen 1953”, “From Azadia Oct. 8, 1953”
Star from Carousel, circa 1945
BOX VA 4 Megaphones
With “Mamoulian” on exterior, undated
With “Mamoulian Applause” on exterior and signatures, 1929
BOX VA 5 Signed and illustrated director's chair back from Applause, 1929
BOX VA 6 Statuettes and awards
Directors Guild of America, annual awards dinner miniature director's chairs, 1952, 1954, 1986, undated
BOX VA 7 Directors Guild Award, 1979
BOX VA 8 Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1980
BOX VA 9 Count Dracula Society Award
BOX VA 10 Heritage Award, Hollywood International Spotlight Awards, 1982
BOX VA 11 Statuette presented to Rouben Mamoulian on the occasion of his Fortieth Anniversary Tribute at the Gallery of Modern Art, 1967
BOX VA 12 Cane (broken), undated

Contents List