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Bertram D. Lewin papers, 1883-1974

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Writings File, 1908-1971 (continued)
"M" miscellaneous, 1947-1954
Niederland, William G., 1952-1961
"N-R" miscellaneous, 1946-1961
Sanz, Perez, 1951-1962
"S-Z" miscellaneous, 1946-1965
(2 folders)
Miscellany, circa 1950-1960
"Dreams and the Use of Regression," 1957-1960
"Dreams from Above," quotations collected by Lewin, 1962-1967
"Education and the Quest for Omniscience," Alexander Lecture (1957), Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago, Ill., 1957-1960
"Elation," circa 1950
"Fecal Smearing, Menstruation, and the Female Super-Ego," 1930
Gudunoff, Boris, notes, undated
The Image and the Past
Correspondence with International Universities Press, 1968-1969
BOX 15 Manuscript, 1969
Reviews, thank-you notes, 1966-1970
Miscellaneous notes and reference materials, 1966-1968
Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Association (1966), Pittsburgh, Pa., 1966-1967
Psychoanalytic Research and Development Fund, Nunberg Lecture (1967), New York, N.Y., 1966-1967
"Knowledge and Dreams," read at the Seventh Annual Freud Lectures, Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, Philadelphia, Pa., 4 June 1962
"Mankind Discovers Man," with Lawrence S. Kubie, 1951
"Nature of Reality, the Meaning of Nothing, with an Addendum on Concentration," 1948, 1968
"The Negative Therapeutic Reaction," lecture, undated
New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, New York, N.Y., lecture, 1946
On Character and Libido Development: Six Essays by Karl Abraham (1966)
Correspondence with W. W. Norton & Co., 1965-1968
Notes and reactions, 1965-1967
"Phobias," 1965-1968
Comments and analysis, 1954
BOX 16 Composition book, circa 1954
"En Archei," 1954
"Gitana in Bucks County and Other Poems," a bound collection, 1954
Miscellaneous, published and unpublished, 1954-1960
(3 folders)
Reprints of Lewin's poetry, et al., 1954, undated
The Psychoanalysis of Elation, 1950-1952
Psychoanalytic Education, circa 1964
Psychological Analysis of Hitler: His Life and Legend, with Walter C. Langer, 1944
Available only on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,236.1
Psychoanalytic etymology
Bunker, Henry, 1926
BOX 17 Miscellaneous matter, circa 1925
(2 folders)
"Psychosomatic Medicine: Synthesis or Integration," a spoof lecture, University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Pittsburgh, Pa., circa 1945
"Reflections on Affect," 1964
"Remarks on Creativity, Imagery, and the Dream," 1969
Remarks on the atomic bomb, 29 Nov. 1945
Reviews, miscellaneous, 1930-1959
"Science and the Homunculus," 1968-1970
"Der Sensitive Beziehungswahn," presentation by Lewin, undated
"Sleep, Narcissistic Neurosis, and the Analytic Situation," 1954
"Sleep, the Mouth, and the Dream Screen," English and Spanish translations, 1946
Speeches, 1970
"Teachings and the Beginning of Theory," 1965
"The Train Ride," 1969-1970
BOX 18 "When Adults Tease," 1930
Wolf-Man materials, 1926-1959
Miscellaneous research matter
Bibliographies, 1955-1970
Drafts and related material, 1942-1964, undated
Notebooks, 1935, 1941-1947
Affects and free association, undated
Alphabetically arranged data, 1961-1968
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1920-1965
Visual image, 1952-1968, undated
BOX 19 Quotations, undated
Printed matter
Articles, 1926-1971
(3 folders)
Book reviews, 1940-1947, undated
Spanish translations, 1945-1968
By others
Manuscripts and related materials
Benjamin, John D., circa 1965
Greenacre, Phyllis, introduction of Lewin at the Freud Lecture, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, New York, N.Y., 27 May 1957
Janet, Pierre, "Les Obsessions et La Psychasthenie," 1908
Langer, Walter C., Psychological Analysis of Hitler: His Life and Legend, 1944 See Container 16, Psychological Analysis of Hitler
Isakower, Otto, 1954-1959
BOX 20 Miscellaneous, 1953-1956, undated
Ross, Helen, lectures
Child development, 1965-1966
Theoretical and clinical study, 1966
Miscellaneous printed matter
Bonaparte, Princess Marie, notebooks (facsimile), undated
Other, 1940-1969, undated
(2 folders)
BOX OV 1 Oversize, 1913-circa 1970
Oversize material consisting of a diploma, certificate, and photographs.
Arranged and described according to the series, folders, and containers from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Family and School Papers
Student papers
San Antonio High School, San Antonio, Tex.
Graduation program and diploma, 1913 (Container 2)
Subject File
Certification papers and miscellaneous documents, 1927-1957 (Container 7)
Photographs and lantern slides, circa 1920-circa 1970 (Container 9)

Contents List