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Robert Lansing papers, 1831-1959

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BOX 68-70 Correspondence, 1831-1921
Correspondence and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and chronologically therein. This series supplements the chronological file.
BOX 68 Boyer, Frederick M.
BOX 68 1911-1916
(7 folders)
BOX 69 1917-1918
(4 folders)
BOX 69 Miscellaneous
BOX 69 1831-1918
(4 folders)
BOX 70 1921, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 70-74 North Atlantic Coast Fisheries, 1909-1910
Print and near-print volumes relating to the North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration at The Hague.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 70 British case, 1909
BOX 70 Appendix to British counter case, 1910
BOX 71 Arbitration at The Hague, 1910
BOX 71 Vols. 1-2
BOX 72 Vols. 3-4
BOX 73 Vols. 5-6
BOX 74 Vols. 9-10
BOX 75-77 Speeches and Writings, 1891-1935
Book manuscripts, speeches, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 75 Books
BOX 75 War Memoirs of Robert Lansing, 1935
(6 folders)
BOX 76 Principles of American Political Parties, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 76 Miscellaneous, 1909-1919, undated
BOX 77 Speeches, 1891-1912, undated
(16 folders)
BOX OV 1-OV 6 Scrapbooks (Oversize), 1890-1933
Scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, programs, letters, invitations, and other material.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX OV 1 1890, Jan. 15-1894, Nov. 29
BOX OV 1 1914, Mar. 20-June 13
BOX OV 1 1914, Sept. 2-1915, June 10
BOX OV 2 1915, June 9- July 13
BOX OV 2 1915, July 7-1916, May 30
BOX OV 3 1915, Oct. 13-1921, Nov. 12
BOX OV 4 1916, Oct. 17-1918, Nov. 21
BOX OV 4 1918, Dec. 8-1920, Feb. 26
BOX OV 4 1919, Oct. 30-Nov. 13
BOX OV 5 1905, June 20-1927, Apr. 6
BOX OV 5 1920, Feb. 14-1925, Dec. 25
BOX OV 5 1924, Oct. 11-1928, Mar. 1
BOX OV 6 1928, Oct. 30-1933, Jan. 16
BOX OV 6 1917, Apr. 23-25
BOX 78-80 2024 Addition, 1879-1959
Artworks by Lansing, including drawings, watercolor paintings, and sketchbooks; speeches and writings, including draft chapters of his World War I memoir, and draft lectures and articles; correspondence; and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by title or type of material.
BOX 78 Artworks, 1882-1906, undated
BOX 78 The Bluff at Henderson, undated
BOX 78 Figurative, undated
BOX 78 Flowers and spring, undated
BOX 78 Landscapes, 1889-1907
BOX 78 Maps, Ottoman Palestine, undated
BOX 78 Miscellaneous, undated
BOX 78 Pen and Pencil, Amherst College, 1882-1886
BOX 78 Ye Pilgrymage of ye Kynge, 1906
BOX 78 Seals, undated
BOX 78 Sketchbook, 1883-1886
BOX 78 Correspondence, 1899, 1919-1922
BOX 78 Miscellany, 1879, 1905, 1959
BOX 78 Speeches and writings, 1898-1927
BOX 78 Alaska boundary and seal farming in Alaska, 1904-1927
BOX 78 "The Big Four and Others at the Peace Conference," undated
BOX 78 Canadian and New York State history, 1898, 1927, undated
BOX 79 Chile, 1925, undated
BOX 79 "The Conduct of American Foreign Affairs," undated
BOX 79 "The Fourteen Points," 1925
BOX 79 "Inaccuracy of McMasters as a Historian," 1927
BOX 79 "Internationalism," 1925, undated
BOX 79 The League of Nations and other international organizations, 1922-1925
BOX 79 "The Menance of Bolshovism in Europe," 1919
BOX 79 Miscellaneous, 1911-1928, undated
BOX 79 "Nationality and the Present Balkan Situation," 1927
BOX 79 "Notes on a National Political Platform," 1924
BOX 79 "The Problem of Reduction of Naval Armaments," 1925
BOX 79 "A Proletarian Dictatorship," 1925
BOX 79 "The Relationship of Spirit, Mind, and Matter," 1913, 1928
BOX 79 "The Renaissance and It's Relationship to the Reformation," 1891, 1927
BOX 79 "Restrictions on the Traffic in Arms," undated
BOX 79 Roman history, 1927
BOX 79 "Self-Determination," 1920
BOX 80 Social life in England under the early Plantagenet and Stuart kings, 1888, 1904, 1927
BOX 80 War Memoirs of Robert Lansing, draft chapters, undated
(6 folders)

Contents List