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William Walden Rubey papers, 1920-1974

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Subject File, 1915-1974 (continued)
Geochemical Prospecting Unit, 1946-1951
Geology of radioactive raw materials, 1946
Gravity stations
Background information, 1939, undated
(2 folders)
Charts and maps, undated
Density analyses, 1939
Descriptions, undated
BOX 87 Isostatic reductions, undated
Memoranda, 1939-1940
Notes, undated
(2 folders)
Tables, modified Bouguer anomalies
Hydrology, 1936-1939, undated
Magnesium Incendiary Bomb Extinguishers, 1942
Mine and mill product analysis, 1952
Nuclear Energy Program, undated
Oceanography, 1960
Parabola studies
Charts and diagrams, undated
Memoranda, 1944
Notes, undated
Alternatives to imaginary construction
BOX 88 Apparent dip and thickness
(2 folders)
Ellipses and hyperbolas, undated
Plant fossils, 1923-1934, 1958, undated
Pleistocene-Recent boundary studies, 1951-1952
Research Board for National Security, 1944-1945
Soil Conservation Service, 1935-1940
Spectrography, 1943-1951, undated
Research notes
Alpine-Fremont lake, undated
Bassett and Jolibois, undated
Calculations vs. reserve estimates, undated
Canyons, undated
Data relating to rivers
Analyses of river profiles, 1929
Bed-rock, Mississippi and Illinois, undated
Comparisons, Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi, undated
Distances and elevations, Illinois and Desplaines, undated
BOX 89 General information, Colorado and Missouri, 1928-1938, undated
Meanders, undated
Sheet wash, undated
Diagrams of tetrahedrons, undated
Kazokov, A. V., 1936-1937
Magnesite, dolomite, and parasepiolete, undated
Organic matter, 1936
P2O5 reserves, undated
(2 folders)
Probable error, undated
Recalculations of S and H, undated
Sublette ridge, undated
World War II activities
Director's paper on wartime activities, 1943
Personnel placement, 1942-1943
Postwar planning
Memoranda and reports, 1943, undated
Notes, undated
BOX 90 Publications re use of geology during war, 1920, 1941-1943
(2 folders)
Small war plants, 1944
Staff lists, 1943
United States Army Corps of Engineers, undated
War minerals investigations, 1942-1943
Water resources, 1941-1942
United States-Japan Committee on Scientific Cooperation
Background materials re Japanese scientific research, 1961
Correspondence and memoranda, 1961-1963
(4 folders)
BOX 91 (1 folder)
(7 folders)
BOX 92 1962-1963
(6 folders)
Projects, 1963
BOX 93 United States National Committee on Geology, 1961-1965
(3 folders)
Universities Space Research Association
Bylaws and organizational information, 1969-1973
Correspondence and memoranda, 1968-1971
(3 folders)
Meetings, 1970-1974
Notes, 1969-1971, undated
Proposal for contract renewal, 1971
University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
Academic Senate
Advisory Committee on Selection of a President, 1966-1967
Research Committee, 1964-1971
(2 folders)
BOX 94 All-University Faculty Conferences, 1961-1967, undated
Bio-bibliographies, 1961-1973
Advisory Committee on Astronomy, 1963-1970
Interdepartmental Committee on Geochemistry, 1962-1973
Other committees, 1962-1968
Department of Geology
Curriculum studies, 1969-1973
Davis campus, 1961-1963
Newsletters, 1967-1973
(2 folders)
Staffing, 1967-1968, undated
Survey of graduate education, 1962-1963
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences
Correspondence, 1954-1971
Reports, 1960-1970
Miscellany, 1965-1974
BOX 95 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 1959-1960
University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., 1963-1967, undated
Vetlesen Prize Award, 1960-1962, 1971
Washington Academy of Sciences, 1930-1972
(2 folders)
Yale University Press, 1958-1965, undated
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, Mass.
Correspondence and memoranda, 1959-1973
Lists of honorary trustees, 1966-1970
Membership directories, 1967-1973
Notes and miscellany, 1970-1972, undated
Reports, 1972
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