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William Walden Rubey papers, 1920-1974

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Speeches and Writings, 1923-1974 (continued)
1965, “Role of Fluid Pressure in Mechanics of Overthrust Faulting: Reply to Discussion by Gregory A. Davis,” co-authored with M. King Hubbert, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (continued)
(3 folders)
“Orogeny,” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, 1966-1967
“Tectonic Implications of Gypsum Dehydration,” co-authored with Hugh C. Heard, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
Correspondence, 1963-1965
Critiques and editing by colleagues, 1964-1965
(3 folders)
Printed version
Requests for copies
Research notes
Gypsum and ophiolites
BOX 25 1968, “The Denver Earthquakes,” Science For additional material see Containers 45-47, Denver earthquakes
Award, Intersociety Committee for Rock Mechanics
Correspondence, 1967-1969
Illustrative materials
Printed version
Research notes
Bleed off period
CO2 and photosynthesis
Stress for pumping and gravity flow pressure
Carbon cycle and brucite deposition
Daily earthquake magnitudes
Depth to static head
Derby earthquakes
Hoover, Donald
Magnitude frequency
BOX 26 Occluded gases and volcanic fumaroles
Period F, second shutdown
Permeability and time lag
Q's, △'s, daily earthquake magnitudes
Seismic magnitude and energy
TCO2, carbon and non-carbon
Thermal contraction
Time lag
(2 folders)
Transient earth strains
Van Poollen reports
Volcanic gas calculations
Water content and temperature of silicate melts
Well head pressure, injection volumes, and quakes
Z, confidence limits, etc., by days
BOX 27 1969, “Role of Cohesive Strength in the Mechanics of Overthrust Faulting and of Landsliding: Discussion,” Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
1971, “Orogeny,” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia
1973, “New Cretaceous Formations in the Western Wyoming Thrust Belt,” Geological Survey Bulletin, United States Geological Survey
Correspondence and distribution list
Printed version
Biographical memoirs of colleagues
1957, Charles K. Leith
1970, Harry H. Hess
Book introductions
1963, The Earth, Life Nature Library series
1968, The Earth, Life Nature Library series
1974, “Fifty Years of the Earth Sciences; A Renaissance,” introductory chapter to Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Correspondence, 1972-1974
Printed version
Book reviews
1934, The Deformation of the Earth's Crust, by Walter H. Bucher
1941, Strength and Structure of the Earth, by Reginald A. Daly
1966, Advances in Earth Sciences, ed. by P. M. Hurley
1968, Government in Science: The U.S. Geological Survey, by Thomas G. Manning
Manuscripts critiqued by Rubey
1926, “Oil Possibilities of the Black Hills Region,” by E. G. Sinclair
1927, “The Effect of Gravitational Compaction on the Structure of Sedimentary Rocks,” by H. D. Hedberg
1928, “The Compressibility of Sand-mica Mixtures,” by Glennon Gilby
1935, “Sedimentary Size Frequency Curves,” by William C. Krumbein
1941, “Some Experiments on the Transportation of Suspended Load,” by V. A. Vononi and “Rational Equation of River-bed Profile,” by S. A. Shulits
1942, “Phosphorite Deposits on the Sea Floor off Southern California,” by R. S. Dietz, O. Emery, and F. P. Shepard, 1941-1942
(2 folders)
BOX 28 1950, “Water in Primordial and Derivative Magma and its Relations to the Pre-forming Fluid,” by John D. Ridge
1952, “Hypsometric Analysis of Erosional Topography,” by Arthur N. Strahler
1954, “Role of Water in Metamorphism,” by Hatten S. Yoder, Jr.
1960, “Evolution of Ocean Basins,” by Harry H. Hess
1962, “The Sodium Cycle and the Age of the Ocean,” by D. A. Livingstone
Correspondence and drafts
Research notes
(7 folders)
1963, “Rate of Growth of Continents,” by Frank A. Menard
1968, “Geometric and Physical Sealing of River Dimensions on the Earth and Moon,” by J. J. Gilvarry
BOX 29 1973, “The Amsden Formation (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of Wyoming,” by William J. Sando, MacKenzie Gordon, Jr., and J. T. Dutro
(4 folders)
“Mineralogy, Petrography, and Petrology of the Carbonate and Phosphate Rocks of the Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation at Coal Canyon, Wyoming,” by R. A. Gulbrandsen
Miscellaneous writings
Critiques, 1946-1952, undated
Fragments, 1927-1932, undated
Letter with research notes to L. T. Aldrich, 1957
BOX 30 Manuscripts, undated
“Auburn Hot Springs”
Research notes
(2 folders)
“Carbon Dioxide Equilibria and the Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Natural Surface Water”
“The Graded Slopes and Profiles and the Adjusted Cross-sections of Streams”
Research notes
(3 folders)
“The Monoclines and Echelon Faults of the Western Flank of the Black Hills”
Notes of philosophical nature, relating to earth sciences, undated
Speech materials, 1962-1969
BOX 31 Press releases, United States Geological Survey, 1922-1926
Reports, United States Geological Survey
1923, “Progress Report on a Subsurface Study of the Pershing Oil and Gas Field, Osage County, Oklahoma”
1936, “Mineral Resources of the Region around Boulder Dam”
1967, “Chemical Composition of Sedimentary Rocks in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming”
Correspondence, 1956-1971
(2 folders)
Chapter, “Statistical Summaries”
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
Illustrative materials
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