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William Walden Rubey papers, 1920-1974

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Speeches and Writings, 1923-1974 (continued)
Research notes
(3 folders)
“The Monoclines and Echelon Faults of the Western Flank of the Black Hills”
Notes of philosophical nature, relating to earth sciences, undated
Speech materials, 1962-1969
BOX 31 Press releases, United States Geological Survey, 1922-1926
Reports, United States Geological Survey
1923, “Progress Report on a Subsurface Study of the Pershing Oil and Gas Field, Osage County, Oklahoma”
1936, “Mineral Resources of the Region around Boulder Dam”
1967, “Chemical Composition of Sedimentary Rocks in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming”
Correspondence, 1956-1971
(2 folders)
Chapter, “Statistical Summaries”
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
Illustrative materials
Research notes
Average analyses of corefindings
(2 folders)
Confidence limits
BOX 32 Data relating to Kansas
(2 folders)
Dixon and Massey
Equations and derivations
Future computations
Means and standard deviations
Normal to lognormal conversion
Shaw, Nanz and Clarke
Shaw, pelitic rocks
Standard deviations
Student tests
(2 folders)
Thickness and number analyses
Research materials
Airy roots
Common rock making constituents
BOX 33 Computations for compilations
(4 folders)
Cretaceous system in the Japanese islands
Depth of differentiation
Fossil fuel
Freedom station
Geology 262
Glaucophane schist
Graywacke computations
Gulf coast wells
Lake and stream waters
Metakaolinite, first trys
Metakaolinite, general
BOX 34 Research notes
Metakaolinite, reactions
Mineral formulas
(2 folders)
1926, Jan. 13, “Stream Piracy in North-eastern Wyoming,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1927, Feb. 9, “The Origin of the Mowry Shale,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1928, Jan. 11, “Possible Varves in Marine Cretaceous Shale in Wyoming,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
Feb. 25, “The Illinois River, a Problem in Channel Equilibrium,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
“A Need for Closer Cooperation among Students of Stream Work,” American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
1932, May 11, “Alluvial Islands: Their Origin and Effect upon Stream Regimen,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1933, “Equilibrium Conditions in Debris-laden Streams,” American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
1935, Apr. 10, “The Force Required to Move Particles on a Stream Bed,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1940, Feb. 28, “Chemical Evidence Bearing on Origin of a Group of Hot Springs,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1943, “Vanadiferous Shale in the Phosphoria Formation, Wyoming and Idaho,” American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York, N.Y.
1948, Dec., “The Problem of Changes in Composition of Sea Water and Atmosphere during the Geologic Past,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. For additional material see Containers 15-18, 1951, “Geologic History of Sea Water”
Apr. 8, “Formation of the Earth's Atmosphere,” Historical Geophysics Seminar, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.
Apr. 13, “Possible Mechanism for Continuous Supply of Volatiles at the Earth's Surface,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C
Dec. 13, “Sea-water and Atmosphere through the Past: A Problem in General Geology,” Geological Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Jan., “Lines of Evidence for Estimating Volume of Primitive Ocean,” Unidentified group, Santa Fe, N. Mex.
Mar. 28, “The Problem of Origin of the Atmosphere and Ocean,” classroom lecture
Oct. 12, “Geologic Evidence regarding the Science of the Earth's Hydrosphere and Atmosphere,” National Academy of Sciences, Schenectady, N.Y.
(2 folders)
Nov. 16, “Geologic History of Sea Water,” Geologic Society of America, Washington, D.C.
(2 folders)
Notes and printed materials
BOX 35 1951, “The Development of the Oceans and Atmosphere,” traveling lecture arranged by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1952, “Seismic and Chemical Evidence on the Depth of Differentiation below the Continents,” Conference on Nuclear Abundances of Elements, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisc.
Agendas and correspondence
Research notes
(2 folders)
Feb. 11, “Possible Tectonic Effects of Fractional Melting and Crustal Spreading,” Geological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
Research notes
(3 folders)
Apr. 11, “Hypothesis regarding the Origin of Continents and the Ocean,” South Carolina Academy of Sciences, Columbia, S.C.
May 5, “Tectonic Consequences of Crustal Growth by Selective Fusion,” American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
June 9-11, “Geochemistry,” Conference on Biochemistry, Paleoecology, and Evolution, Shelter Island, N.Y.
Dec. 29, “The Origin of Ocean Water,” American Association for the Advancement of Science,” Boston, Mass.
Oct. 14, “The Development of the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere,” Crust of the Earth Symposium, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. See also Container 19, 1955, same title
Dec. 16, lecture given at Scripps Oceanographic Institute, San Diego, Calif.
Lectures given at the University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
Drafts and outlines
Research notes
Melting order
(3 folders)
BOX 36 Radioactive heat
(2 folders)
Thermal gradients
White at U.C.L.A.
(2 folders)
Oct. 20-22, “Role of Volatiles in Geological Process,” Geophysical Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
Lecture given at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
1956, lectures given at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
(5 folders)
BOX 37 1957
July 15, “Partial Fusion of the Deep Interior as a Continuing Source of the Earth's Atmospheric Hydrosphere and Crust,” Shell Laboratories, Houston, Tex.
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