| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 71-87 |
Miscellany, 1898-1967
Photographs, articles and newspaper clippings, notes, printed material and
memorabilia, card index, diplomas, and scrapbooks. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX 71 |
Articles, newspaper clippings, and
notes |
Family photographs |
Middleton family |
Middleton, George, and Fola La Follette and
others |
(5 folders) |
La Follette family |
oversize: 72 |
Card index to correspondence, plays, and
Balzaciana |
oversize: 73 |
Balzaciana |
BOX 74-81 |
Balzaciana |
oversize: 82 |
Scrapbooks |
Articles on theatre in New York Times and Variety, French interviews, publicity and programs |
oversize: 83 |
Press reviews of published volumes of
plays |
oversize: 84 |
These Things Are Mine, press reviews |
Suffrage and feminism |
oversize: 85 |
Eightieth birthday letters,
Vol. 1 |
oversize: 86 |
Vols. 2 and 3 |
oversize: 87 |
Playbills |
BOX 88-93 |
Addition, 1879-1970
Letters received from and copies of letters sent to family members, friends and
associates, printed matter, financial records, newspaper clippings, literary
typescripts, and notebooks. |
Arranged according to the series in the main body of the papers, including family
correspondence, general correspondence, business correspondence, subject file, and
miscellany. |
BOX 88 |
Family correspondence |
Dunphy, Edwin B. and Virginia |
La Follette, Bronson |
La Follette, Fola |
Correspondence |
Notes |
Letters from George Middleton to his wife,
Fola La Follette |
Middleton, David and Nadea, and
family |
Middleton, Ida Blakeslee |
Middleton, Scudder |
Other members of the Middleton and La
Follette families |
Sucher, Robert La Follette |
General correspondence |
A-Z |
Unidentified |
Subject file |
Annuity, hospitalization, and
retirement |
Authors League of America |
Checkbooks |
(2 vols.) |
BOX 89 |
1962-1967 (6
vols). |
BOX 90 |
Copyright legislation |
Copyright Society of the U.S.A. |
Dramatists Guild |
Insurance |
Correspondence |
Policies and payments |
La Follette, Rachel Young, last will and
testament |
Leases |
Library of Congress |
National Cyclopedia of American Biography
The Players |
BOX 91 |
"Statement Concerning Administration of
Copyright Interests Vested by the Office of Alien Property" |
Taxes |
Federal tax returns |
State and local tax returns |
Will and testament |
Speeches and writings |
Book reviews |
Contract, Adam and Eva
Copyright information |
Correspondence, 1924-1969,
Miscellany |
Promotional literature |
Royalties |
Speech |
Writings |
Articles |
BOX 92 |
Diana Does It, play |
"The Middle Roads and Other
Poems" |
"A Prisoner of Fame," unpublished novel
(typescript) |
"Rhapsody and Other Poems" |
Short pieces |
Miscellany |
Bank savings book |
Bills and receipts |
Biographical notes and sketches |
Brieux, Eugene, handwritten copy of play
"L'Avocat" |
Cards and invitations |
Death certificate |
Marriage certificates |
BOX 93 |
Newspaper clippings |
Notebooks |
Notes |
Obituaries |
Printed matter |
Scrapbooks |
(2 vols.) |