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George Middleton papers, 1872-1970

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BOX 71-87 Miscellany, 1898-1967
Photographs, articles and newspaper clippings, notes, printed material and memorabilia, card index, diplomas, and scrapbooks.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 71 Articles, newspaper clippings, and notes
Family photographs
Middleton family
Middleton, George, and Fola La Follette and others
(5 folders)
La Follette family
BOX oversize: 72 Card index to correspondence, plays, and Balzaciana
BOX oversize: 73 Balzaciana
BOX 74-81 Balzaciana
BOX oversize: 82 Scrapbooks
Articles on theatre in New York Times and Variety, French interviews, publicity and programs
BOX oversize: 83 Press reviews of published volumes of plays
BOX oversize: 84 These Things Are Mine, press reviews
Suffrage and feminism
BOX oversize: 85 Eightieth birthday letters, 1960
Vol. 1
BOX oversize: 86 Vols. 2 and 3
BOX oversize: 87 Playbills
BOX 88-93 Addition, 1879-1970
Letters received from and copies of letters sent to family members, friends and associates, printed matter, financial records, newspaper clippings, literary typescripts, and notebooks.
Arranged according to the series in the main body of the papers, including family correspondence, general correspondence, business correspondence, subject file, and miscellany.
BOX 88 Family correspondence
Dunphy, Edwin B. and Virginia
La Follette, Bronson
La Follette, Fola
Letters from George Middleton to his wife, Fola La Follette
Middleton, David and Nadea, and family
Middleton, Ida Blakeslee
Middleton, Scudder
Other members of the Middleton and La Follette families
Sucher, Robert La Follette
General correspondence
Subject file
Annuity, hospitalization, and retirement
Authors League of America
(2 vols.)
BOX 89 1962-1967 (6 vols).
BOX 90 Copyright legislation
Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
Dramatists Guild
Policies and payments
La Follette, Rachel Young, last will and testament
Library of Congress
National Cyclopedia of American Biography
The Players
BOX 91 "Statement Concerning Administration of Copyright Interests Vested by the Office of Alien Property"
Federal tax returns
State and local tax returns
Will and testament
Speeches and writings
Book reviews
Contract, Adam and Eva
Copyright information
Correspondence, 1924-1969, undated
Promotional literature
BOX 92 Diana Does It, play
"The Middle Roads and Other Poems"
"A Prisoner of Fame," unpublished novel (typescript)
"Rhapsody and Other Poems"
Short pieces
Bank savings book
Bills and receipts
Biographical notes and sketches
Brieux, Eugene, handwritten copy of play "L'Avocat"
Cards and invitations
Death certificate
Marriage certificates
BOX 93 Newspaper clippings
Printed matter
(2 vols.)

Contents List