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George Middleton papers, 1872-1970

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Literary Manuscripts, 1874-1963 (continued)
"The Rough Riders"
BOX 55 "Cavour," correspondence
"Lord Loveland Discovers America," contract
"Parson Kelly"
"Up Rose Emily"
"The World's Desire," typescript and contract
BOX 56 Belasco adaptations and unpublished typescripts
"The Desert"
"The Other Rose"
"She Finds Her Place"
"Vera Baghdad," French text and articles
BOX 57 Typescripts of produced plays and agreements or production contracts
Hit-the-Trail Holliday
Contract with George M. Cohan and copy of play as produced
Correspondence with Driscoll and Paul O'Brien concerning rights
The Road Together
Contract, programs, and correspondence
Typescript as produced
The Sinner, text, contracts, and correspondence
What'll You Have
A Wife's Strategy, contract and text
BOX 58 Working scripts
Political play
"A Man Who . . .," scenario and notes
1935 version
Final draft
"Inside Out"
1937 version, "Dark Corners," original revised script
1944, third revision
BOX 59 1945 version and revision
(2 folders)
1954 version, "Turnabout"
1955 version before final typing
1962 version, revisions
1963 version See Container 64, Final copyrighted scripts, "Turnabout"
BOX 60 Industrial play
"Glass Pockets," scenario and notes
First draft
Final version
1936 revision
1936-1939 versions
1938 version, "Little Men Jumping"
1939 revision
BOX 61 1945 revision, "She Knew Her Man," original manuscript
1948 version, typescript and manuscript
(2 folders)
Final revisions, "Her Great Man"
Final typescript See Container 64, Final copyrighted scripts, "Her Great Man"
BOX 62 "High Places"
Research material
(2 folders)
Original manuscript of play, 1937
Revised version, 1937
Final typed version, 1937
Final version
BOX 63 Comedy
"When Ships Come In," production contracts and pictures of sets for play
First version
Second version, "The Golden Chariot"
Typescript, "No Lady Would"
1959 version, "Somebody Else"
Final typed version See Container 64, Final copyrighted scripts, "Somebody Else"
BOX 64 Final copyrighted scripts
"Her Great Man"
"Somebody Else"
BOX 65 Novel, "A Prisoner of Fame," unpublished manuscript and carbon copy
BOX 66 Juvenilia
College themes, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1900-1901
Fiction and short sketches
Poems, sketches, and dialogues, some before 1900
Stories, experiments, and dialogues
Stories, some published in college papers
Stories and essays, 1894
BOX 67 Articles, lectures, stories, and book reviews
Articles on theatre
Federal Theatre Project, cavalcade of the theatre, 1938
Professional authorship
Book, proposed
Correspondence and related material
Publication of plays, lectures, and articles, notes
Speeches and lectures
Founder's night address, the Players, 1956
Lecture tour, Bermuda and Nassau, Bahamas
Theatre lectures, includes program and correspondence
Speaking engagements, correspondence and contracts
Washington activities, Elmer Davis, articles
Women, feminism, and suffrage, articles, notes, speeches, Cooper Union
BOX 68 Book reviews and articles published in The Bookman
Political material, Senate scenes
Review of play at London School, 1954
"Snap Shots," La Follette's Weekly, 1912-1929
Columbia Literary Magazine, 1901-1903
(3 folders)
Published in magazines
"Stage Struck," original manuscript and text, 1917
BOX 69 Fox Film Corp. scripts
Films under contract in 1916
"The Great Star"
"The Little Fellow," synoposis
"A Wife's Strategy"
"In the Dark," synopsis
Synopsis of photoplay
"A Woman's Honor," 1931
BOX 70 "Behind That Curtain," 1929
"Crazy That Way," 1930
"Double Cross Roads," 1930
"Nix on Dames," 1929
"On Your Back," 1930
"Once a Sinner," 1930
"Play Called Life," 1930
"Seven Faces," 1929
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