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Association of Research Libraries records, 1932-1981

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General Records, 1932-1979 (continued)
BOX 36 Advisory Committee, 1934-1961
BOX 37 Meetings
BOX 37 1934-1943
BOX 38 1944-1954
BOX 39 1955-1961
BOX 40 Legislation
BOX 40 Legislative matters
BOX 40 Foreign Agents Registration Act
BOX 40 Congressional hearings
BOX 40 H.R. 6, Walter's bill
BOX 40 H.R. 7927
BOX 40 H.R. 8900, conference report, academic bill
BOX 40 H.R. 11823
BOX 40 S. 1726
BOX 41 Farmington Plan
BOX 41 Advisory Committee meeting, 1961
BOX 41 General
BOX 41 Handbook
BOX 41 Newsletter
BOX 41 Chronological file
BOX 41 1959, Sept.
BOX 42 1949-1959
BOX 43 1947-1948
BOX 43 Farmington proposal
BOX 43 Princeton meeting, 1959
BOX 43 Council on Library Resources grant, 1959
BOX 44 Joint Committee on African Resources
BOX 44 Sub-Committees
BOX 44 Africa
BOX 44 Far Eastern resources
BOX 44 Latin American resources
BOX 44 Near and Middle Eastern resources
BOX 44 Slavic and East European library material, 1959
BOX 44 Slavic studies, 1958
BOX 44 South Asia
BOX 44 Western European library materials
BOX 45-63 Administrative File, 1948-1980
Board of directors materials, financial documents, general correspondence, papers of association presidents, executive directors, and executive secretaries, and other office records.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 45 Assistant director candidates, 1971-1973
Board of directors
BOX 45 Correspondence, general, 1964-1972
(4 folders)
BOX 45 Expenses, 1967-1973
(3 folders)
BOX 46 Mailings, 1969-1971
BOX 46 Meeting agenda, 1969-1977
(7 folders)
BOX 47 Meeting agenda, 1977-1979
(8 folders)
BOX 47 Minutes, 1965-1976
(3 folders)
BOX 48 Minutes, 1977-1979
BOX 48 Subcommittee on future ARL meetings, 1969-1972
BOX 48 Budget, 1965-1973
BOX 48 Bylaws, 1962-1977
BOX 48 Central Deliver Service, 1972-1973
BOX 48 City Duplicating Service, 1973-1977
Frase, Robert W., 1973-1974
BOX 48 1948-1952
(2 folders)
BOX 49 1958-Oct. 1964
(12 folders)
BOX 50 Nov. 1964-June 1965
(10 folders)
BOX 51 July 1965-Apr. 1966
(13 folders)
BOX 52 May-Nov. 1966
(12 folders)
BOX 53 Dec. 1966-June 1967
(13 folders)
BOX 54 July 1967-Jan. 1968
(11 folders)
BOX 55 Feb.-June 1968
(10 folders)
BOX 56 July 1968-Dec. 1969
(12 folders)
BOX 57 Jan.-Nov. 1970
(11 folders)
BOX 58 Dec. 1970-Dec. 1974
(12 folders)
BOX 59 1975-1976
(6 folders)
BOX 59 Gull, Cloyd Dake, 1968-1974
BOX 59 H.W. Wilson Company, 1971-1972
BOX 59 Jackson, Sydney L., 1970
BOX 59 Lingenberg, Walter, 1972-1973
BOX 59 Mason, Thomas R., 1968-1972
BOX 59 McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968-1971
BOX 59 Metcalf, Keyes D., 1974-1980
BOX 59 Minutes, 1969-1976
BOX 59 Newsletter, 1968-1979
BOX 59 Spurr Books, 1970-1971
BOX 60 Ellection ballots, 1974
BOX 60 Equal employment, 1972-1973
Executive Directors
BOX 60 Cameron, Donald F., 1968-1973
BOX 60 McCarthy, Stephen A., 1974
BOX 60 Executive secretary, 1962-1967
(2 folders)
BOX 60 Expenses, miscellaneous, 1967
BOX 60 Financial statement reports, 1965-1972
BOX 60 First Federal Savings and Loan Association, 1973
BOX 60 Greenwood Press, 1971-1974
BOX 60 Group hospitalization, 1971-1972
BOX 60 Insurance bond, 1964-1974
BOX 60 International visits, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 61 International visits, 1975-1979
(3 folders)
BOX 61 Martin, Louis E., Associate Executive Director, 1968-1969
(2 folders)
BOX 61 Meeting minutes subject index (1955-1969), 1970
BOX 61 Newsletter questionnaire responses, 1980
BOX 61 Office procedures, 1969-1971
BOX 61 Payroll, 1970-1972
BOX 61 Payroll tax reports, 1970
BOX 61 Periodical subscriptions, 1970-1975
(2 folders)
BOX 61 Budington, William S., 1973
BOX 61 De Gennaro, Richard, 1975
BOX 62 Eaton, Andrew J., 1967-1969
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