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John Bigelow papers, 1492-1936

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Series I, 1775-1934 (continued)
British empire
British constitution
BOX 34 British policy
Canada and U.S.
Canadian government
Disarmament on the Great Lakes
French and others in Mexico
Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean passage
St. Lawrence Seaway
BOX 35 1846-1898
Mexico and U.S., 1849, 1890
(2 folders)
Church and state, Mexico
Texas and U.S., 1899
BOX 36 Church and state
Clippings, circa 1930-circa 1931
Pamphlets, circa 1900-circa 1901
International law, 1909-1910
(2 folders)
International right
Roman Catholic doctrines
BOX 37 America before Columbus
Bigelow, John (1817-1911), diary abstract regarding Panama, 1886-1911
Exploration and discovery
Greece, Italy, Spain, and Arabia
Naval architecture
Neutral rights at sea
Ribero, Diego (died 1533)
Spain, law and government
Tidal and upland waters
BOX 38 Anthropology
European waterways
Maritime history and insurance
Suez Canal (Egypt), neutralization, 1854-1906
United States inland waterways, 1807-1921
BOX 39 Le Canal de Suez, bulletin, 1922
Clédat, Jean, pamphlets on Suez Canal, 1909-1924
Interoceanic Canal, 1892-1897
Isthmian Canal Commission, 1906
Suez Canal (Egypt), various notes and pamphlets
BOX 40 Canals, navigation, and irrigation, 1886-1908
Nicaraguan Canal, 1887-1889, 1902-1932
Tehuantepec Canal, 1869-circa 1884
BOX 41 Caribbean Sea, 1875-circa 1934
Nicaragua, 1840-1859
Nicaraguan Canal, 1929
BOX 42 Colombia, reparation
I, circa 1903-1915
II, 1916-circa 1921
"Interoceanic Ship Canal Discussion,"American Geographic Society Bulletin, 1879
Panama, 1903-1924
(2 folders)
Polar exploration
Travels and voyages
BOX 43 Atlantic and Pacific Canal Co.
Choice of route, 1879-1893
Junction of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, 1839-1843
Menocal route (prism)
Isthmian Canal Commission, minutes, 1905
Panama Canal, 1905-1909
BOX 44 Canal Inter-Océanique par le Nicaragua, 1875, 1879
Clipping, 1885
Les États-Unis et le Canal Interocéanique, 1904-1905
Nicaragua, 1860-1886
Nicaraguan Canal, 1899-1901
(3 folders)
Senate hearings on S. 428, 1910
(2 folders)
Tehuantepec Canal, 1857, 1885-1913
BOX 45 Nicaragua, 1892-1894
Nicaraguan Canal
Board of Engineers, 1895
Cost, 1898
General, 1888-1891
Hydrography, 1898
General, 1879-1884
Pamphlets and clippings, 1915, 1926
San Blas Coast, 1857-1858
BOX 46 Annuaire des Valeurs Admises à la Cote Officielle, 1926-1927
Diplomatic History of the Panama Canal, 1914
"Historical notes relative to the Universal Interoceanic Canal Company (1880-1894) until the organization of the new Company"
House of Representatives hearings, 1899
"Memorial of Wm. H. Aspinwall, John L. Stephens, and Henry Chauncey in Reference to the Construction of a Railroad Across the Isthmus of Panama," 1848
Panama, 1899
Panama Canal, 1878-1894
Choice of route, 1902
(2 folders)
BOX 47 (1 folder)
"El Canal de Panama en 1886," Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid, 1887
Colombia, separation, circa 1903-circa 1916
General Ulysses S. Grant and the Panama Canal, 1879
Panama, 1885-1886, 1904-1911
(5 vols.)
BOX 48 Interoceanic Canal, Panama, 1885-1886
Johnson, Emory R., Panama Traffic and Tolls, statement, 1912
Panama, 1850-1880, 1898, 1906
(3 vols.)
Panama Canal, 1912-1913
The Panama Canal and Our Relations with Colombia, 1914
Panama Canal tolls, 1931
Political Relations of the United States of America and the Republic of Columbia [sic] to the Panama Canal, under the Treaty of 1846-8, and the Concessions to the New Panama Canal Company, undated
Special Message of the President of the United States concerning the Panama Canal, 1906
Taylor, Hannis, Why the Pending Treaty with Colombia Should Be Ratified, 1914
BOX 49 Pan America, 1911-1916
United States history
Miscellaneous, 1822-1934
Monroe Doctrine
United States revolution
Vol. I
BOX 50 Vol. II
Civil War
Expansion-U.S., Louisiana
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