| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Series I, 1775-1934
(continued) |
Polar exploration |
Proto-America |
Travels and voyages |
BOX 43 |
Atlantic and Pacific Canal Co. |
Choice of route, 1879-1893
Junction of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,
Menocal route (prism) |
Isthmian Canal Commission, minutes,
Panama Canal, 1905-1909
BOX 44 |
Canal Inter-Océanique par le Nicaragua, 1875, 1879
Clipping, 1885
Les États-Unis et le Canal Interocéanique, 1904-1905
Nicaragua, 1860-1886
Nicaraguan Canal, 1899-1901
(3 folders) |
Senate hearings on S. 428, 1910
(2 folders) |
Tehuantepec Canal, 1857, 1885-1913
BOX 45 |
Nicaragua, 1892-1894
Nicaraguan Canal |
Board of Engineers, 1895
Cost, 1898
General, 1888-1891
Hydrography, 1898
Report |
Panama |
General, 1879-1884
Pamphlets and clippings, 1915,
San Blas Coast, 1857-1858
BOX 46 |
Annuaire des Valeurs Admises à la Cote Officielle, 1926-1927
Diplomatic History of the Panama Canal, 1914
"Historical notes relative to the Universal
Interoceanic Canal Company (1880-1894) until the organization of the new
Company" |
House of Representatives hearings,
"Memorial of Wm. H. Aspinwall, John L. Stephens,
and Henry Chauncey in Reference to the Construction of a Railroad Across the
Isthmus of Panama," 1848
Panama, 1899
Panama Canal, 1878-1894
Choice of route, 1902
(2 folders) |
BOX 47 |
(1 folder) |
"El Canal de Panama en 1886," Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid, 1887
Colombia, separation, circa 1903-circa
General Ulysses S. Grant and the Panama Canal,
Miscellany |
Panama, 1885-1886, 1904-1911
(5 vols.) |
BOX 48 |
Interoceanic Canal, Panama,
Johnson, Emory R., Panama Traffic and Tolls, statement, 1912
Panama, 1850-1880, 1898, 1906
(3 vols.) |
Panama Canal, 1912-1913
The Panama Canal and Our Relations with Colombia, 1914
Panama Canal tolls, 1931
Political Relations of the United States of America and the Republic of Columbia [sic] to the Panama Canal, under the Treaty of 1846-8, and the Concessions to the New Panama Canal Company, undated |
Special Message of the President of the United States concerning the Panama Canal, 1906
Taylor, Hannis, Why the Pending Treaty with Colombia Should Be Ratified, 1914
BOX 49 |
Pan America, 1911-1916
United States history |
Colonial |
Miscellaneous, 1822-1934
Monroe Doctrine |
United States revolution |
Vol. I |
BOX 50 |
Vol. II |
Civil War |
Expansion-U.S., Louisiana |
Party doctrines, 1896-1920
United States and Great Britain |
United States Constitution |
Article I |
Article II |
Clippings |
Pamphlets |
BOX 51 |
Bryce, James, The Predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville, 1887
Expansion-U.S., Texas |
Monroe Doctrine |
Prohibition and the U.S. Constitution |
(2 vols.) |
Smith-Marshall question (Roman Catholicism and
politics) |
United States foreign policy |
Vol. I |
BOX 52 |
Vol. II |
Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, 1863, 1898, 1902
Panama Canal, Congressional Record, 1913-1914, 1921
(2 folders) |
BOX 53 |
Miscellaneous clippings, pamphlets, and printed
matter |
BOX 54-65 |
Series II, 1492-1914
Correspondence, research notes, photostatic copies of manuscripts from various
archives throughout Europe, manuscripts of books and articles, card files, maps,
clippings, and printed matter. |
Arranged as received |
BOX 54 |
The Campaign at Chancellorsville, correspondence and notes, circa 1906-circa 1912
(4 folders) |
Franco-German War (1870-1871)
Laws of war |
"The Russo-German War: A Military Sketch,"
World peace |
BOX 55 |
World War I |
A-G |
(3 folders) |
BOX 56 |
I-R |
(5 folders) |
BOX 57 |
S-W |
(4 folders) |
BOX 58 |
"How Theodore Roosevelt Took Panama," manuscript
and notes |
"The So-called Bartholomew Columbus Map of
1506," background information, circa 1492-circa 1538
Central America |
BOX 59 |
Name origin of America |
BOX 60 |
"Suez Canal-Panama Canal," manuscript and
appendix |
(2 folders) |
BOX 61 |
Alphabetical file |
BOX 62 |
"Alabama Claims," manuscript and
notes |
Correspondence, 1862-1865
"Naval Scouting, 1903-1904," manuscript and
notes |
Notebook of editorial corrections |
Tyler, Julia Gardiner, "Reply to the Duchess of
Sutherland and the Ladies of England," 1853, Jan. 24 (handwritten
copy) |
BOX 63 |
Alphabetical file, "General" (E-S) |
International law, alphabetical file |
Nicaraguan Canal Commission, correspondence,
BOX 64 |
Card file |
Early history of civilization and Panama
Canal |
BOX 65 |
Canals |
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