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Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1908-1971 (continued)
BOX I:343-379 Speeches, Lectures, and Addresses, 1924-1971
Handwritten and typewritten drafts and printed copies, correspondence, notes, outlines, research material, printed matter, and miscellany.
Speeches cited individually are organized chronologically and contain a variety of material. Drafts and printed copies of other speeches, as well as notes and outlines, correspondence, and miscellany are arranged separately and organized chronologically within each type of material.
BOX I:343 1927
Aug. 14, Chautauqua Association, Rockville, Ind.
Nov. 6, Address to YMCA of Washington, D.C.
Apr. 6, "On the Crime Situation in Ohio," Chamber of Commerce, Columbus, Ohio
May 30, Masonic memorial service, Pikeville, Ky.
July 29-Aug. 5, Loar Independence Chautauqua Co., Bloomington, Ill.
June 14, YMCA meeting, Lake Geneva, N.Y.
Oct. 2, Dedication of Yale Law School buildings, New Haven, Conn.
Undated, "Sulgrave Manor," Garfield School
1932, "City Manager Plan" meetings sponsored by Committee of One Thousand, New York, N.Y.
BOX I:344 1933
May 2, "Is the Conduct of Business for Private Profit Consistent with Christian Principles?" debate, Church Club of Chicago, Ill.
Sept., Church school class lectures, Christ Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
Mar. 13, "Capitalism," Glendale Forum, Glendale, Ohio
Apr. 29-30, League of Women Voters, Minneapolis, Minn.
June 13, Awarding of honorary degree, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
July 4, "County Government Reform in Ohio," Institute of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
Jan. 19, "Are Political Spoils Practices Inevitable?" National Republican Club, New York, N.Y.
Sept. 20, Good Government Association, Erie, Pa.
Oct. 6, Ohio History Day, Circleville, Ohio
Oct. 27, Christian Association, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.
Oct. 27, Regional Conference, Diocese of Harrisburg, Pa.
Dec. 6-7, Young Republican Clubs Convention, Topeka, Kans.
Jan. 6, Community Fund Campaign, Boston, Mass.
March, Southern States YMCA tour
BOX I:345 Apr. 17, Lamont lecture, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
May 15, Republican National Convention, keynote address, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Sept. 23, "The Labor Question," New York Herald Tribune Forum, New York, N.Y.
Oct. 24, League of Women Voters, Cincinnati, Ohio
Feb. 13, Lincoln Club banquet, Jackson, Mich.
Apr. 22, "Wise Men or Fools?" Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C.
May 25, Conference on Social Work, Indianapolis, Ind.
June 14, Commencement address, Denison University, Granville, Ohio
June 21, "Does Democracy Mean Anything?" commencement address, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
Sept. 13, Radio address for the Daughters of the American Revolution over station WASI, Glendale, Ohio
Sept. 18, "Thinking vs. Swearing in Labor Relations," State Bar of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
BOX I:346 Dec. 11, Associated Women of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chicago, Ill.
Jan. 10, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, New York, N.Y.
Jan. 14, National Social Work Council, New York, N.Y.
Feb. 1, Council of Social Agencies, Chicago, Ill.
Aug. 5, Republican Program Committee, summer conference, Chicago, Ill.
Oct. 13, "The Problem of the Slum Dweller," National Association of Housing Officials, Washington, D.C.
Oct. 20-23, Minneapolis, Minn., tour
Nov. 3, Republican meeting, Salem, Ill.
Nov. 29, National Interracial Conference of Churchmen, Chicago, Ill.
Feb., E.T. Earl lectures, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, Calif.
Dec. 10, Radio address over station WKRC, Cincinnati, Ohio
Undated, Community Mobilization for Human Needs, 1937-1939
1940, Kansas speech tour
BOX I:347 1941, Jan.-Mar., lectures, Methodist School of Christian Living, Cincinnati, Ohio
Feb. 27, Community Fund, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dec. 10, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C.
Jan. 3, "Problems of Post-War Air Transport," United Nations Forum, Washington, D.C.
Jan. 9, Lawrenceville School Forum, Lawrenceville, N..J.
Jan. 22, "The State Department Speaks," radio discussion
Mar. 17, Charitable Irish Society, Boston, Mass.
Apr. 9, "Foreign Trade," radio broadcast over station WKRC, Cincinnati, Ohio
May 17, League of Women Voters, Indianapolis, Ind.
June 8 "100th Anniversary of the YMCA," Washington, D.C.
July 17, Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs convention, New York, N.Y.
Sept. 12, "Economic and Social Problems of the Conversion and Post-War Periods," Chamber of Commerce, Akron, Ohio
Oct. 10, Wartime Export Forum, National Foreign Trade convention, New York, N.Y.
Oct. 17, "The Spiritual Foundations of International Economic Affairs," the Synod of New York of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Oct. 30, Radio interview over station WFMD, Montgomery County, Md.
Oct., "The Real Story of Lend-Lease," radio broadcast for World Wide Broadcasting Foundation, New York, N.Y.
Nov. 12, "Larger Living in a Smaller World," Y.M.C.A. radio broadcast over station WTOP, Washington, D.C.
BOX I:348 Nov. 14, Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, Calif.
Nov. 15, Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Calif.
Nov. 16, "The Spiritual Foundations of International Economic Affairs," Council of Churches, Denver, Colo.
Nov., West Coast tour
Dec. 4, "A World of Justice and of Order," Business and Professional Women's Club, Richmond, Va.
Jan. 26, Inter-Mountain Mining and Economic Association, Denver, Colo.
Feb. 26, Presbyterian Social Union, Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb. 27, "Relief Organizations," Potomac Cooperative Federation, Washington, D.C.
Mar. 17, "What about the Liberated Areas?" radio discussion broadcast by National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (NBC)
Mar., West Coast tour
Apr. 15, "The World Front," radio discussion
Apr. 25, United Americans for the United Nations, national rally, Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y.
BOX I:349 May 19, National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colo.
May 22, Chamber of Commerce, Newburgh, N.Y.
May 23, Economic Club, New York, N.Y.
May 24, Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Trade Committee and New England Export Club, Boston, Mass.
June 6, France Forever meeting, Washington, D.C.
June 9, League of Women Voters and Foreign Policy Association, Cincinnati, Ohio
June 12, Peace Council, Bridgeport, Conn.
Nov. 7, Ohio Bankers Association, Middletown, Ohio
Nov. 20, Forum and Iowa Farm Bureau Federation annual convention, Des Moines, Iowa
Dec. 19, American Farm Bureau Association, Chicago, Ill.
Feb. 12, Address on British loan, Memphis, Tenn.
Feb., "Reconversion and Unemployment--Where Are the 60,000,000 Jobs?" Palm Beach, Fla.
Apr. 3, Good Government Group, Knoxville, Tenn.
Mar.-Apr., World Council of Churches speaking tour
Sept. 11, Dinner of evangelical societies in honor of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sept. 22, "The World Front," radio discussion
Sept. 26, "Should There Be Any Further Limits on the Right to Strike?" Town Hall Meeting of the Air, radio discussion
Oct. 15, "How Can the World Pay for the Food It Needs?" American Dietetic Association, Cincinnati, Ohio
Dec. 6, Federal Council of Churches, Seattle, Wash.
Jan. 5, Radio discussion over station WJR, Detroit, Mich.
Jan. 22., Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn.
BOX I:350 Jan. 27, Radio broadcast over CBS for the United Christian Youth Movement
Jan. 29, Meeting of Ohio Pastors, Columbus, Ohio
Feb. 2, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Atlantic City, N.J.
Feb. 12, Omaha-Douglas County Republican Women's Club
Omaha, Nebr.
Feb. 13, Worcester Economic Club, Worcester, Mass.
Feb. 16, "Community Services," Lima Open Forum, Lima
Mar. 24-27, "What Is the Job of the Churches?" University Club, New York, N.Y.; Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga
Apr. 3., Radio broadcast over CBS
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