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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1908-1971 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Articles, 1908-1964 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX I:380 | Sherwood Eddy tour | ||||||||||||
Nov. | |||||||||||||
Statement, Jewish Advocate | |||||||||||||
"The College Hill Murder," unpublished | |||||||||||||
1932, Mar., "Education and Depression," Bulletin of the Association of American Colleges | |||||||||||||
1930, Dec., Book review of Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule, 1916 to 1930 by Joseph D. McGoldrick, Columbia Law Review | |||||||||||||
1934, "The City Manager Plan," The World Today | |||||||||||||
1935, Jan. 2, Book review of Municipal Administration by William B. Munro, and The City-Manager Profession by Clarence E. Ridley and Orin Nolting, Columbia Law Review | |||||||||||||
1936 | |||||||||||||
Jan. 9, "Why I'm for the Church," The Witness | |||||||||||||
Apr., Book review of City Government by Daniel W. Hoan, Saturday Review | |||||||||||||
July, "Fighting the Spoils System," Review of Reviews | |||||||||||||
Sept. 23, "I Vote for Landon!" Christian Century | |||||||||||||
Oct. 21, "Has the New Deal Aided Recovery?— No" Christian Science Monitor Weekly Magazine | |||||||||||||
Oct., "A President's Son Remarks," Illinois Voter | |||||||||||||
Nov., "A Landon Liberal," Forum | |||||||||||||
1937 | |||||||||||||
Feb., "Why I'm for the Church," Christian Century Pulpit | |||||||||||||
Apr. 7, Book review of Ultimate Power by Morris Ernst, Illinois Law Review | |||||||||||||
Apr. 10, "More Than This Would Be Revolution," Saturday Evening Post | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
BOX I:381 | Drafts, notes, and printed matter | ||||||||||||
July 10, "Neutrality," The Living Church | |||||||||||||
Oct. 30, "What Democracy Means To Me–II," Scholastic | |||||||||||||
Nov. 3, Article, Young Republican | |||||||||||||
Nov. 30 | |||||||||||||
Statement, Optimist International Magazine | |||||||||||||
Book review of Proportional Representation by George Hallett, National Municipal Review | |||||||||||||
1938 | |||||||||||||
Jan., "A Message on Boys' Work," Optimist International. | |||||||||||||
July 28, YMCA article | |||||||||||||
1940 | |||||||||||||
Sept. 10, Unpublished article on public relief | |||||||||||||
Undated, Article on proportional representation, Saturday Evening Post | |||||||||||||
1941 | |||||||||||||
Jan. 1 | |||||||||||||
"A Christian Choice of Evils," Christian Century | |||||||||||||
"If America Enters the War–What Shall I Do?" Christian Century | |||||||||||||
Mar., "The Christian Basis of Democracy" | |||||||||||||
Undated, Article on USO, Saturday Evening Post | |||||||||||||
1944, Mar. 20, "Flow of Wartime Foreign Economic Affairs Coordinated and Expedited," Victory Bulletin | |||||||||||||
1945, Dec., "As I See It," Brooklyn Central | |||||||||||||
1946 | |||||||||||||
Jan., "What about the State Department" | |||||||||||||
May, Article on World Council of Churches, Forth | |||||||||||||
1947 | |||||||||||||
May, "Labor Sunday Message," for Federal Council of Churches | |||||||||||||
Undated, Article for Christendom | |||||||||||||
1948 | |||||||||||||
June, Article on democracy | |||||||||||||
Oct. 17, "Amsterdam in the News," The Living Church | |||||||||||||
Oct. 22, Associated Press statement on Reformation Sunday | |||||||||||||
BOX I:382 | Oct. 25, "How Man Lives under Capitalist, Socialist, and Communist Economics," Information Please Almanac | ||||||||||||
Undated, Book review of Memoirs by Cordell Hull, Virginia Quarterly Review | |||||||||||||
1952, Nov. 28, Article, Yale News commemorative volume | |||||||||||||
1953, Feb. 3, "Is There a Religious Revival?" | |||||||||||||
1954, Feb., Book review of The City of Man by Christopher Tunnard | |||||||||||||
1955 | |||||||||||||
Feb., "The Familiar Men of 1980," Fortune | |||||||||||||
Apr. 16, Book review of The Revolution in World Trade by Samuel Lubell, Saturday Review | |||||||||||||
Undated, untitled | |||||||||||||
1956 | |||||||||||||
Apr., Article, Social Action | |||||||||||||
June 20, "The Meaning and Significance of the Labor Sunday Message," International Lesson Annual | |||||||||||||
Oct. 25, Statement, International Exchange News | |||||||||||||
Nov. 19, Book review, The Challenge To American Life by Andrew S. Berky in The Annals | |||||||||||||
1957 | |||||||||||||
May, "The More the Nations Trade the Less the Risk of War," Rotarian | |||||||||||||
July, "Christian Thinking and Expression about Issues of Citizenship," Adult Student | |||||||||||||
Nov. 15, "100th Birthday of William Howard Taft," unpublished | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
"Are We Overorganized?" Kiwanis Magazine | |||||||||||||
Statement, The Living Church | |||||||||||||
1958 | |||||||||||||
Apr. 8, Article, Women's City Club edition of the Cincinnati Post | |||||||||||||
May, Preface to Marketing in Latin America Today by Frank M. Dunbaugh | |||||||||||||
1959 | |||||||||||||
Aug., Coverage of annual meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, The Living Church | |||||||||||||
Oct., "We Laymen Have a Charge To Keep," Together | |||||||||||||
1960, Jan., Article, New York Times | |||||||||||||
Undated, "Christianity and Politics" | |||||||||||||
Printed copies and typescripts | |||||||||||||
1908-1942 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I:383 | 1943-1964, undated | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
Letters to the editor | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
1922-1961 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX I:384-386 | Books, 1933-1963 | ||||||||||||
Drafts of publications, correspondence, notes and research material, outlines and miscellany. | |||||||||||||
Arranged under title of publication and chronologically thereunder where possible. Includes separate files of correspondence and related material grouped by publisher. | |||||||||||||
BOX I:384 | Book on State Department, unpublished, 1948 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Drafts | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Notes and research material | |||||||||||||
Outline and unidentified drafts | |||||||||||||
City Management, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Mar.-Dec. 1933 | |||||||||||||
BOX I:385 | Jan. 1934-June 1939 | ||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Typescripts and notes | |||||||||||||
Social Studies, William McAndrew, editor, 1935 | |||||||||||||
You and I– and Roosevelt, 1936 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
Drafts and typescripts | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Research material | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX I:386 | Research material | ||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
Houghton Mifflin Co. | |||||||||||||
Farrar, Straus and Co. | |||||||||||||
Administration and finances | |||||||||||||
Book contracts | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1934-1963 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
Minutes of board meetings | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Royalty statements | |||||||||||||
Proposal for book | |||||||||||||
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