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Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1908-1971 (continued)
Articles, 1908-1964 (continued)
BOX I:380 Sherwood Eddy tour
Statement, Jewish Advocate
"The College Hill Murder," unpublished
1932, Mar., "Education and Depression," Bulletin of the Association of American Colleges
1930, Dec., Book review of Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule, 1916 to 1930 by Joseph D. McGoldrick, Columbia Law Review
1934, "The City Manager Plan," The World Today
1935, Jan. 2, Book review of Municipal Administration by William B. Munro, and The City-Manager Profession by Clarence E. Ridley and Orin Nolting, Columbia Law Review
Jan. 9, "Why I'm for the Church," The Witness
Apr., Book review of City Government by Daniel W. Hoan, Saturday Review
July, "Fighting the Spoils System," Review of Reviews
Sept. 23, "I Vote for Landon!" Christian Century
Oct. 21, "Has the New Deal Aided Recovery?— No" Christian Science Monitor Weekly Magazine
Oct., "A President's Son Remarks," Illinois Voter
Nov., "A Landon Liberal," Forum
Feb., "Why I'm for the Church," Christian Century Pulpit
Apr. 7, Book review of Ultimate Power by Morris Ernst, Illinois Law Review
Apr. 10, "More Than This Would Be Revolution," Saturday Evening Post
BOX I:381 Drafts, notes, and printed matter
July 10, "Neutrality," The Living Church
Oct. 30, "What Democracy Means To Me–II," Scholastic
Nov. 3, Article, Young Republican
Nov. 30
Statement, Optimist International Magazine
Book review of Proportional Representation by George Hallett, National Municipal Review
Jan., "A Message on Boys' Work," Optimist International.
July 28, YMCA article
Sept. 10, Unpublished article on public relief
Undated, Article on proportional representation, Saturday Evening Post
Jan. 1
"A Christian Choice of Evils," Christian Century
"If America Enters the War–What Shall I Do?" Christian Century
Mar., "The Christian Basis of Democracy"
Undated, Article on USO, Saturday Evening Post
1944, Mar. 20, "Flow of Wartime Foreign Economic Affairs Coordinated and Expedited," Victory Bulletin
1945, Dec., "As I See It," Brooklyn Central
Jan., "What about the State Department"
May, Article on World Council of Churches, Forth
May, "Labor Sunday Message," for Federal Council of Churches
Undated, Article for Christendom
June, Article on democracy
Oct. 17, "Amsterdam in the News," The Living Church
Oct. 22, Associated Press statement on Reformation Sunday
BOX I:382 Oct. 25, "How Man Lives under Capitalist, Socialist, and Communist Economics," Information Please Almanac
Undated, Book review of Memoirs by Cordell Hull, Virginia Quarterly Review
1952, Nov. 28, Article, Yale News commemorative volume
1953, Feb. 3, "Is There a Religious Revival?"
1954, Feb., Book review of The City of Man by Christopher Tunnard
Feb., "The Familiar Men of 1980," Fortune
Apr. 16, Book review of The Revolution in World Trade by Samuel Lubell, Saturday Review
Undated, untitled
Apr., Article, Social Action
June 20, "The Meaning and Significance of the Labor Sunday Message," International Lesson Annual
Oct. 25, Statement, International Exchange News
Nov. 19, Book review, The Challenge To American Life by Andrew S. Berky in The Annals
May, "The More the Nations Trade the Less the Risk of War," Rotarian
July, "Christian Thinking and Expression about Issues of Citizenship," Adult Student
Nov. 15, "100th Birthday of William Howard Taft," unpublished
"Are We Overorganized?" Kiwanis Magazine
Statement, The Living Church
Apr. 8, Article, Women's City Club edition of the Cincinnati Post
May, Preface to Marketing in Latin America Today by Frank M. Dunbaugh
Aug., Coverage of annual meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, The Living Church
Oct., "We Laymen Have a Charge To Keep," Together
1960, Jan., Article, New York Times
Undated, "Christianity and Politics"
Printed copies and typescripts
(2 folders)
BOX I:383 1943-1964, undated
(4 folders)
Letters to the editor
(2 folders)
BOX I:384-386 Books, 1933-1963
Drafts of publications, correspondence, notes and research material, outlines and miscellany.
Arranged under title of publication and chronologically thereunder where possible. Includes separate files of correspondence and related material grouped by publisher.
BOX I:384 Book on State Department, unpublished, 1948
(2 folders)
Notes and research material
Outline and unidentified drafts
City Management, 1933
Mar.-Dec. 1933
BOX I:385 Jan. 1934-June 1939
Typescripts and notes
Social Studies, William McAndrew, editor, 1935
You and I– and Roosevelt, 1936
Drafts and typescripts
Research material
(1 folder)
BOX I:386 Research material
(1 folder)
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Farrar, Straus and Co.
Administration and finances
Book contracts
Correspondence, 1934-1963
(3 folders)
Minutes of board meetings
Royalty statements
Proposal for book
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