The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles P. Taft papers, 1816-1983
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part II: Personal Office File, 1909-1983 (continued)
Ohio State Bar Association, 1957-1977
Ohio State Bar Convention, arbitration drama, 1959, undated
Ohio Valley Assembly, 1967, undated
People-to-People Partnership, White House Conference, 1956-1959, undated
BOX II:46 Peruvian Earthquake Voluntary Assistance Group, 1970
(2 folders)
National, 1959-1979, undated
Ohio, 1957-1980
Population Crisis Committee, 1965-1977
Population Policy Panel of the Hugh Moore Fund, 1963-1969
President's Committee for Hungarian Refugee Relief, 1956-1957, undated
"The Presidents' Children," television program, 1975
Press-radio Bible service, 1967-1981, undated
BOX II:47 Protestant Episcopal See Containers II:32-34, Episcopal Church
Religious, miscellaneous, 1955-1979, undated
(4 folders)
Robert A. Taft Institute of Government, 1965-1980
Robert A. Taft Memorial Foundation, 1958-1966
Rockefeller Brothers Theological Fellowship Program, 1956-1968
(2 folders)
BOX II:48 Republican National Finance Committee, 1960-1981, undated
Right-to-work legislation, repeal of 14-B, 1963-1966, undated
Ripon Society, 1971-1980, undated
Second Division Association, United States Army, 1956-1981, undated
Social work education study, 1948-1950. undated
Taft Broadcasting Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
General, 1972-1983
(2 folders)
Kings Mills, Ohio, Project, 1969
BOX II:49 Stock sale, 1972
Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1955-1975, undated
Taft School, Watertown, Conn.
Deferred Gifts Committee, 1977-1978
General, 1912, 1968-1981
(2 folders)
School drives, 1960-1966
Times-Star Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1959-1982
Twentieth Century Fund
Correspondence, 1971-1983
(3 folders)
BOX II:50 Financial statements, 1972-1976
Minutes of meetings, 1970-1976
(2 folders)
Special reports, 1953, 1972-1976
United Defense Fund, 1951-1955
United Jewish Appeal, 1947
United Nations Association of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1946-1969, undated
United Negro College Fund, Cincinnati Division, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1956-1968, undated
United Seaman Service, 1955-1957, undated
United States Chamber of Commerce, Committee on International Political and Social Problems, 1951
United States Committee for the United Nations, 1959-1960
BOX II:51 United States Council for an Open World Economy, 1962-1978, undated
United States Maritime Commission, Memorial Chapel Fund, 1949-1950, undated
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
College of Law
Municipal corporations course
Examinations, 1961-1972
General, 1963-1973
(2 folders)
Notes, 1963-1972, undated
Request to join faculty, 1960-1961
Conflict of interest re dual salaries, 1963
White House Conference on Aging, 1970-1972, undated
BOX II:52 White House Conference on National Economic Issues, 1962, undated
Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio, Career Development Program, 1977-1981, undated
Women's City Club of Cincinnati, Ohio, new quarters, 1966-1976, undated
World Council of Churches
Central Committee, 1948-1974
Department of Information, 1954-1965, undated
(2 folders)
European trip
Berlin, Germany, 1956-1957
Frankfurt, Germany, 1956-1957, undated
General, 1956-1960, undated
(2 folders)
Hamburg, Germany, 1956, undated
Munich, Germany, 1956
Nuernberg, Germany, 1956
Paris, France, 1956, undated
Stuttgart, Germany, 1956-1957, undated
BOX II:53 Friends of the World Council
General, 1962-1980, undated
(2 folders)
India trip, New Delhi, India, 1961-1962
United States Conference, 1954-1956
Visa cases
Fbrorsky, Georges, 1949
Frank, Alexi, 1949
Herman, Stewart W., Jr., 1947
Stramm, John S., 1947
Vasada, Bela, 1947
Wilson, Iain, 1948
Visa problems, general, 1947
World University Service, 1956-1970, undated
Yale University, New Haven, Conn. See also Container II:65, same heading
Alumni fund, special gifts, 1971-1973
Class of 1918, 1961-1983, undated
(2 folders)
Committee on Religious Education, 1955-1957
BOX II:54 General, 1961-1981
(3 folders)
Law school, Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1957-1960
Louis E. Voorheis Trust, 1972-1973
Presidency, 1949-1950, undated
Yale Basketball Association, 1970-1982, undated
Young Men's Christian Association, Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio
Fiftieth year membership, 1973, undated
General, 1955-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Investment Committee, 1961-1976, undated
BOX II:55-60 Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1857-1978
BOX II:55-56 Articles, 1949-1976
Typed, handwritten, and printed drafts of articles with related correspondence, outlines, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein by subject or title of article. Correspondence folders are arranged in reverse chronological order.
BOX II:55 Correspondence, general, 1960-1974
Drafts, outlines, and related material
Book reviews, 1961, 1966
"Ethical Challenges in Practical Politics"
Correspondence, 1960-1961
Drafts and outlines, 1960, undated
"The Familiar Men of 1980"
Correspondence, 1954-1957
Drafts and outlines, 1955, undated
Federal aid to local government, 1962
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