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Charles P. Taft papers, 1816-1983

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Part II: Miscellany, 1816-1971 (continued)
Taft, Peter, appointed assistant attorney general, Nov. 24, 1975
Printed matter
General, 1913, 1957-1961, undated
Religious, 1964, 1971, undated
Profiles, 1940-1963
6 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1961-1974
1071 Celestial Street, Apt. 2103, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1968-1974
16 Garden Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1952-1960
BOX II:64 Murray Bay house, Pointe-Au-Pic, Quebec, Canada, 1955-1973
(7 folders)
Publicity, 1968-1983
(2 folders)
301st Field Artillery, 1968
Taft School, Watertown, Conn., 1962-1967
Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings (photocopies)
June 1928-Dec. 1947
BOX II:65 May 1948-Dec. 1952
Mar. 1953-May 1957
June 1957-May 1962
June 1962-Feb. 1969
Speeches by others, 1959, undated
Testimonial dinner, National Municipal League, 1966
Treatise on Christian social ethics as applied to labor, politics, and social relationships, 1964
Trips See also Containers II:52-53, World Council of Churches
Idaho, safari, 1968, 1971
Idaho and Montana, safari, 1966
South Carolina, Hilton Head Island, 1973-1974
South Dakota, Great Bear Lodge, 1979
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., varsity athletic teams of 1917-1918, photocopies, undated
BOX III:1-11 Part III: Diaries, 1915-1983
Daily activity books kept by Taft throughout his life.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX III:1 1915-1947
(4 folders)
BOX III:2 1948-1952
(4 folders)
BOX III:3 1953-1958
(6 folders)
BOX III:4 1959-1960
(2 folders)
BOX III:5 1961-1962
(2 folders)
BOX III:6 1963-1965
(4 folders)
BOX III:7 1966-1969
(4 folders)
BOX III:8 1970-1973
BOX III:9 1974-1977
(4 folders)
BOX III:10 1978-1981
(4 folders)
BOX III:11 1982-1983
BOX III:11-12 Part III: General Correspondence, 1908-1957
Letters received by Charles P. Taft.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and in chronological order therein.
BOX III:11 Manning, Helen Taft, circa 1912-1925, 1953, 1957
(2 folders)
BOX III:11 Miscellany, 1908, 1914-1917
BOX III:11 Mischler, Wendall W., 1913-1917
BOX III:11 Taft, Charles Phelps, 1914, 1916
BOX III:11 Taft, Helen Herron, circa 1912-1918, 1931, 1936
(2 folders)
BOX III:12 Taft, Horace Dutton, 1914-1917
BOX III:12 Taft, Hubert, 1916
BOX III:12 Taft, Robert Alphonso, 1913-1917
BOX III:12 Taft, Walbridge Smith, 1916-1917
BOX III:12 Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1914-1918
(2 folders)
BOX III:12-14 Part III: Family Papers, 1911-2002
Letters exchanged between family members and miscellaneous items.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and chronologically therein.
BOX III:12 Chase, Dorothy, 1945, undated
BOX III:12 Chase, Elizabeth Irving, 1917, 1924
BOX III:12 Taft, Cynthia, 1934
Taft, Eleanor Chase
BOX III:12 Correspondence with "Anno Wee," 1931-1933
(2 folders)
BOX III:12 Correspondence with parents, circa 1911-1934
(1 folders)
BOX III:13 Correspondence with parents, circa 1911-1934
(2 folders)
BOX III:13 Miscellany, 1915, 1923-1925, 1929, 1935, 1958, undated
(2 folders)
BOX III:13 Notes, circa 1940
BOX III:13 School, 1911, 1928
BOX III:13 Taft, Eleanor Kellogg ("Nonie"), undated
BOX III:14 Taft, Lucia, 1926-1936
(2 folders)
BOX III:14 Taft, Rosalyn, 1930-1936
(2 folders)
BOX III:14 Taft, Seth, circa 1927-1933, 1961, 1983, 2002
(2 folders)
BOX III:14-18 Part III: Speeches and Writings, 1900-1981
Drafts and printed copies of unpublished autobiography and manuscript, correspondence, notes, outlines, research material, printed matter. Also includes articles, notebooks, and speeches.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX III:14 Articles by Charles P. Taft, 1948, 1952, 1959
BOX III:15 Autobiography
BOX III:15 Chapter drafts, circa 1980
(2 folders)
BOX III:15 Correspondence (Margaret Moe), 1969-1971
BOX III:15 Draft, circa 1980
(2 folders)
BOX III:15 Fragments, circa 1980
BOX III:15 News clippings, 1900, 1958-1972
BOX III:16 Notes, circa 1960-1970
(3 folders)
BOX III:16 Photographs, circa 1890, 1909, 1911, 1930, 1931, 1953
BOX III:16 Radio addresses, 1976-1981
(2 folders)
BOX III:17 Revised draft, circa 1980
BOX III:17 Manuscript ("The United States as a World Power"), 1969
(2 folders)
BOX III:17 Notebooks, 1925-1954
(3 folders)
BOX III:18 Notebooks, 1925-1954
(3 folders)
BOX III:18 Speeches, 1947, 1952
BOX III:18-24 Part III: Subject File, 1854-1980
Memoranda, notes, and printed matters covering a variety of topics.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX III:18 Bigelow, Irma, 1938
BOX III:18 Christmas cards, 1944-1945
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