The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles P. Taft papers, 1816-1983
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part I: Church Activities, 1930-1972 (continued)
1968, Uppsala, Sweden
Blaine estate trust
Brussels, Belgium, World's Fair, 1958
Central Committee
(3 folders)
BOX I:136 1958
(2 folders)
Central and Executive committees, 1951-1954
(2 folders)
Chao, T. C.
Church and society
Church World Service
Commission for World Council Service
BOX I:137 Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, 1947-1951
(2 folders)
Conference at Spittal, Austria, 1959
Conference of USA member churches
(3 folders)
BOX I:138 1953
Conference on Church and Society
1966, Geneva, N. Y.
1967, Detroit, Mich.
Conference on Faith and Order
1955, Oberlin, Ohio
1957, Oberlin, Ohio
1963, Montreal, Canada
Conference on "The Responsible Society in National and International Affairs"
Conscientious objectors
Constitution and bylaws
(2 folders)
BOX I:139 1949-1969
(8 folders)
Critics of WAC and NCC
Ecumenical Center, Geneva, Switzerland
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund
BOX I:140 Ecumenical Commission on European Cooperation
Ecumenical information
Ecumenical Institute
Ecumenical Press Service
European tour, 1956
Correspondence and travel arrangements
Printed matter and newspaper clippings
BOX I:141 Evangelism Department
Executive Committee/Central Committee
Executive Department, 1951-1968
(4 folders)
Geneva meeting, 1950
Geneva meeting, 1953; Frankfort meeting, 1954
Faith and Order Committee
Financial reports
Friends of the World Council of Churches
BOX I:142 1952-1968
(2 folders)
Geneva meetings, 1946
Newspaper clippings
Notes and reports
Incarceration of clergy
Information, Department of
(3 folders)
BOX I:143 Herrenalb meeting, 1956
Press and Broadcasting Committee
Institute for Ecumenical Studies
Interchurch aid and refugees
Interchurch Center
International Missionary Council
Jee, Kenneth
Joint Executive Committee
Kirchentag, 1956
Laymen's material
(2 folders)
BOX I:144 Miscellany
Printed matter
(4 folders)
Orthodox, Ohio churches
Oxford, Ohio, Conference, 1937
BOX I:145 Programs and printed matter
Provisional Committee
Correspondence, 1939-1946
(3 folders)
Memoranda and reports
Minutes of meetings
(2 folders)
BOX I:146 1943-1946
Public relations policy
Publicity, radio interviews and magazine articles
Race relations
Regional file
African churches
Czechoslovakian churches
East European churches
BOX I:147 Hungarian churches
Korean churches
Reports and studies, 1940-1942
"The Common Christian Responsibility Toward Areas of Rapid Social Change"
Marginal churches
Missionary travel diaries
(2 folders)
"Protestant Attitude Towards Communism"
"Religious Freedom in Face of Dominant Forces"
Wartime churches
Roman Catholic Church
St. Andrews Conference, 1960
BOX I:148 Reports
Trip to Paris, France
U.S. Conference for World Council of Churches, 1955-1958
(4 folders)
World Fellowship of Faiths
World Mission and Evangelism Commission
World outreach
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