| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Addition, 1811-1949
(continued) |
General Correspondence 1896-1931
(continued) |
Lodge, Henry Cabot
(1850-1924), 1923
See also Container 73, same heading
McCully, N. A., 1926-1927 |
McLean, John R. (brother), 1904,
1914-1915 |
Navy League of the United States, Women's
Section, 1915-1923, undated |
BOX 75 |
Others, 1899-1931, undated |
(7 folders) |
Poe, Elisabeth Ellicott, 1915-1923,
undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 76 |
Roosevelt, Alice
Lee, undated |
Roosevelt, Theodore,
See also Container 74, same heading
Thissal, H. D., 1916, undated |
Untermyer, Alvin, 1923-1930, undated |
(2 folders) |
Wilson, Woodrow, 1917 |
BOX 76-80 |
Estate File, 1811-1949
Correspondence, account statements, clippings, deeds, and legal documents. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically
thereunder. |
BOX 76 |
Adirondack, N.Y., property |
Bell, Frank L., 1927-1935,
undated |
Benedict, Farrand N.,
1934-1935 |
Chittenden, Henry T.,
1927-1928 |
Davis, John W. (1873-1955), 1928-1934,
undated |
Deeds and legal papers, 1811-1928,
undated |
Harrison, Walter J., 1927-1934 |
Snyder, David E., 1934-1935 |
Untermyer, Alvin, 1927-1928 |
Audubon, John James, drawings by,
1931-1933 |
Bills against Dewey estate, 1933 |
Bugher, Frederick McLean |
Bid for estate, 1947 |
Distribution received, 1926-1934,
undated |
Expenses, 1930-1933 |
BOX 77 |
Burial, 1925-1933 |
Business Economic Digest, 1931-1934 |
Clippings, 1928-1933, undated |
Dewey, George Goodwin |
Correspondence, 1924, undated |
Settlement with, 1932-1934 |
Trophies and relics, 1932 |
Estate sale, 1933-1934 |
General correspondence, 1926-1936,
undated |
Hartson, Nelson T., 1933-1943 |
Mausoleum, 1933 |
Miscellany, 1928-1934, undated |
McLean, Mary L., trusts |
No. I, 1916-1931, undated |
No. II, 1930-1931 |
Mortician, 1931-1933 |
National Mortgage and Investment Corp.,
1934-1940, undated |
BOX 78 |
National Savings and Trust Co. |
Account statements |
Set I, 1929-1931 |
Set II, 1932-1943, undated |
(3 folders) |
Set III, 1934-1941 |
Agreement with Mildred McLean Hazen Dewey,
1926 |
Bornet, David, 1931-1935,
undated |
Bugher, Frederick McLean,
1935-1936 |
BOX 79 |
General correspondence, 1933-1949 |
(4 folders) |
Miscellany, 1924-1945, undated |
Review of Dewey trust,
1935-1940 |
Ogilby, C. F. R., 1930-1936,
undated |
BOX 80 |
Personal property, 1925-1926,
undated |
Photography, 1927-1933 |
Real estate outside Washington, D.C.,
1933-1934 |
Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co.,
1916-1934 |
(2 folders) |
Security Storage Co., 1927-1939 |
Servants, 1931-1933 |
Untermyer, Alvin, 1924-1934 |
(3 folders) |
Untermyer, Eugene and Samuel,
1925-1934 |
Weissberger, Arnold, re statements of
witnesses, 1931-1934 |
(2 folders) |
Wills, 1925, 1931 |
BOX 81-85 |
Financial File, 1912-1932
Correspondence, account statements, and account books. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically
thereunder. |
BOX 81 |
Account books, 1916-1924 |
American Security and Trust Co., 1916-1930 |
(2 folders) |
General correspondence, 1916-1932, undated |
(3 folders) |
Income taxes, 1913-1929 |
BOX 82 |
Miscellany, 1912-1926, undated |
National City Bank of New York, 1923-1929 |
(2 folders) |
National Savings and Trust Co. |
Account statements |
1922-1929 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 83 |
1930 |
Authorization for payments, 1926-1931 |
(5 folders) |
Correspondence, 1917-1930 |
Riggs National Bank |
Account statements, 1922-1925 |
Correspondence |
Nov. 1920-May 1923 |
BOX 84 |
June 1923-Jan. 1926 |
(3 folders) |
Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining
Co. |
June 1921-July 1928 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 85 |
Aug. 1928-Aug. 1930 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 85-86 |
Miscellany, 1817-1929
Certificates, clippings, commissions, copy of a Thomas Jefferson letter,
memorabilia, notes, poetry, and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic and chronologically
thereunder. |
BOX 85 |
Calling cards, undated |
Certificates, 1905-1909 |
Clippings, 1901-1934, undated |
(2 folders) |
Commissions, 1872-1899
See Oversize
Extracts from Mildred Dewey's diary,
1900-1901 |
Invitations, 1926-1929, undated |
(2 folders) |
Jefferson, Thomas, copy of letter to
Katharine Duane Morgan, 26 Jan. 1822 |
Memorabilia, 1898-1925, undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 86 |
Memorials, 1917 |
Notes, undated |
Passport signed by John Quincy Adams,
secretary of state, copy, 1817 |
Poetry and music, 1897-1923,
undated |
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