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Breckinridge Long papers, 1486-1948

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Subject File, 1904-1947 (continued)
United States society, 1932
Wilson, Woodrow, 1924-1945
BOX 178 Wilson Club, 1915-1916
World War I
General, 1914-1918
Prisoners of war, 1915-1916
Naval warfare, 1916-1918
United States Navy, 1917-1918
BOX 179-212 State Department File, 1917-1944
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and printed matter.
Arranged in two chronological groups, 1917-1920 and 1939-1944, and therein by alphabetically by subject, topic, or organization.
BOX 179 1917-1920
Belgium, 1919
China, 1917-1919
China memorandum, “Chinese Railways and Peace Settlement, 1918
BOX 180 Chinese loan, 1917-1921
Commission to and from United States to other powers, 1917-1919
BOX 181 Community Organization Bureau, 1919
Countries (miscellaneous), 1917-1919
BOX 182 1917-1920
Far East, 1918
Foreign intelligence, 1917
German intrigue in Far East, 1918
BOX 183 Japan, 1917-1920
BOX 184 Lansing-Ishii agreement, 1918
Latin America, 1917-1919
League of Nations, 1920
BOX 185 1919-1920
Notes on sovereignty of islands in the Pacific, 1918
BOX 186 Peace Conference, 1918-1919
Secret documents published by Bolshoviki, 1918
Siberia (excerpts from Long's diary), 1918
BOX 187 1918-1920
Siberian expedition, 1918
United States, 1917
BOX 188 1939-1944
Administrative assistant
Merkling, 1944
Ribble, 1944
Savage, 1941-1943
Administrative management, 1944
Administrative office, 1940-1941
Adviser on International Economic Affairs (Collard), 1943
Air raid precautions, 1941
American republics affairs, 1942-1944
Applications and recommendations, 1944
Appropriations, 1941
Appropriation bill, 1941
Argentina, 1944
BOX 189 Assistant secretary
Acheson, Dean, 1941-1943
Berle, Adolph Augustus, 1940-1943
Grady, Henry, 1940
Long, 1942-1943
Shaw, G. Howland, 1941-1944
Aviation section, 1941-1942
Bolivia, 1944
Bock reviews, 1944
Budget and fiscal affairs, 1944
Canada, 1944
Chief clerk and administrative assistant, 1943
Chief special agent, 1940-1944
Chinese immigration legislation, 1943
Circular instruction, 1942-1943
Commercial policy, 1942-1944
BOX 190 1943-1944
Communications with Axis through South American capitals, 1941-1942
Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1942
Congress, 1942-1944
Constitutional law of the Greater Reich, 1941
Consular staffs (American in Germany and Italy), 1941
Continental shelf resources, 1944, 1950
Cultural relations and cooperation, 1940-1944
Current information, 1941-1943
Declaration of war, 1942
BOX 191 Departmental personnel, 1940-1944
Dewey, Thomas E., and John Foster Dulles, 1944
Direct communication with points in the British Empire, 1942
Division of accounts, 1940-1943
Division of American Republics, 1940-1942
Division of Commercial Affairs, 1940-1943
Division of Communication and Records, 1940-1944
Division of Controls, 1940-1944
Division of Coordination and Review, 1940-1943
BOX 192 Division of European Affairs, 1940-1944
Division of International Aid, 1944
Division of Personnel, 1944
Division of Protocol, 1940-1944
Enemy aliens interned by British in Canada, 1940-1942
Economic affairs, 1941-1944
Economic Defense Board, 1941-1942
Exchange, 1944
BOX 193 Exports and requirements, 1943
Far East Weekly report, 1943
Far Eastern affairs, 1943-1944
Far Eastern Division, 1940-1942
Finland, 1941-1942
BOX 194 Foreign activity correlation, 1941-1944
Foreign affairs, 1944
Foreign Buildings Office, 1940-1944
Foreign Funds Control, 1941-1943
Foreign organization of National Socialist German Workers Party, 1942
Foreign policy, 1942-1943
Foreign, policy (Walter Lippmann), 1943
Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation, 1942-1943
Foreign Service Administration, 1940-1943
Foreign Service Officers Training School, 1941
BOX 195 Foreign service personnel, 1940-1944
Foreign territories, 1942-1943
Fortune Magazine, 1943
France, 1941-1942
General, 1942
Geographer, 1940, 1943-1944
German military and economic position, 1941
Germany, 1940-1942
BOX 196 Hawaii, 1942
Hull, Cordell, 1940
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