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League of Women Voters records, 1884-1986

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Part II: Biennial Files, 1920-1946 (continued)
United States government
Civil Service Commission, Helen H. Gardner
State Department
Wadsworth-Garrett amendment
Women in Industry Committee
BOX II:8 1922-1924
State material
District of Columbia, suffrage
Delaware, Florida, and Georgia
Idaho, Illinois, and Kansas
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, and Missouri
Montana, historical file and Florence Harrison's trip
Montana, Oklahoma, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
BOX II:9 Subject file
Adkins and Nesbitt, attorneys
Agenda re program of work
Spider web chart
Woman Patriot
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Chautauqua and lyceum bureaus
Child labor amendment
Child Welfare Department
Child labor amendment
O'Connor, Louise M.
BOX II:10 Circular letters
To state chairmen
To state chairmen from the Efficiency in Government Department
To state presidents
Citizenship schools
Efficiency in Government Department
Replies to questionnaires, 1922-1923
Civil Service Reclassification Act (Lehlbach)
BOX II:11 Columbia University Citizenship Institute, New York, N.Y.
Middlemiss suit
1923, Des Moines, Iowa
BOX II:12 Mimeographed material
Miscellaneous correspondence
1924, committee to identify the twelve greatest women
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Education Committee
Efficiency in Government Department
Columbia University Citizenship Institute, New York, N.Y.
Division of training for citizenship General
BOX II:13 Primary questionnaires
Program suggestions
Equal rights
Fifth region
Finance Department, reports and correspondence
First region
General correspondence
"Get Out the Vote"
"ABC of Voting"
Cartoon contest
Indian affairs, 1920-1923
BOX II:14 International Alliance of Women, congresses in Rome, Italy, and Paris, France
International Cooperation Department
Legal status of women, uniform laws
Legislative Department
Legislative reports
Living costs
Committee on
Miscellaneous material
Correspondence, relating to child labor amendment
BOX II:15 State correspondence relating to child labor amendment
National Council for the Prevention of War
"N" miscellaneous
Organization Department
Pan American Conference of Women
BOX II:16 Pan American Conference of Women
Bolivia, Brazil, and Columbia
Correspondence, with lists
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Honduras
General correspondence
Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti and Hawaii
State Department
BOX II:17 Argentina, Mexico, and Nicaragua
Chile, Panama, and Venezuela
Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, and San Salvador
Roundtable conference
Pan American Conference of Women, Middlemiss case
Park, Maud Wood
BOX II:18 Program of work, Committee on Simplification
Proportional representation
Publicity Department releases, 1922-1924
Reference shelf, prize contest
Sheppard-Towner bill and the Supreme Court
Sixth region
Social Hygiene Department
Committee of Fourteen
State correspondence
Social Welfare Department
Special Committee on Negro Problems
Summary report of the regions, 1923-1924
Third region, Mrs. Elliot Cheatham, director
Uniform laws
United States Civil Service Commission, Helen H. Gardner
BOX II:19 Woman Citizen
Woman's Home Companion, Anna Steese Richardson
Women in Industry Department, Edith Abbott
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