| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject Files, 1916-1952
(continued) |
Pratt, Harry E.
See also Container 1, Abraham Lincoln
Association and
Container 6, Illinois State Historical
Quaife, Milo |
BOX 10 |
Ramsdell, Charles W. |
Recommendations |
Reviews and opinions, requests for |
Risdon, F. Ray |
Robinson, William M. |
Ronalds, Francis S. |
Root, Winfred T. |
Rotary |
Russell, Nelson V. |
Sandburg, Carl |
Schuman, Henry |
Scribner's |
Shryock, Richard H. |
Slade, William H. |
Southern Historical Association |
Spencer, J. C. |
Starr, Thomas I. |
State Department |
Stephenson, Wendell H. |
Stern, Alfred W. |
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965) |
Stone, Edward C. |
Sydnor, Charles S. |
BOX 11 |
Territorial Papers of the United States
Texas, University of, Austin, Tex. |
Thornbrough, Emma Lou |
Tisler, C. C. |
Toth, Charles |
Towsend, William H. |
University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
See Container 3, California, University
University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
See Container 3, Chicago, University of
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
See Container 6, Illinois, University of
University of Texas, Austin, Tex.
See same container, Texas, University of
Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt. |
Wagenknecht, Edward |
Wallace, David D. |
Warford, William |
Washington, John E. |
Wiley, Bell I. |
Williams, T. Harry |
Wilson, Rufus Rockwell |
Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis. |
Yale Review
Young, J. Harvey |
BOX 12-20 |
Historical Files, 1779-1865
Photocopies, correspondence, printed matter, and notes relating to persons or
events involving J. G. Randall's research on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil
War. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material. |
BOX 12 |
Barlow, Samuel L. M. |
Bellows, Henry W. |
Bibliographies |
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor |
Broadsides and cartoons |
Brooks, Noah |
Brough, John |
Brown, John |
Browning, Orville H. |
Calhoun, John |
Cameron, Simon |
Carroll, Anna E. |
Caton, John D. |
Chase, Salmon P. |
Chickamauga campaign |
Chiniquy, Father |
Civil War |
Civil War prisons |
Coke, Sir Edwin |
Columbia, S.C., burning of |
Committee on the Conduct of the War |
Copperheads |
BOX 13 |
Davis, Jefferson |
Davis, J. O. |
Delahay, M. D. |
Desertions in the Civil War |
Eastep, James |
Eckert, Thomas |
Election of 1860, New Jersey |
Election of 1864
Election |
Emancipation |
Fuller, Melville |
Floyd, John |
Fourteenth Amendment |
Gadsden, Christopher |
Garibaldi, Guiseppe, and Abraham Lincoln |
Gettysburg Address |
Grant, Ulysses S. |
Grierson, Benjamin H. |
Halleck, Henry W. |
Hamlin, Hannibal |
Hampton Roads Conference, Hampton Roads, Va. |
Hay, John |
Henry, Anson |
BOX 14 |
Herndon, William H. |
Illinois Central Railroad |
Judd, Norman B. |
Lamon, Ward Hill |
Lieber, Francis |
Lincoln, Abraham |
Ancestry and birthplace |
Assassination |
BOX 15 |
Bible |
Burns, Robert, Lincoln and |
Character, appeanance, and habits |
Clemency |
Collectors |
Douglas Debates |
Family |
Forgeries |
Fort Stevens, Lincoln at |
BOX 16 |
Illinois, Lincoln in |
Indianapolis, Ind, Lincoln in |
Jews, Lincoln and |
Labor, Lincoln and |
Last days |
Myths and legends |
Patent |
Pictures |
Quakers, Lincoln and |
Reading habits |
BOX 17 |
Robert Todd Lincoln collection of papers |
Shakespeare, Lincoln and
See Container 10, Slade, William
Thanksgiving |
Thirteenth Amendment, African Americans |
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