| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 12-20 |
Historical Files, 1779-1865
Photocopies, correspondence, printed matter, and notes relating to persons or
events involving J. G. Randall's research on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil
War. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material. |
BOX 12 |
Barlow, Samuel L. M. |
Bellows, Henry W. |
Bibliographies |
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor |
Broadsides and cartoons |
Brooks, Noah |
Brough, John |
Brown, John |
Browning, Orville H. |
Calhoun, John |
Cameron, Simon |
Carroll, Anna E. |
Caton, John D. |
Chase, Salmon P. |
Chickamauga campaign |
Chiniquy, Father |
Civil War |
Civil War prisons |
Coke, Sir Edwin |
Columbia, S.C., burning of |
Committee on the Conduct of the War |
Copperheads |
BOX 13 |
Davis, Jefferson |
Davis, J. O. |
Delahay, M. D. |
Desertions in the Civil War |
Eastep, James |
Eckert, Thomas |
Election of 1860, New Jersey |
Election of 1864
Election |
Emancipation |
Fuller, Melville |
Floyd, John |
Fourteenth Amendment |
Gadsden, Christopher |
Garibaldi, Guiseppe, and Abraham Lincoln |
Gettysburg Address |
Grant, Ulysses S. |
Grierson, Benjamin H. |
Halleck, Henry W. |
Hamlin, Hannibal |
Hampton Roads Conference, Hampton Roads, Va. |
Hay, John |
Henry, Anson |
BOX 14 |
Herndon, William H. |
Illinois Central Railroad |
Judd, Norman B. |
Lamon, Ward Hill |
Lieber, Francis |
Lincoln, Abraham |
Ancestry and birthplace |
Assassination |
BOX 15 |
Bible |
Burns, Robert, Lincoln and |
Character, appeanance, and habits |
Clemency |
Collectors |
Douglas Debates |
Family |
Forgeries |
Fort Stevens, Lincoln at |
BOX 16 |
Illinois, Lincoln in |
Indianapolis, Ind, Lincoln in |
Jews, Lincoln and |
Labor, Lincoln and |
Last days |
Myths and legends |
Patent |
Pictures |
Quakers, Lincoln and |
Reading habits |
BOX 17 |
Robert Todd Lincoln collection of papers |
Shakespeare, Lincoln and
See Container 10, Slade, William
Thanksgiving |
Thirteenth Amendment, African Americans |
Tributes, monuments, and programs |
Volk, Leonard, life mask of Lincoln |
BOX 18 |
Writings |
1839-1947, undated
Logan, Stephen T. |
Maps |
McClellan, George Brinton |
Merryman, John |
Morgan, Edwin D. |
Morton, Oliver P. |
The Mystery of a 'Public Man'
BOX 19 |
Newspapers, Civil War |
Nicolay, John G. |
Offutt, Benton |
Photographs |
Porter, Fitz-John |
Raymond, Henry J. |
Reconstruction |
Reconstruction, railroads in |
Reynolds, John |
Rutledge, Anne |
Scott, Winfield |
Singleton, James W. |
Stanton, Edwin |
Stevens, Thaddeus |
Stoddard, William O. |
Sumner Charles |
BOX 20 |
Welles, Gideon |
White, Horace |
Wilderness Battleground |
Yates, Richard |
Miscellaneous photocopies |
A-D |
F-K |
P-R |
S-W |
BOX 21 |
General Correspondence, 1930-1951
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