The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Riggs family papers, 1763-1945
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Thomas Riggs (1873-1945) Papers, 1887-1945 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1889-1945 (continued)
BOX 93 1935, Apr. 11-Dec. 14
(10 folders)
BOX 94 1935, Dec. 16-1936, Nov. 20
(8 folders)
BOX 95 1936, Nov. 21-1937, Nov.
(10 folders)
BOX 96 1937, Dec.-1939, Feb. 14
(9 folders)
BOX 97 1939, Feb. 18-1940, Nov. 15
BOX 98 1940, Nov. 16-1942, Mar.
(10 folders)
BOX 99 1942, Apr.-1943, Feb.
(10 folders)
BOX 100 1943, Mar.-1944, Apr.
(10 folders)
BOX 101 1944, May-1945, Jan., undated
(7 folders)
Letters to the editor
Correspondence of persons other than Thomas Riggs, Jr.
BOX 102-103 Subject File
Papers relating to the Alaskan Engineering Commission, Eskimos, and mining interests.
Arranged by subject.
BOX 102-103 Alaskan Engineering Commission, 1917
(2 folders)
Mining interests
Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co.
Bell Mine
Continental-Kirkland Mine
Gold and Silver Circle Mines
BOX 103 Gold and Silver Circle Mines
Macassa Mines
Mines and Commerce of Delaware
Missouri-McKee Mines
(3 folders)
Portland Canal Mining Property
Two-In-One Gold Mines, Ltd.
BOX 104-105 Speech, Article, and Book File
Speeches, articles, the manuscript of a book edited by Riggs, and similar materials.
Arranged by category.
Unpublished autobiography available on microfilm. Microfilm shelf no. 16,175
BOX 104 Speeches
“Alaska and Western Canada”
“The Man Who Was Through”
1918, July 4
1921, Mar. 9
1936, Oct. 21
Untitled and undated
“Alaska and the Refugee Problem”
“Alaska As It Is”
“The Alaska Boundary”
“Alaska for the Pioneers”
“The Alaska Highway”
“Alaska Missionaries”
“The Ascent of Glacier Peak”
“Bishop Rowe–As an Alaskan Sees Him”
“The Confessions of a Conspirator”
“Educate Congress”
“Forgotten Alaska”
“The International Boundary and the Hudson's Bay Co.”
“Memo on the Rush-Bagot Agreement, 1817-1818"
“Musings of an Amateur Economist”
“My Narrowest Escape from Death”
“The Problem of Alaska”
“The Reception to the King and Queen at the White House, 1939, June 9”
“Running the Alaska Boundary”
“Snowballing Sheep in the Arctic”
“Stone Lamp a Clue to Early America”
“The Three 'Rs' and Mt. Tacoma”
“Transportation in Alaska”
“Twentieth Anniversary of the Gold Rush of ’98"
“What Is College For?”
“What Is the Matter With Territory of Alaska?”
“Who First Discovered America?”
“Will a Brown Bear Attack a Man without Provocation?”
The Unfortified Boundary: A Diary of the First Survey of the Canadian Boundary Line from St. Regis to the Lake of the Woods, by Major Joseph Delafield, American Agent under Articles VI and VII of the Treaty of Ghent; From the Original Manuscript Recently Discovered, edited by Robert McElroy and Thomas Riggs, Jr.
Autobiography (unpublished)
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 16,715
(1 folder)
BOX 105 Autobiography (unpublished)
(2 folders)
Government reports
Short story
“Only a Dance Hall Girl”
BOX 105-109 Miscellany
Bills and receipts, biographical papers, certificates and awards, and other miscellaneous items.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 105 Bills and receipts
Biographical papers
(4 folders)
BOX 106 Biographical papers
(4 folders)
Certificates and awards
Guest book
Income tax returns
BOX 107 Membership cards
Miscellaneous papers
(6 folders)
BOX 108 1938-1944, undated
(3 folders)
Names and addresses
Printed matter
(3 folders)
BOX 109 Printed matter
BOX 109-117 Thomas Lawrason Riggs (1888-1943) Papers, 1790-1943
BOX 109 Diaries, 1920-1926
(2 folders)
Available on microfilm. Microfilm shelf no. 17,004
BOX 110 Family Correspondence, 1935-1941
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 110 General Correspondence, 1900-1943
(5 folders)
Letters received.
Chronologically arranged.
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