The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Riggs family papers, 1763-1945
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Thomas Riggs (1873-1945) Papers, 1887-1945 (continued)
Miscellany (continued)
BOX 108 1938-1944, undated
(3 folders)
Names and addresses
Printed matter
(3 folders)
BOX 109 Printed matter
BOX 109-117 Thomas Lawrason Riggs (1888-1943) Papers, 1790-1943
BOX 109 Diaries, 1920-1926
(2 folders)
Available on microfilm. Microfilm shelf no. 17,004
BOX 110 Family Correspondence, 1935-1941
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 110 General Correspondence, 1900-1943
(5 folders)
Letters received.
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 110 Business Papers, 1921-1935
(3 folders)
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 111 Speech, Article, and Book File
Articles, a book manuscript, plays, and similar items.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 111 Articles
“The Development of the Miracle Play From the Trope”
“The Eastern Churches”
“God and Man”
“Notes on the French Socialist and Radical Press and Some Other French and British Papers,” 1918, Aug.-Dec.
“The Question of Medievalism”
“The Religious Issues Raised by Historical Research”
“The Scholastic Via Media”
Untitled article
Saving Angel: The Truth About Joan of Arc and the Church
(2 folders)
Book reviews
Notes on a speech by William C. Bullitt, 1936, Jan. 23
“The Belle of the Balkans, or Chester of the Y.D.A.”
“The Good Soph and the Bad Soph: A Moral Mime”
“Harmatagus and Harpasie of Fair Wenches in Foul Way”
Miscellaneous writings
BOX 111-117 Miscellany
Biographical papers, an eighteenth-century wastebook, school papers, and other miscellaneous items.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 111 Bills and receipts
Biographical papers
Birth certificate
BOX 112 Eighteenth-century wastebook
Fishing logs
(2 folders)
Guest book
BOX 113 Guest book
Lecture notes
(2 folders)
Letter of Marquis de la Luzerne to George Washington, 1790, Mar. 14
Miscellaneous papers
BOX 114 1918-1942, undated
(2 folders)
Printed matter
School papers
BOX 115 School papers
(4 folders)
BOX 116 School papers
BOX 117 Scrapbook
BOX 118 William Henry Riggs (1827-1934) Papers, 1850-1912
Diaries, family correspondence, general correspondence, business papers, and miscellany.
Arranged by category.
BOX 118 Diaries, 1859-1860
Family correspondence, 1850-1902
General correspondence, 1860-1912
Business papers, 1855-1903
Biographical papers
Calling cards
Estate papers
Miscellaneous manuscripts
BOX 118-134 Other Family Papers, 1763-1945
Papers of other members of the Riggs family, most of whom are represented by a minimal number of manuscripts.
BOX 118 Albert W. Bacon
James Bacon
Charles Stewart Boker
James W. Cox
Mary Alice Riggs Cragg
Family correspondence, 1855
Miscellaneous manuscripts
BOX 119 Katherine Riggs Elmore
Family correspondence, 1900-1920, undated
(2 folders)
Biographical papers
James P. Erskine
Elizabeth Anne Davis Gilbert
Samuel C. Gilbert
Charles H. Graff
Family correspondence, 1846-1848
(3 folders)
General correspondence, 1846-1855
(2 folders)
Business papers, 1848-1853
BOX 120 Henry Griffith
Julia Giffith
Philemon Griffith
Sarah Hammond Riggs Griffith
Ulysses Griffith
Henry Howard
General correspondence, 1881, 1920
Miscellaneous papers
Elizabeth Riggs Isely
David B. Karrick
George C. Lawrason
Aaron R. Levering
Lawrason Levering
S. Levering
Pauline Riggs Noyes
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