| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1984 Addition, 1940-1983
(continued) |
Development of Motor Coordination, from Birth to Two Years, typescript |
(2 folders) |
BOX 39 |
Infant and Child in the Culture of Today
Your Two Year Old
Your Three Year Old
Your Four Year Old
Your Six Year Old
Miscellany |
Photographs |
Album |
Miscellany |
BOX 40 |
General |
Printed matter |
Biographical file |
Clippings and general printed
matter |
Infancy and Human Growth, by Arnold Gesell |
BOX 41-42 |
1987 Addition, 1941-1986
Correspondence with family, friends, colleagues, publishers, and the public; dream
diaries; articles; lecture schedule; and biographical and genealogical
information. |
Arranged by subject file, correspondence, writings file, and miscellany and
alphabetically thereunder by name of person, subject, title, or type of
material. |
BOX 41 |
Subject file |
Dream diaries, 1941-1984
(4 folders) |
Correspondence |
Babcock, Katherine Bradbury, 1974-1977
Haber, Carol Chase (granddaughter), 1959-1985
(3 folders) |
BOX 42 |
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979-1986
Métraux, Ruth W. and Guy S., 1982-1986
Miscellany, 1966-1986
(3 folders) |
Stone, Warren, 1970-1986
Treadwell, Peter, 1949-1983
(2 folders) |
Writings file |
"A Day with Margaret Mead" |
"Dreams of Pregnancy" |
"Every Child Develops at His Own Rate,"
chapter from The Experts Speak
"What Am I Doing in This Grade?" |
"What Do They Mean I'm
Difficult?" |
Miscellany |
Biographical and genealogical file, 1982-1986
Gesell Institute of Human Development, New
Haven, Conn., history, 1983,
Lecture schedule, 1983-1985
BOX 43-44 |
1988 Addition, 1941-1988
Correspondence with family, friends, colleagues, and publishers. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Also includes Ames's Parents Ask
newspaper column, 1986-1988. |
BOX 43 |
Ames, Smith Whittier (husband), 1941-1988, undated
Armstrong, Thomas, 1984-1987
Buch, Mary, 1985-1987
Dickinson, Alice, 1977-1984
Ertel, Paul Y., 1978-1986, undated
Gesell Portrait Fund, 1950
Harper & Row, Publishers, regarding Youth: The Years from Ten to Sixteen, 1979-1986
Ilg, Frances Lillian, memorial fund, 1981
Perticone, Eugene X., and Renée M. Tembeckjian,
Scharbert, Beatrice, 1975-1983, undated
Shiff, Eileen, 1984-1988
BOX 44 |
Webb, Rachel, 1949-1960
(2 folders) |
Miscellany, 1981-1987
Parents Ask newspaper column, 1986-1988
BOX 45-52 |
1996 Addition, circa 1945-1996
Correspondence, biographical information, dream diaries, family history, fan
letters, interviews, photographs, reminiscences, and writings. |
Arranged by family correspondence, general correspondence, subject file, and
writings and alphabetically thereunder by name of person, subject, title, or type
of material. |
BOX 45 |
Family correspondence |
Bates, Silas and Kay (brother and
sister-in-law), 1987-1995
Chase, Clifford (grandson), 1974-1996, undated
(10 folders) |
Chase, Joan Ames (daughter), 1952-1973
BOX 46 |
Haber, Carol Chase (granddaughter), 1985-1995
(5 folders) |
General correspondence |
"A" miscellaneous, 1974-1994
Barry, Laurel D., 1989-1992
"B-C" miscellaneous, 1974-1995, undated
Dodson, Fitzhugh, 1977-1978
"D-E" miscellaneous, 1970-1995
Fagan, Tom, 1983
"F" miscellaneous, 1970-1991
Gillespie, Clyde, 1994
Gold, Svrea J., 1986-1990
"G" miscellaneous, 1959-1993
BOX 47 |
Heimgartner, Norm, 1989-1995
Homberger, Freddy, 1978-1995, undated
"H" miscellaneous, 1976-1991
Institutes for the Achievement of Human
Potential, 1967-1993
"I-L" miscellaneous, 1977-1996
Métraux, Ruth W. and Guy S., 1986-1996
(2 folders) |
"M-O" miscellaneous, 1970-1993, undated
Perris, Donald L., 1960-1995
(5 folders) |
"P" miscellaneous, 1970-1987
BOX 48 |
Rimland, Bernard, 1978-1989
"R" miscellaneous, 1948-1993
Senn, Milton J. E., 1948-1957
"S" miscellaneous, 1973-1995
Tembeckjian, Renée M., 1988-1990
Treadwell, Peter and Licie, 1985-1987
"T-V" miscellaneous, 1970-1991
Webb, Rachel |
(5 folders) |
BOX 49 |
1987-1995, undated
(3 folders) |
Wozniak, Robert H., 1984-1989
"W" miscellaneous, 1977-1992, undated
Zigler, Edward, 1988-1992
Subject file |
Biographical information, 1966-1993
See also Container 52, Articles, 1993
Child Behavior newspaper column, 1956, undated
Department of Health Services, Hartford,
Conn., expiration of psychologist's license, 1984-1986
Dream diaries, 1984-1993
(2 folders) |
European trips, 1949-1981
Family history, undated
BOX 50 |
Fan letters, 1952-1991, undated
(2 folders) |
Gesell, Arnold |
Evaluation of Gesell's work by Ames, 1973-1974
Writings on Gesell by others, 1987-1993, undated
(2 folders) |
Gesell Institute of Child Development, New
Haven, Conn. |
Board of directors, 1964-1977
Grants and gifts, 1952-1970
Next Page » |