Some or all content stored offsite.
Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
General Subject File, 1966-1986 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Office of Federal Contract Compliance, programs, 1975-1979 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Office of Management and Budget | |||||||||||||
Civil Rights Unit status report, 1980 | |||||||||||||
Data collection, 1982 | |||||||||||||
Pearce, Diana, 1981-1983 | |||||||||||||
Pendleton, Clarence See Container 70, Reagan administration's civil rights policy | |||||||||||||
Poverty, bishops statement on, 1981 | |||||||||||||
BOX 69 | Publications file | ||||||||||||
Reports and pamphlets, 1973-1985 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Samples of the Center's serial publications, 1972-1985 | |||||||||||||
Reagan administration's civil rights policy | |||||||||||||
Clippings, 1980-1985 | |||||||||||||
Nominations to Commission on Civil Rights | |||||||||||||
Destro, Robert, 1982 | |||||||||||||
Dombalia, Constantine, 1982 | |||||||||||||
Hart, B. Sam, 1982 | |||||||||||||
BOX 70 | Hearings on nominees, 1982 | ||||||||||||
Pendleton, Clarence, 1982 | |||||||||||||
Other nominations, 1981-1982 | |||||||||||||
Regulatory reform, 1978-1981 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, petition for rules implementing Sec. 501, 1979 | |||||||||||||
Reorganization of federal government, 1971, 1977-1979 | |||||||||||||
Revenue sharing | |||||||||||||
1973-1980 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 71 | Allocation study, 1973-1974 | ||||||||||||
Countercyclical revenue sharing, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Legislative history, 1973 | |||||||||||||
National Clearinghouse on Revenue Sharing, 1974-1975 | |||||||||||||
National Project on General Revenue Sharing | |||||||||||||
Initial planning, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Monitoring, 1975-1976 | |||||||||||||
Proposal, 1972-1973 | |||||||||||||
Report, 1975 | |||||||||||||
BOX 72 | Second year, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Proposed regulations and comments, 1972-1973 | |||||||||||||
Report for National Science Foundation, 1974-1975 | |||||||||||||
State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Drinan, Robert F., bill, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Legislative campaign for amendments, 1975-1976 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 73 | Legislative campaign for amendments, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
Religious issue, 1976 | |||||||||||||
Statement of organizations, 1975-1976 | |||||||||||||
Statutes, 1972-1973 | |||||||||||||
Testimony, Mar. 1973 | |||||||||||||
Riders to Congressional bills, history, 1983 | |||||||||||||
Rodino, Peter W., tribute, 1985 | |||||||||||||
Salomone, Rosemary, Equal Education Under Law, 1984 | |||||||||||||
School Closing Project (Citizen's Commission on Civil Rights) | |||||||||||||
Background, 1981-1985 | |||||||||||||
Closing Schools: Opening Doors, 1985 | |||||||||||||
BOX 74 | Drafts, 1985 | ||||||||||||
School desegregation | |||||||||||||
American Civil Liberties Union, 1976-1977 | |||||||||||||
"Beacon Press School Integration Studies: United States School Integration, 1954," 1976 | |||||||||||||
Conference of the Joint Action Committee on Education, Detroit, Mich., 15 Mar. 1972 | |||||||||||||
Data on school desegregation litigation, 1975-1976 | |||||||||||||
Denver, Colo., school desegregation, 1981 | |||||||||||||
Elementary and secondary school desegregation, 1970-1971 | |||||||||||||
Federal Education Project, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 1975-1979 | |||||||||||||
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of | |||||||||||||
Lambda Corp. study, 1971-1972 | |||||||||||||
School desegregation, 1977-1980 | |||||||||||||
Judiciary Committee, staff study on busing, 1979-1980 | |||||||||||||
Legal Analysis, 1978 | |||||||||||||
Legal issues in school desegregation, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Metropolitan school desegregation case summaries | |||||||||||||
1970 | |||||||||||||
BOX 75 | 1973-1974, 1981 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Metropolitan School Desegregation Conference, 4-5 Dec. 1970 | |||||||||||||
Metropolitan schools, after Detroit case, 1974 | |||||||||||||
Metropolitan Schools Conference, Detroit, Mich., 1974-1978 | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
1970-1972 | |||||||||||||
BOX 76 | 1973-1977 | ||||||||||||
Montgomery County, Md. | |||||||||||||
Montgomery County Conference, 31 Mar. 1977 | |||||||||||||
Report on quality integrated education prepared by Mary Jo Deering, June 1977 | |||||||||||||
Rosemary Hills Elementary School, 1972 | |||||||||||||
Study of comprehensive 15-year plan, 1982 | |||||||||||||
National Education Association/National Coalition for Quality Integrated Education (NCQIE), Citizens' Committee Project, 1982 | |||||||||||||
National Institute of Education Conference on School Desegregation in Metropolitan Areas, Washington, D.C., 16 May 1977 | |||||||||||||
BOX 77 | Symposium on School Desegregation and White Flight, 1975-1976 See also Container 56, White flight achievement summaries | ||||||||||||
Title IV centers, 1984 | |||||||||||||
Trends in Black and Hispanic school desegregation, 1977 | |||||||||||||
White flight, undated | |||||||||||||
Why Must Northern Schools Desegregate? Capitol Hill Conference, 24 Jan. 1977 | |||||||||||||
Schoor, Alvin L., chapter for book, The New Welfare State, 1986 | |||||||||||||
Silard, John, Equity for the Poor, proposed book, 1982 | |||||||||||||
Social science, use by court system, undated | |||||||||||||
South Africa, 1985 | |||||||||||||
State Agencies and Their Role in Federal Civil Rights Enforcement, by Bruce Parmley, 1977 | |||||||||||||
Stotts decision, Washington Post letter, 15 Mar. 1985 | |||||||||||||
Taylor, William L. | |||||||||||||
Invitations and meetings, 1977-1986 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 78 | Woodrow Wilson fellowship application, 1978 | ||||||||||||
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
Testing (standardized) in education and employment, 1979-1980 | |||||||||||||
Title VI, progress report (1974) and proposed revisions, 1977 | |||||||||||||
Transportation Department, Westway Project, New York, N.Y., 1980 | |||||||||||||
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, meeting re Jews and Blacks, 19 May 1984 | |||||||||||||
Urban Mass Transportation Act/Office of Civil Rights standards for evaluating Title VI compliance (Gruen studies), 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
Voting rights | |||||||||||||
Background paper on voting, 1976-1977 | |||||||||||||
Cases, 1973-1982 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Civil Rights Leadership Conference Fund, proposal, 1981 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1981-1982 | |||||||||||||
BOX 79 | House of Representatives floor amendments, 1981 | ||||||||||||
House Judiciary Committee, 1981 | |||||||||||||
Senate | |||||||||||||
1981-1982 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 80 | Undated | ||||||||||||
Support material | |||||||||||||
General, 1981 | |||||||||||||
Legal analysis, 1980-1982 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
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