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Center for National Policy Review records, 1959-1986

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General Subject File, 1966-1986 (continued)
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of
Lambda Corp. study, 1971-1972
School desegregation, 1977-1980
Judiciary Committee, staff study on busing, 1979-1980
Legal Analysis, 1978
Legal issues in school desegregation, 1974
Metropolitan school desegregation case summaries
BOX 75 1973-1974, 1981
(2 folders)
Metropolitan School Desegregation Conference, 4-5 Dec. 1970
Metropolitan schools, after Detroit case, 1974
Metropolitan Schools Conference, Detroit, Mich., 1974-1978
BOX 76 1973-1977
Montgomery County, Md.
Montgomery County Conference, 31 Mar. 1977
Report on quality integrated education prepared by Mary Jo Deering, June 1977
Rosemary Hills Elementary School, 1972
Study of comprehensive 15-year plan, 1982
National Education Association/National Coalition for Quality Integrated Education (NCQIE), Citizens' Committee Project, 1982
National Institute of Education Conference on School Desegregation in Metropolitan Areas, Washington, D.C., 16 May 1977
BOX 77 Symposium on School Desegregation and White Flight, 1975-1976 See also Container 56, White flight achievement summaries
Title IV centers, 1984
Trends in Black and Hispanic school desegregation, 1977
White flight, undated
Why Must Northern Schools Desegregate? Capitol Hill Conference, 24 Jan. 1977
Schoor, Alvin L., chapter for book, The New Welfare State, 1986
Silard, John, Equity for the Poor, proposed book, 1982
Social science, use by court system, undated
South Africa, 1985
State Agencies and Their Role in Federal Civil Rights Enforcement, by Bruce Parmley, 1977
Stotts decision, Washington Post letter, 15 Mar. 1985
Taylor, William L.
Invitations and meetings, 1977-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 78 Woodrow Wilson fellowship application, 1978
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 1977-1978
Testing (standardized) in education and employment, 1979-1980
Title VI, progress report (1974) and proposed revisions, 1977
Transportation Department, Westway Project, New York, N.Y., 1980
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, meeting re Jews and Blacks, 19 May 1984
Urban Mass Transportation Act/Office of Civil Rights standards for evaluating Title VI compliance (Gruen studies), 1977-1978
Voting rights
Background paper on voting, 1976-1977
Cases, 1973-1982
(2 folders)
Civil Rights Leadership Conference Fund, proposal, 1981
Correspondence, 1981-1982
BOX 79 House of Representatives floor amendments, 1981
House Judiciary Committee, 1981
(3 folders)
BOX 80 Undated
Support material
General, 1981
Legal analysis, 1980-1982
(3 folders)
Printed matter, 1985
Washington Post, 1985
BOX 81 Weicker filibuster, undated
WTTW-Channel 11, Chicago Public Television Emergency School Aid Act-TV Project
Consulting, 1975
(2 folders)
National Advisory Council
(3 folders)
BOX 82 1978
Yale Law School, New Haven, Conn., Allard K. Lowenstein Scholarship Fund, 1980-1982
(2 folders)
BOX 82-87 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1970-1986
Correspondence with attachments, reports, memoranda, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and in reverse chronological order thereunder.
BOX 82 Annual board meetings, 1975-1985
(9 folders)
Bankruptcy legislation, 1982-1983
Califano, Joseph A., meetings, 1977-1978
Caplan, Marvin, 1982
BOX 83 Carter administration
Civil rights assessment, 1978
(2 folders)
Report card, 1977-1978 (correspondence and drafts)
Center membership, 1977-1982
(2 folders)
Civil Rights Act, 1984
Civil rights enforcement
Cabinet secretaries, 1971, 1980-1981
(2 folders)
Office of Management and Budget, 1979
Civil Rights Leadership Conference Fund, 1983-1984
Civil Rights Monitor, 1985
Commission for Racial Equality (England), 1982
Compliance and Enforcement Committee, 1970-1985
(3 folders)
Deputy director search, 1984
Education report, 1983
BOX 84 Education Task Force, 1975-1982
(4 folders)
Employment Task Force
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, amendments, 1972
General, 1971-1978
(2 folders)
International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, union responsibility under Title VII, 1974-1976
BOX 85 Enforcement Report, 1978-1980
Enforcement report (annual), 1983
(2 folders)
Executive Committee, 1975-1986
(3 folders)
Executive director position description, 1980-1981
(2 folders)
Fair housing legislation, 1982
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Landon Butler letter, 1977
Federal Programs Task Force, 1971-1979
BOX 86 Health Task Force, 1973-1984
(2 folders)
Housing, 1971-1978, 1985
(2 folders)
Leadership Conference Education Fund, 1985-1986
Monitoring report, 1982
An Oath Betrayed: The Reagan Administration's Civil Rights Enforcement in Education, 1983
Press, 1983
Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, 1983
Reagan administration's impact on minorities, 1982
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