The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ray S. Cline papers, 1945-1994
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Part I: Organizations File, 1971-1987 (continued)
Commission for the Reorganization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, 1974
Commission on Critical Choices for Americans
General, 1974-1976
Latin American project, 1974-1975
Monthly reports, 1974
Commission on the Present Danger, 1976-1981
(2 folders)
BOX I:14 Congressional breakfast seminars, 1975-1976
Congressional Caucus for the Common Defense, 1978
Congressional communications project, 1980
Congressional correspondence, 1974-1987
(3 folders)
Congressional dinners, 1975
Congressional foreign policy staff dinners, 1978-1979
Congressional luncheon seminars, 1975-1981
(3 folders)
Congressional Roundtables, 1985
Congressional senior staff seminars, 1975
BOX I:15 Congressional staff
Conferences, 1975-1981
(3 folders)
Seminars, 1974-1976
Congressional study group, 1981-1982
Conservative Digest, 1985
Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, 1979-1980
Contemporary international and strategic problem seminars, 1974-1975
Contingencies project, 1980-1983
Cooper, Christine J., 1977-1978
Coordination status reports ("cluster reports"), 1982
Corcoran, Thomas G., 1974-1979
Core program funding, 1974-1979
Corporate briefings and seminars, 1974-1976
Costick, Miles M., 1976-1978
BOX I:16 Council on Foreign Relations
General, 1974-1982
(4 folders)
Survey discussion group on foreign policy, 1975-1976
Cox, Mark T., III, 1982-1983
Cuba and Caribbean project, 1977-1978
Cultural relations with Japan project, 1974
Dear, James B., 1975-1976
Dediger, Stevan, 1975-1978
Defense Intelligence College, Washington, D.C., 1985-1986
den Dulk, John, 1980
Detente assessment panel, 1975-1976
Dixon, John W., 1975-1977
Dobrynin, Anatoliy Fedorovich, 1974
Downen, Robert L., 1979-1981
Durst, Mose, 1980
Earhart Foundation, 1976-1979
East Asia military balance, 1980
BOX I:17 Executive committee, 1975-1978
Executive director and senior fellow meetings, 1983-1984
Federal staff seminars, 1974-1975
Fellowship awards, 1974-1978
Food and agriculture project, 1973
Ford Foundation, 1974-1979
(4 folders)
Foreign aid project, 1974
Funding, 1974-1984
(3 folders)
Future of business seminars, 1977-1978
Garwin, Richard L., 1979-1980
BOX I:18 General correspondence
A-B, 1975-1986
(7 folders)
BOX I:19 C-D, 1976-1983
(9 folders)
BOX I:20 E-H, 1976-1983
(7 folders)
BOX I:21 H-L, 1973-1983
(8 folders)
BOX I:22 L-N, 1974-1983
(7 folders)
BOX I:23 N-R, 1974-1983
(8 folders)
BOX I:24 S-T, 1974-1985
(8 folders)
BOX I:25 U-Z and unidentified, 1973-1984
(8 folders)
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1978-1980
(2 folders)
German-U.S. affairs seminars, 1974
German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1977
Getz, Colleen Marie, 1982
Government information, educational and cultural role in international relations project, 1973
BOX I:26 Gregor, A. James, 1980
Griffith, Aline See Container 32, Romanones, Countess
Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1979-1980
Harper, Douglas Patrick, 1977-1978
Haus Rissen (Institut für Politik und Wirtschaft), Hamburg, Germany, 1974-1975
Hechsher, Henry D., 1976-1979
Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1980
Ho Shai Lai, 1980-1982
Hoeber, Francis P., 1975-1977
Ideas and communication in the Soviet Union project See Container 33, Stanton, Frank, project
Inchon (motion picture) premiere, 1979-1981
India forum, 1981
Inner Asia in Sino-Soviet affairs project, 1978-1980
Institute for the Study of Conflict, London, England, 1979
Institute of International Education, Washington, D.C., 1979
Bills, 1976-1979
Documentary on television See Container 34, "The Story of Intelligence"
Executive orders, 1977
General, 1974-1979
Legislation passed, 1977
Operations and operatives, 1978-1979
BOX I:27 International Research Council, 1972-1975, 1980-1982
(2 folders)
International Roundtables, 1977
International Seminars, 1976-1981
(2 folders)
Interview on Soviet public opinion project, 1974
Itō, Ken̓ichi, 1980
Japan project, 1981
Jonker, Frederick, 1976-1977
Journalists' trip to Far East, 3-10 Apr. 1983, 1982-1983
Kemp, Geoffrey, 1978-1980, 1985-1986
Kim, Sŭng Hŭi, 1979-1981
Kim, Yu-nam, 1980-1981
Klein, David, 1974-1975
Korea and Northeast Asia project, 1983 See also same container, Korean Traders Scholarship Foundation
Korean-American seminar, 1976-1977
Korean Traders Scholarship Foundation, 1980-1983 See also Container 30, Northwest Pacific basin project
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