The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ray S. Cline papers, 1945-1994
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Part I: Organizations File, 1971-1987 (continued)
S-T, 1974-1985 (continued)
(8 folders)
BOX I:25 U-Z and unidentified, 1973-1984
(8 folders)
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1978-1980
(2 folders)
German-U.S. affairs seminars, 1974
German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1977
Getz, Colleen Marie, 1982
Government information, educational and cultural role in international relations project, 1973
BOX I:26 Gregor, A. James, 1980
Griffith, Aline See Container 32, Romanones, Countess
Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1979-1980
Harper, Douglas Patrick, 1977-1978
Haus Rissen (Institut für Politik und Wirtschaft), Hamburg, Germany, 1974-1975
Hechsher, Henry D., 1976-1979
Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1980
Ho Shai Lai, 1980-1982
Hoeber, Francis P., 1975-1977
Ideas and communication in the Soviet Union project See Container 33, Stanton, Frank, project
Inchon (motion picture) premiere, 1979-1981
India forum, 1981
Inner Asia in Sino-Soviet affairs project, 1978-1980
Institute for the Study of Conflict, London, England, 1979
Institute of International Education, Washington, D.C., 1979
Bills, 1976-1979
Documentary on television See Container 34, "The Story of Intelligence"
Executive orders, 1977
General, 1974-1979
Legislation passed, 1977
Operations and operatives, 1978-1979
BOX I:27 International Research Council, 1972-1975, 1980-1982
(2 folders)
International Roundtables, 1977
International Seminars, 1976-1981
(2 folders)
Interview on Soviet public opinion project, 1974
Itō, Ken̓ichi, 1980
Japan project, 1981
Jonker, Frederick, 1976-1977
Journalists' trip to Far East, 3-10 Apr. 1983, 1982-1983
Kemp, Geoffrey, 1978-1980, 1985-1986
Kim, Sŭng Hŭi, 1979-1981
Kim, Yu-nam, 1980-1981
Klein, David, 1974-1975
Korea and Northeast Asia project, 1983 See also same container, Korean Traders Scholarship Foundation
Korean-American seminar, 1976-1977
Korean Traders Scholarship Foundation, 1980-1983 See also Container 30, Northwest Pacific basin project
Lasater, Martin L., "The Security of Taiwan" See Container 34, "The Story of Intelligence"
Lazar, Irving P., 1974-1975
Lee, Kin Tat, 1981-1983
BOX I:28 Lefever, Ernest W., 1975-1977
Letters of recommendation, 1974-1981
(3 folders)
Levin, Harold A. ("Hal") See Container 17, Foreign aid project
Lim Joo-Jock, 1978-1979
Los Alamos, N. Mex., conflict project, 1980-1983
Low-intensity warfare project, 1981-1982
Luce, Clare Boothe, 1974-1976
Luncheons, 1979
Mardirosian, Setrag V., 1972-1974
Maritime commerce and the energy crisis project, circa 1974
Maritime policy project, 1977-1979
(1 folder)
BOX I:29 Maritime policy project, 1977-1979
(2 folders)
Markey, Gregory Thomas, 1978-1980
Martin, Edwin W., 1974-1977
McCullough, Paul T., 1976-1979
Media correspondence, 1980-1986
Memoranda, 1974-1979
Menges, Constantine Christopher, 1977-1980
Merin, Ona N., 1978
Mertins, Gerhard Georg, 1977
Micronesia project, circa 1975
Monographs, 1975-1982
(4 folders)
BOX I:30 Morris, Eleanor B., 1977-1978
Moyers, Bill D., "The CIA's Secret Army" (television program), 1977
Murphy [Robert D.] Commission See Container 13, Commission for the Reorganization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy
National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, 1984
National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1978-1979
National Defense University, Washington, D.C., 1979
National intelligence estimates, 1976
Newsletter, 1977-1980
Nigerian project, 1973-1975
Nisi, Marcello I. V., 1977-1981
North Atlantic Treaty Organization project, 1976
North Pacific basin project, 1979-1980
Northeast Asia project, 1978-1981
Northern cape project, 1977-1978
Northwest Pacific basin project, 1979-1983
Nove, Alec See Container 33, Seminars, general
O'Brien, William V., 1976-1979
Ocean policy seminars, 1975-1977
O'Meara, Andrew P., 1975
Overseas bases project, 1976-1977
Oxford University, Oxford, England, alumni dinners, 1971-1977
Pacific basin congressional study group, 1982-1983
BOX I:31 Pacific Basin Institute (proposed), 1973-1975
Park, Charles S., 1979-1980
Per Jacobsson Foundation, 1974
Persian Gulf conference, 1974
Persian Gulf project, 1981-1982
Policy planning program, 1983
Political Communication and Persuasion, 1979-1981
Political-military programs, 1982
Population and world affairs project, 1974-1975
Praeger, Frederick A., 1976-1978
President's Commission on International Studies and Languages, 1977-1980
Program consolidation and update, 1982
Program descriptions, 1982-1983
Proposals, 1977-1983
Public Agenda Foundation, 1976
Public diplomacy project, 1973-1974
Reagan, Ronald, 1974-1983
(1 folder)
BOX I:32 Reagan, Ronald, 1974-1983
(2 folders)
Republic of China See Container 34, Taiwan (Republic of China)
Requests for invitations to CSIS conferences, 1973-1981
Research Council, 1974-1979
(3 folders)
Research institutions, 1983-1984
Rockefeller Foundation, 1974-1977
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