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Robert C. Cook papers, 1882-1992

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Writings, 1905-1992 (continued)
"The Breeder's Fight against Famine," 1946
"Breeding--Science, Art, and Gamble," 1934
Brief articles, 1937-1988, undated
"The Build-up of Lethal and Deleterious Genes," undated
"Can Man Survive?" undated
"Census Figures Reflect Changing Face of Nation," 1954
"Changing Patterns of Selection," 1956
"Choice Process--Amoeba to Man," undated
BOX 24 "A Chronology of Genetics," 1937
(2 folders)
"A Chronology of Rh Discoveries," undated
"The City--A Continuing Invention of Man," 1963
"Comments on the Work of Gregor Mendel," undated
"Conservation and Population," 1979
"Contraception around the World," 1970
"The 'Cooking' of Population Figures," 1976
"Cotton Mather--Witch-Burner and Scientist," circa 1930
"Counting the People--Why a Problem?" 1974
"Demographic Catch 22s," 1980
"Demographic Shifts in U.S. Population," 1958
"Department of Random Thoughts," 1976
"Design for a Planet," 1964
"Destiny by Catch-Words," 1947
"Detection of Carriers of Recessive Genes," 1955
"Does XX = XY ?" 1955
Early attempts at writings, 1914-1920
"Elephants on the Navajo Reservation," 1920
"Energy Textbook Piece," 1982
"Equality," 1976
"Ethnobotany," 1916
"Eugenic Hypothesis B," 1955
"Eugenics," 1961
"Eugenics," 1970-1976
"Eugenics and the World," undated
"Eugenics As Long-term Medicine," undated
"Eugenics at Greenbelt," 1941
"A Eugenics Program," 1936
"The Eugenics Way of Life," undated
"Facts and Fancy in Solving the Population Crisis," 1976
"Famine and the Facts of Life," undated
"The Fifth Freedom," 1943
"The Fight against the Rhesus Blood Killer," undated
"First Things First," 1980
"Flexagons As Demonstrations of Mutations," undated
"The Food-Population Dilemma," 1968
"From East to West," undated
"Front Line against Cancer," 1941
BOX 25 "Genes of Fruit Flies and of Men," 1944
"Genes Win the Nobel Prize," undated
"Genetic Erosion," undated
"Genetics and Adoption Practices," 1955
"Genetics for the Million," 1947
"Genetics, Man and Meat," 1953
"Genetics--Privilege and Responsibility in 1950," 1950
"Genic and Cultural Erosion in America," 1946
"Genocide and Heredity," 1973
"Gerald Winfield and 'Unthinkable' Solutions," 1978
"The Glorification of the Abstract," undated
"The Glorification of the Trivial," undated
"Going to the Dregs," undated
"The Great Society," undated
"Heil Hitler!" undated
"Heredity and Child Adoption," undated
"Heredity and Emotions," 1945
"Heredity As a Factor in Normal Living," undated
"High Points in the Population's Wakening," undated
"The House of Man," 1967
"Houses of Earth," undated
"Housing and Population Growth in Africa, Asia and Latin America," 1963-1964
"How Many Births?" 1968
"How Many of Us Humans Are There?" 1977
"How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth?" 1962
"How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth?" 1980
"How Many Plant Patents Are Valid?" 1933
"How the Population Explosion Began," 1970
"How Population Growth Became Today's Major Problem," 1981
"Human Genetics 1945," 1945
"Hunting for Causes of Death," 1968
"The Illusion of Unchecked Growth," 1981
"Inherited Variations in the Sense of Taste," 1933
"Inside Genetics," 1975-1977
"Invasion of an Idea," 1963
"An Introduction to Eugenics," 1941-1942
"Is Eugenics Half-baked?" undated
"Is the Plant Patent Law a Graft Hybrid?" 1934
"Is There a Demographic Credibility Gap?" 1968
BOX 26 "Is This an Age of Science?" undated
"It's Going to Be a Crowded Planet!" 1958
"The Journal and the Economic Crisis," undated
"Julian Huxley," undated
"A Key to the Solution of the Population Problem," 1952
"Knight Dunlap Quixotes (Homemade) Genetic Windmills," 1940
"Lethal Genes: A Factor in Fertility," 1953
"Let's Look at Some Facts of Life," 1939
"Letter to a Grandson," undated
"Little Red Schoolhouse--1941," 1941
"Lysenko's Marxist Genetics," 1949
"The Machine Environment," undated
"Man and Environment," 1969
"Man--His World and His Work," 1971
"Man on the Moon and the Men on Earth," undated
"Man--The Time Binder," circa 1926
"Mangoes without Tears," undated
"Man's Future Is Here on Earth," 1969
"Mansions in the Sky," circa 1960
"Marriage and the Stable Family Unit," 1961
"Medicine, Men, and the Vital Revolution," 1955, 1958
"Memo Regarding Renner's 'Geopolitik' Piece," undated
"Men and Mice at Edinburgh," 1969
"Monkey Blook," 1944-1945
"The Mount Hope Index," undated
"Mr. Chesterton on 'Mendelianism,'" undated
"The Nature of the Opposition," circa 1950
"Needed: A Human Ecology," 1948
"New Frontiers of Science," 1941
"The New Hippocrates," undated
"A New Way of Life," 1943
"The Newer Pioneering," undated
"The Next Three Billion People," undated
"Ninety Million Babies to Stabilize Population Growth," 1970
"Ninety Years of Mendelism," 1965
"The North American Hutterites," 1954
"Not By Soil Alone," 1948
Notes, general, 1969-1971
"The Novelist and the Universe," circa 1938
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