The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Bronson M. Cutting papers, 1890-1950
Speech, Essay and Article File, 1905-1935 (continued)
71st Congress, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and special sessions, 1929-1930
BOX 85 72nd Congress, 1st and 2nd sessions, 1931-1932
73rd Congress, 1st and 2nd sessions, 1933-1934
BOX 86 74th Congress, 1st session, 1935-1936
Unbound, 1928-1935, and printed copies of speeches delivered by Cutting in the Senate
BOX 87-91 Material Relating to the Death of Cutting, 1935-1950
Letters and resolutions received, tributes, photostatic copy of will, Bronson Cutting Memorial Lectures, and an official statement on his fatal plane crash.
Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization.
BOX 87 Material found in pockets
Lists of persons and organizations sending letters of sympathy, 1935
Letters of sympathy
A-K, 1935
BOX 88 L-Z, 1935
BOX 89 Telegrams, 1935
Resolutions from Congress, 1935
Resolutions from veterans organizations, 1935
Resolutions from miscellaneous groups, 1935
Cutting, Bronson, 1935
Will, photostatic copy
Disposal of musical records
BOX 90 Tributes
Notebook with typed excerpts from letters and tributes, 1935
Album of signatures of United States senators, 1935
Memorial books, 1935
BOX 91 Bronson Cutting Memorial Lectures (incomplete set), 1937-1938
Statement by Daniel C. Roper on plane crash, 14 June 1935
Miscellaneous quotations compiled by Olivia Cutting
Analysis of causes of wreck by Hugh Russell Fraser, 1950
BOX 92 Biographer's Papers, 1912-1950
Correspondence, notes, and related matter assembled by Olivia Cutting. Two typescripts of personal recollections by Brian Boru Dunne.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 92 Biographical material
Chronology and statements from Olivia Cutting
Persons from whom biographical material was solicited or might be available
Tentative outlines and suggestions for a biography
Record in the Senate compiled by Olivia Cutting, 1928-1935
"Personal Recollections of a Friend," typescript by Brian Boru Dunne, 1937
(2 vols.)
Bronson Cutting, Aristocrat In Politics,” by H. R. Fraser
Diplomas, commissions, and related matter, 1912-1929 See Oversize
BOX 93-115 Printed Matter, 1916-1936
Clippings, scrapbooks relating to Cutting's death, government documents, and other printed matter.
Loose clippings are arranged by subject.
BOX 93 Cutting activities in the Senate, 1932-1933, 1935
BOX 94 Airplane crash of 7 May 1935
American Legion, revocation of charter, 1933
Baltimore Sun, 11 June 1933
Bonus Bill, impact of Cutting's death, 1935
Chavez, Dennis, appointment to Senate, May 1935
Corrupt Practices Act, 1928
Cruise to Panama, 1933
Cuba See Container 39, Republic of Cuba bonds
Cutting, Bronson
Appointment to Senate, 1928
Death of, 1935
Funeral and memorial services, 1935
General background
BOX 95 Body transferred to New Mexico, 1935
"Up to Campaign," 1934
Death of, editorials and articles by individuals (arranged by state), May 1935
Maiden speech in Senate, 1928
BOX 96 Senate appointment, "The New Senator, How Will He Vote?" 1928
Tributes in New Mexico newspapers, 1935
Cutting Memorial Association, formation (clippings), May-June 1935
Economy Act, 1932-1933
Campaign and election, senatorial
From The New Mexican, 6-10 Dec. 1934
BOX 97 Election contest, 1934
Election, presidential, 1932
Freedom of the press, 1917-1919
Hannett, Arthur T., 1935
Investigation of airplane accident, 1935-1936
Levinson, David, kidnapping, 1935
Libel and contempt cases, 1916
BOX 98 “Manby Case,” 1930
Minor, Robert See Container 97, Levinson, David
New Mexican Printing Co., sale of, 1918
“New Mexican State Affairs,” 1934
“New Mexico,” 1917-1918
“New Mexico Affairs,” 1930
“News, 18 Feb.-30 Nov. 1934"
Nicaragua, 1928
Penitentiary Board, circa 1926
Philippine Independence Bill, 1933
"Public Works Act and Unemployment Relief," circa 1923-1935
BOX 99 Republic of Cuba bonds, 1934-1935
Russia, 1930
Santa Fe New Mexican, 29 Sept.-30 Oct. 1920
Senate appropriation for Olivia Cutting, 1935
Senate committees, reorganization, 1933
Veterans compensation, overruling of the president's veto, Mar. 1934
Veterans legislation, 1933
BOX 100 Miscellaneous clippings from Cutting's files
Archaeological Institute for the Southwest, 1913-1914
American Legion, 1919-1933
Strachey, John, deportation, 1935
Veterans Bureau Reports, 1927-1928
BOX 101 Miscellaneous and unsorted clippings
BOX 102 Printed copies of bills not introduced by Cutting
Printed government documents
BOX 103 Periodicals
BOX 104 Eyles case, 1911
Indian affairs, 1923-1928
Scrapbooks regarding 7 May 1935
BOX 105 Scrapbook of clippings
BOX 106 29 Dec. 1927-31 Mar. 1928
June-Sept. 1921
BOX 107 Jan.-Dec. 1928
BOX 108 Jan.-June 1931
BOX 109 1932
BOX 110 1934
BOX 111 Senatorial contest, 1934-1935
BOX 112 Clippings on senatorial contest, 16 Nov. 1934-25 Apr. 1936
Clipping on seating of Dennis Chavez
Miscellaneous printed matter on senatorial contest
BOX 113 Scrapbooks of clippings
BOX 114 1913-1927
BOX 115 1932-1935
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