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Bronson M. Cutting papers, 1890-1950

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Washington File, D.C., 1928-1935 (continued)
Corrupt Practices Act, 1928-1932
Cuba See Container 39, Republic of Cuba bonds
Cutting, Bronson
Bills introduced, 1928-1935
Record in Senate, 1928-1935
Honorary degree, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1928
Senate committees, 1930-1934
Attack by Z. B. Moon and A. M. Edwards, 1931
Comments on performance of "Inventory of Contents of Los Siete Burros, Santa Fe, New Mexico," [1935]
BOX 23 Musical records and programs, list, undated
Notes on veterans legislation, 1928-1934
Possibility of presidential nomination in 1936
Codes and lists, unidentified, undated
Foreign travel
BOX 24 Senate appointment, 1928
Campaign and election, senatorial, congratulatory messages, 1928
Election, senatorial, congratulatory messages, 1928
Nomination for Senate, 1934
BOX 25 Campaign and election, senatorial, 1934
Correspondence, Apr.-Nov. 1934
Correspondence relating to election of 1934, received Jan.-Apr. 1935
Campaign and election, senatorial, "Unimportant Letters" dated Sept. Dec. 1934
Answers to form letter of Oct. 12 and 20, 1934 (“Unimportant”)
BOX 26 Statements to and from colleagues, Sept.-Nov. 1934
Election, senatorial, 1934
Congratulatory messages, Sept.-Dec. 1934
Election, senatorial, congratulatory messages from “special people," 1934
BOX 27 Campaign and election senatorial, Democratic Party literature, 1934
Congratulatory messages received on confirmation of election "from without state," Jan.-Apr. 1935
Material relating to Dennis Chavez's contest of election, Nov. 1934-May 1935
BOX 28 Disabled veterans See same container, Economy Act
Disarmament, 1928-1929
Economy Act, 1932-1933
Education in New Mexico, 1929-1933
Emergency officers retirement benefits, 1933
Employees' compensation, 1935
Farm Credit Administration, 1935
Feed and seed loans, 1935
Farmer Labor Political Federation, 1934
Farm Mortgage Relief Bill, 1933
Federal building projects, 1935
BOX 29 Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 1934-May 1935
Federal Housing Administration, 1935
Federal Relief Bill, Mar.-Apr. 1935
Highway legislation, 1929
Home Owners' Loan Corp., Dec. 1934-May 1935
Hoover, Herbert, inaugural, 1929
BOX 30 Immigration, 1928-1932
Indian Affairs, 1929-1934 See also Container 32, Mescalero Indians; and Container 41, Wheeler-Howard Act
International Boundary Commission, 1935
Irrigation and Reclamation Bill, 1932
Labor, 1928
Land Office (Department of the Interior), Jan.-May 1935
BOX 31 Legislation, miscellaneous copies, 71st Congress, 3rd session, and 72nd Congress, 1st session, 1931-1932
BOX 32 Llano Cooperative Colony, 1933-1935
McCarthy, Clifford, copies of letters to, 1930-1934
Maxwell Ditch and Reservoir Co. (Reconstruction Finance Corp. loan), 1933-1935
Mescalero Indians, 1928-1929
Migratory birds, protection See Container 22, Conservation
Mining in forest preserves, 1929
Mooney-Billings Committee, 1932
Morrow, John, voting record, 1926-1927
BOX 33 National Forests (Department of Agriculture), 1928-1935
New Mexican (Spanish edition), 1928
New Mexico legislation in Congress, 1934-1935 See also Container 39, Soil Erosion Service, projects in New Mexico
Newspapers and magazines received, 1928-1932
Newspapers in New Mexico, 1929-1935
Oil prospecting permits, 1930-1932, 1935
BOX 34 Old Age Pension Bill
Nov. 1933-31 Jan. 1935
BOX 35 1 Feb.-30 Apr. 1935
Santa Fe file, 1934
BOX 36 Olsen, Clara, secretary to Governor Richard Charles Dillon, correspondence, 1928-1930
Patronage, favors requested, 1928-1935
Phillips, Orie L., appointment as circuit court judge, 1929
Postal workers, 1929
Pound, Ezra, letters from 1932, 1934-1935
Progressive Conference (National Republican Party), 1931-1932
Progressive Party of New Mexico, 1932-1934
Public health, 1929
BOX 37 Public lands, Congressman John J. Dempsey's bills, 1935
Public lands, oil and gas permits, 1935
Public Works Act and Unemployment Relief, 1932-1935
Public Works Bill, S. 1596, 1933
BOX 38 Rayburn-Wheeler Bill (public utilities), correspondence, Mar.-Apr. 1935
Reconstruction Finance Corp., correspondence, 1934-1935
BOX 39 Republic of Cuba bonds, 1934-1935
Republican National Committee, 1932
Resolutions and memorials from New Mexican legislature, 1931
Sanchez, George, 1933
"The Senators Visit the Soviet Villages," article, 1930
Soil Erosion Service
Department of the Interior, 1934
Soil Erosion Service, projects in New Mexico, correspondence, 1933-1935
Strayed animals, bill for return of, S. 1617, 1935
Subsistence-Homestead Division (Department of the Interior), project in New Mexico, 1935
Tariff, 1929
Temperance, 1932-1934
Third party, 1934-1935
BOX 40 United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., appointments
BOX 41 United States presidential campaign, 1932
Veterans Bureau, 1928-1929
Veterans claims, list, undated
Veterans Claims Board, legislation, 1933
Veterans Hospital, Fort Bayard, N.Mex., removal of, 1929
Veterans legislation, correspondence, 1928-1929, 1932-1934 See also Container 23, Cutting, Bronson, Notes on veterans legislation
Wheeler-Howard Act (Indian affairs), HR 7902, 1934
Workers' Unemployment, Old Age and Social Security Bill, 1935
World Court, 1928-1929
BOX 42 Mailing lists, including people over sixty years of age, job applicants (arranged by county)
Employees, New Mexico, lists, undated
BOX 43-81 Veterans Cases, 1928-circa 1935
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of veteran in two files as maintained by Cutting's office: claims correspondence and closed claims correspondence.
BOX 43 Claims correspondence
BOX 44 Arm-Barn
BOX 45 Baro-Bo
BOX 46 Br-Can
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