| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
John William Draper Papers, 1811-1924
(continued) |
BOX 18-22 |
Biographical material, certificates, deeds and mortgages, genealogies,
newspaper clippings, and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. |
BOX 18 |
Biographical material |
Birth certificate, 1811
Certificate of Honours, University of London,
Certificate of marriage, 1831
Certificates, miscellaneous |
Citizenship papers, 1848
Death of John William Draper |
Deeds and mortgages |
(2 folders) |
Description of land |
Estate |
Genealogies of Draper, Ludlow, and Maury
families |
Notebook, "Chapman's Lectures on the Practice
of Medicine" |
Notes |
Property maps |
BOX 19 |
Miscellaneous cards, congressional bill,
recipe, notes, scientific drawings, and other items |
(2 folders) |
Newspaper clippings |
(3 folders) |
BOX 20 |
Newspaper clippings |
(4 folders) |
BOX 21 |
Newspaper clippings |
(3 folders) |
Printed matter |
(2 folders) |
BOX 22 |
Printed matter |
(6 folders) |
BOX 23-42 |
Daniel Draper Papers, 1861-1931
BOX 23-25 |
Family Correspondence, 1870-1924
Letters from family members. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of person. |
BOX 23 |
Dixon, Annie P. |
Dixon, Antonia Draper |
Dixon, Edward H. |
Dixon, Hatty |
Draper, Anna Palmer |
Draper, Charlotte E. |
Draper, Dorothy C. |
Draper, Dorothy C. (daughter) |
Draper, Harriet Maury |
Draper, Henry |
Draper, John C. |
Draper, Mrs. John C. |
Draper, M. A. P. |
Draper, Ann ("Nancy") Maury Ludlow
(wife) |
Gardner, Antonia P. |
BOX 24 |
Gardner, Boris |
Gardner, Catherine |
Gardner, Daniel |
Gardner, J. W. |
Gardner, Lillie |
Gardner, Tom |
Getty, Walter P. |
Hamlen, Elinor |
Hamlen, Elizabeth |
Ludlow, Francis Maury |
Ludlow, Harriet V. N. |
Ludlow, Hattie |
Ludlow, Josephine B. |
Ludlow, Margaret R. |
Ludlow, Rutson M. |
Ludlow, Sallie M. |
Maury, Antonia C. |
Maury, Carlotta J. |
Maury, Elizabeth |
Maury, Emily L. |
Maury, James F. |
Maury, John William Draper |
Maury, Mytton |
BOX 25 |
Maury, Tobin |
Maury, Virginia Draper |
Palmer, Courtlandt |
Unidentified family members |
BOX 25-30 |
General Correspondence, 1861-1919
Chiefly letters received, with some copies of letters sent. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. |
BOX 25 |
"A" miscellaneous |
Abbe, Cleveland |
Alvord, Benjamin |
American Association for the Advancement of
Science |
American Philosophical Society |
Appleton, Charles |
Appleton, William W. |
Appleton (D.) & Co. |
Auchincloss, William S. |
"B" miscellaneous |
Balestier, J. N. |
Ballot, Buys |
Barbour & Co. |
Barker, George F. |
BOX 26 |
Barnard, F. A. P. |
Beach, Alfred Ely |
Bedford, Gunning
S. |
Bell, Alexander Graham |
Bell, George |
Benjamin, Park |
Boberil, Roger du |
Brace, Charles Loring |
Brandt, Carl L. |
Brashear, John A. |
"C" miscellaneous |
Cattell, James McKeen |
Cross, Charles R. |
"D" miscellaneous |
Dillon, Sidney |
Doremus, Robert Ogden |
Draper Manufacturing Co. |
"E" miscellaneous |
Edwards, Charles
See Container 25, Balestier, J. N.
Eiffel, Gustave |
BOX 27 |
"F" miscellaneous |
Fackenthal, Frank |
Finley, John H. |
Field, Cyrus West |
"G-H" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Harper & Brothers |
"I-J" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 28 |
"K-L" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Langley, Samuel P. |
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