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John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951

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John William Draper Papers, 1811-1924 (continued)
BOX 18-22 Miscellany
Biographical material, certificates, deeds and mortgages, genealogies, newspaper clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 18 Biographical material
Birth certificate, 1811
Certificate of Honours, University of London, 1831
Certificate of marriage, 1831
Certificates, miscellaneous
Citizenship papers, 1848
Death of John William Draper
Deeds and mortgages
(2 folders)
Description of land
Genealogies of Draper, Ludlow, and Maury families
Notebook, "Chapman's Lectures on the Practice of Medicine"
Property maps
BOX 19 Miscellaneous cards, congressional bill, recipe, notes, scientific drawings, and other items
(2 folders)
Newspaper clippings
(3 folders)
BOX 20 Newspaper clippings
(4 folders)
BOX 21 Newspaper clippings
(3 folders)
Printed matter
(2 folders)
BOX 22 Printed matter
(6 folders)
BOX 23-42 Daniel Draper Papers, 1861-1931
BOX 23-25 Family Correspondence, 1870-1924
Letters from family members.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person.
BOX 23 Dixon, Annie P.
Dixon, Antonia Draper
Dixon, Edward H.
Dixon, Hatty
Draper, Anna Palmer
Draper, Charlotte E.
Draper, Dorothy C.
Draper, Dorothy C. (daughter)
Draper, Harriet Maury
Draper, Henry
Draper, John C.
Draper, Mrs. John C.
Draper, M. A. P.
Draper, Ann ("Nancy") Maury Ludlow (wife)
Gardner, Antonia P.
BOX 24 Gardner, Boris
Gardner, Catherine
Gardner, Daniel
Gardner, J. W.
Gardner, Lillie
Gardner, Tom
Getty, Walter P.
Hamlen, Elinor
Hamlen, Elizabeth
Ludlow, Francis Maury
Ludlow, Harriet V. N.
Ludlow, Hattie
Ludlow, Josephine B.
Ludlow, Margaret R.
Ludlow, Rutson M.
Ludlow, Sallie M.
Maury, Antonia C.
Maury, Carlotta J.
Maury, Elizabeth
Maury, Emily L.
Maury, James F.
Maury, John William Draper
Maury, Mytton
BOX 25 Maury, Tobin
Maury, Virginia Draper
Palmer, Courtlandt
Unidentified family members
BOX 25-30 General Correspondence, 1861-1919
Chiefly letters received, with some copies of letters sent.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 25 "A" miscellaneous
Abbe, Cleveland
Alvord, Benjamin
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Philosophical Society
Appleton, Charles
Appleton, William W.
Appleton (D.) & Co.
Auchincloss, William S.
"B" miscellaneous
Balestier, J. N.
Ballot, Buys
Barbour & Co.
Barker, George F.
BOX 26 Barnard, F. A. P.
Beach, Alfred Ely
Bedford, Gunning S.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, George
Benjamin, Park
Boberil, Roger du
Brace, Charles Loring
Brandt, Carl L.
Brashear, John A.
"C" miscellaneous
Cattell, James McKeen
Cross, Charles R.
"D" miscellaneous
Dillon, Sidney
Doremus, Robert Ogden
Draper Manufacturing Co.
"E" miscellaneous
Edwards, Charles See Container 25, Balestier, J. N.
Eiffel, Gustave
BOX 27 "F" miscellaneous
Fackenthal, Frank
Finley, John H.
Field, Cyrus West
"G-H" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Harper & Brothers
"I-J" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 28 "K-L" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Langley, Samuel P.
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