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Hanna-McCormick family papers, 1792-1985

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Addition I, 1864-1985 (continued)
BOX 138 Address book, undated
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 1864-1865, 1903-1904, undated
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 1912, 1927-1928, 1937-1944
McCormick, Katharine Medill, 1872, circa 1908-circa 1925, undated
(5 folders)
McCormick, Medill (1877-1925)
General, 1891, 1906-1923, undated
(3 folders)
To Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 1902-1910, undated
BOX 139 McCormick, Medill ("Johnny")(1917-1938), 1930-1938, undated
McCormick, Robert R. ("Bertie"), 1910-1922, undated
(4 folders)
McCormick, Robert S., 1901-1917, undated
Medill, Joseph, 1873-1874, 1889-1897, undated
(4 folders)
Miller, Peter, 1942-1945, undated
Miscellaneous, 1919, 1934
Patterson, Eleanor Medill ("Cissy"), 1919, undated
Patterson, Elinor Medill, 1915-1921, undated
Patterson, Joseph Medill, 1910-1922
BOX 140 Simms, Albert G.
Condolences re death of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 1944-1945
(3 folders)
General, 1945, 1951, 1962, undated
To Ruth Hanna McCormick, 1931, undated
Simms, Ruth Hanna McCormick
Condolences re death of her son, 1938-1939
(4 folders)
BOX 141 General, 1906-1909, 1923, 1930-1944, undated
(4 folders)
To Medill McCormick (1877-1925), circa 1909, undated
Tankersley, Ruth McCormick ("Bazy"), 1930, 1939-1951, 1960, undated
(2 folders)
Diaries of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 1919-1926, 1934-1942
BOX 142 Financial material
Estates of
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, Ruth Hanna McCormick Trust, 1924, 1944
Parsons, Mabel Hanna, 1933, 1943
McCormick, Robert S., 1919-1927
Tankersley, Ruth McCormick
Securities lists, 1939, 1945, undated
Statements and budgets, 1933-1944
Genealogical material, circa 1985
Guest book, 1936-1948
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo
Credentials for Senate, 1898-1904 See Oversize
Ruth Hanna McCormick Simm's collection of papers concerning, 1898-1939, undated
Memorial booklets
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 1904
McCormick, Medill, (1877-1925), 1925
McCormick, Medill "Johnny," (1917-1938), 1938
Simms, Ruth Hanna McCormick, 1945
BOX 143 Oral histories re Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 1983-1985
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, undated See also Oversize
McCormick, Medill (1877-1925), undated
Medill, Joseph, undated
Miscellaneous, 1913, undated See also Oversize
Simms, Ruth Hanna McCormick, circa 1920-1940
Political campaigns See also Container 144, Scrapbooks
1928, Ruth Hanna McCormick for Congress
1930, Ruth Hanna McCormick for Senate
Campaign literature, 1930
Political cartoons, 1930
Scrapbook, 1930
1940, Thomas E. Dewey for president
Commentary, undated
Porter, George F., suicide, 1927
Printed matter
Miscellaneous, circa 1918-1947, undated
Obituaries for Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 1945
Rock River Farms, Byron, Ill., 1919, circa 1947, 1969
BOX 144 Scrapbooks of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, See also Container 143, Political campaigns, scrapbook
Vol. I, "Politics only," 1926-1927
Vol. II, "Chicago papers only, campaign special," 1927-1928
Vol. III, "Magazines," 1928
Vol. IV, Wedding, 1903 See Oversize
Vol. V, "Suffrage," 1914-1915 See Oversize
Vol. VI, "Farm, personal, and world court," 1925-1927 See Oversize
Vol. VII, "Miscellaneous and politics," 1926-1927 See Oversize
Vol. VIII, "Politics only," 1927 See Oversize
Vol. IX, "Clippings from Illinois papers only, previous to the April primaries," 1928 See Oversize
Vol. X, "Editorials, April primaries, Republican convention in Kansas City, campaign," 1928 See Oversize
Vol. XI, "Miscellaneous clippings and editorials received at the office after the primaries, dealing with the campaign," 1928 See Oversize
Vol. XII, "Political campaign and fall election," 1928 See Oversize
Vol. XIII, "Politics only," 1927-1928 See Oversize
Vol. XIV, Senate primary campaign, 1930 See Oversize
Vol. XV, "Press clippings of Ruth Hanna McCormick in Dewey for President Campaign," 1940 See Oversize
BOX 145 Tribune Co.
McCormick-Patterson trust agreements
Correspondence, 1923, 1932-1944
Legal documents, 1932-1944, undated
(2 folders)
Stockholders as of 20 Jan. 1944
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 1903
McCormick, Medill, 1919
Medill, Joseph, 1899
Simms, Ruth Hanna McCormick, 1933
BOX 145 Addition II, 1923-1932
Diary of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, notes of a speech, and telegram of of Medill McCormick.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 145 Diary, 1923-1926
Speech of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms supporting Herbert Hoover for president, 1932
Telegram, Medill McCormick, 1921
BOX OV 1-OV 13 Oversize, 1898-1940
Oversize material consisting of Senate credentials, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Organized and described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Miscellany
Tankersley, Ruth McCormick ("Bazy"), scrapbook, 1948 (Container 137)
BOX OV 2 Addition
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo
Credentials for U.S. Senate, 1898-1904 (Container 142)
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, undated (Container 143)
Miscellaneous, undated (Container 143)
BOX OV 3 Scrapbooks of Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms (Container 144)
Vol. IV, Wedding, 1903
BOX OV 4 Vol. V, "Suffrage," 1914-1915
BOX OV 5 Vol. VI, "Farm, personal, and world court," 1925-1927
BOX OV 6 Vol. VII, "Miscellaneous and politics," 1926-1927
BOX OV 7 Vol. VIII, "Politics only," 1927
BOX OV 8 Vol. IX, "Clippings from Illinois papers only, previous to the April primaries," 1928
BOX OV 9 Vol. X, "Editorials, April primaries, Republican convention in Kansas City, campaign," 1928
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