| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Congressional File, 1900-1938
(continued) |
Suffrage parade, Washington, D.C., 1913
(continued) |
(2 folders) |
BOX 39-70 |
Organizations File, 1909-1939
BOX 39 |
Alcohol Education Association
of America, 1919-1922
Correspondence and reports. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. |
BOX 39 |
Correspondence, 1921-1922
Notebooks, 1919-1922
(3 folders) |
Notes, undated
Publications, undated
BOX 39-45 |
Anti-Saloon League of America,
Correspondence and reports. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. |
BOX 39 |
Appointment and account ledgers |
(4 folders) |
BOX 40 |
(4 folders) |
Assistant, William H. Morgan, 1916, undated
Chatauquas |
Address book, undated
Daily expenses, 1916-1917
Journal, 1920
Schedules, undated
Contracts and agreements, 1916-1920
BOX 41 |
Convention, Atlantic City, N.J., 1915
Dispute over election campaign payments,
Eighteenth Amendment to United States
Constitution, 1917-1920,
General correspondence, 1909-1922, undated
(2 folders) |
National Lincoln Chautauquas System, 1918-1919
Notes, 1916-1917, undated
Printed matter, 1916-1920, undated
Prohibition Party, 1916
Speeches and writings |
Articles and briefs, 1916-1918, undated
Book, Alcohol and the Human Race
Correspondence, 1915-1921, undated
Drafts, undated
(1 folder) |
BOX 42 |
Drafts, undated
(4 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Drafts, undated
(3 folders) |
Outline, undated
Pamphlet edition, 1919, undated
BOX 44 |
Publicity and distribution, 1920, undated
Source material |
General, 1906-1918, undated
(3 folders) |
BOX 45 |
Hobson, Sarah Ann, compiled by,
(2 folders) |
Speeches |
Correspondence, 1916-1920
Draft and final copies, 1917-1927, undated
BOX 45-55 |
Constitutional Democracy
Association, 1934-1938
Correspondence, press clippings, and reports. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. |
BOX 45 |
America for God Crusade, 1936
American Coalition, 1937, undated
American Legion, 1935-1936, undated
"A" miscellaneous, 1935-1937
BOX 46 |
Board of Directors |
Allen, Frederick Hobbes, 1936-1937
Belknap, Reginald R., 1935-1937
General, 1937
Meetings, 1935-1937
(5 folders) |
Bondy, Joseph J., 1937, undated
Bylaws and articles of incorporation, 1935
"B" miscellaneous, 1935-1937
Close-out of organization and headquarters,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1935
Communism, 1934-1937, undated
Constitutional Democracy, 1937
BOX 47 |
Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Co., 1937
"C" miscellaneous, 1937
Defend the Constitution clubs, 1935-1936
Donors, 1937
A-S |
(4 folders) |
BOX 48 |
T-Z |
"D" miscellaneous, 1937
Eldred, Hubert W.
See Container 49, National Veterans Reserve
Executive branch reorganization bill, 1937
Executive director, Edward C. Fielder, 1937
Executive vice president, Lawrence S. Adams,
Expenses, 1936-1938
(2 folders) |
"E-F" miscellaneous, 1937
Gannett, Frank E., 1935-1937
"G" miscellaneous, 1937
Harris, William Budington, 1937
"H" miscellaneous, 1937
BOX 49 |
Institution for Social Advancement and
Institution for Social Evolution, 1934-1935
Ives, Henry Swift
See Container 51, Special counsel
Jews, 1936
"J-K" miscellaneous, 1937-1938
Literature and letters, 1936-1937
"L" miscellaneous, 1937
Mission statement, 1935-1937, undated
"M" miscellaneous, 1937
National Advisory Committee, 1937, undated
National Veterans Reserve
Corps, 1936, undated
New York, N.Y., office, 1936-1938, undated
"N-O" miscellaneous, 1937-1938, undated
BOX 50 |
Pamphlets, brochures, and information
packets, 1937, undated
Petty cash expenses, 1936-1938, undated
President |
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 1936-1937, undated
Stokes, J.G. Phelps, 1922, 1937, undated
Progress reports, 1937, undated
Public welfare committees, 1935-1936, undated
Publicity and outreach, 1937
"P" miscellaneous, 1937, undated
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1936-1937, undated
"R" miscellaneous, 1937
Sokolsky, George E., "Revolution," 1937
Solicitations and appeals |
Corporations, 1935-1937
BOX 51 |
General, 1934-1937, undated
(3 folders) |
Large gifts, 1937
Nonprofit organizations, 1937
Philanthropic organizations, 1934-1936
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