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Richmond Pearson Hobson papers, 1889-1966

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Congressional File, 1900-1938 (continued)
Suffrage parade, Washington, D.C., 1913 (continued)
(2 folders)
BOX 39-70 Organizations File, 1909-1939
BOX 39 Alcohol Education Association of America, 1919-1922
Correspondence and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically.
BOX 39 Correspondence, 1921-1922
Notebooks, 1919-1922
(3 folders)
Notes, undated
Publications, undated
BOX 39-45 Anti-Saloon League of America, 1909-1927
Correspondence and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically.
BOX 39 Appointment and account ledgers
(4 folders)
BOX 40 1918-1921
(4 folders)
Assistant, William H. Morgan, 1916, undated
Address book, undated
Daily expenses, 1916-1917
Journal, 1920
Schedules, undated
Contracts and agreements, 1916-1920
BOX 41 Convention, Atlantic City, N.J., 1915
Dispute over election campaign payments, 1916
Eighteenth Amendment to United States Constitution, 1917-1920, undated
General correspondence, 1909-1922, undated
(2 folders)
National Lincoln Chautauquas System, 1918-1919
Notes, 1916-1917, undated
Printed matter, 1916-1920, undated
Prohibition Party, 1916
Speeches and writings
Articles and briefs, 1916-1918, undated
Book, Alcohol and the Human Race
Correspondence, 1915-1921, undated
Drafts, undated
(1 folder)
BOX 42 Drafts, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 43 Drafts, undated
(3 folders)
Outline, undated
Pamphlet edition, 1919, undated
BOX 44 Publicity and distribution, 1920, undated
Source material
General, 1906-1918, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 45 Hobson, Sarah Ann, compiled by, 1917-1919
(2 folders)
Correspondence, 1916-1920
Draft and final copies, 1917-1927, undated
BOX 45-55 Constitutional Democracy Association, 1934-1938
Correspondence, press clippings, and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically.
BOX 45 America for God Crusade, 1936
American Coalition, 1937, undated
American Legion, 1935-1936, undated
"A" miscellaneous, 1935-1937
BOX 46 Board of Directors
Allen, Frederick Hobbes, 1936-1937
Belknap, Reginald R., 1935-1937
General, 1937
Meetings, 1935-1937
(5 folders)
Bondy, Joseph J., 1937, undated
Bylaws and articles of incorporation, 1935
"B" miscellaneous, 1935-1937
Close-out of organization and headquarters, 1937
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1935
Communism, 1934-1937, undated
Constitutional Democracy, 1937
BOX 47 Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Co., 1937
"C" miscellaneous, 1937
Defend the Constitution clubs, 1935-1936
Donors, 1937
(4 folders)
BOX 48 T-Z
"D" miscellaneous, 1937
Eldred, Hubert W. See Container 49, National Veterans Reserve Corps
Executive branch reorganization bill, 1937
Executive director, Edward C. Fielder, 1937
Executive vice president, Lawrence S. Adams, 1935-1937
Expenses, 1936-1938
(2 folders)
"E-F" miscellaneous, 1937
Gannett, Frank E., 1935-1937
"G" miscellaneous, 1937
Harris, William Budington, 1937
"H" miscellaneous, 1937
BOX 49 Institution for Social Advancement and Institution for Social Evolution, 1934-1935
Ives, Henry Swift See Container 51, Special counsel
Jews, 1936
"J-K" miscellaneous, 1937-1938
Literature and letters, 1936-1937
"L" miscellaneous, 1937
Mission statement, 1935-1937, undated
"M" miscellaneous, 1937
National Advisory Committee, 1937, undated
National Veterans Reserve Corps, 1936, undated
New York, N.Y., office, 1936-1938, undated
"N-O" miscellaneous, 1937-1938, undated
BOX 50 Pamphlets, brochures, and information packets, 1937, undated
Petty cash expenses, 1936-1938, undated
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 1936-1937, undated
Stokes, J.G. Phelps, 1922, 1937, undated
Progress reports, 1937, undated
Public welfare committees, 1935-1936, undated
Publicity and outreach, 1937
"P" miscellaneous, 1937, undated
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1936-1937, undated
"R" miscellaneous, 1937
Sokolsky, George E., "Revolution," 1937
Solicitations and appeals
Corporations, 1935-1937
BOX 51 General, 1934-1937, undated
(3 folders)
Large gifts, 1937
Nonprofit organizations, 1937
Philanthropic organizations, 1934-1936
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