| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 17-27 |
Navy File, 1886-1942
Articles, books, correspondence and cables, memoranda, notes, orders, papers,
photographs, press clippings, reports, and speeches. |
Organized alphabetically by name of person, subject, or type of material and
thereunder chronologically. |
BOX 17 |
Articles and papers |
"A Summary of the Situation and Outlook in
Europe: An Introduction into the Study of Coming War" |
Correspondence, 1895-1896
Outline, undated
Published copy and reviews, 1895
Source material |
General, undated
Naval strength, undated
General, 1894-1899
"In Time of Peace, Prepare for War," 1908
"Notes on the Establishment of a
Phrenological Equation," undated
"Notes on the Yacht Defender and the Use of Aluminum in Marine Construction," circa 1895
BOX 18 |
Asiatic Squadron, Hong Kong, circa 1898
See also Oversize
Books |
Buck Jones at Annapolis
Correspondence, 1906-1908
Drafts, undated
(2 folders) |
Reviews, 1907
History of the United States Naval Academy, 1910-1912
In Line of Duty
Correspondence, 1908-1910, 1920, undated
Drafts, undated
(2 folders) |
BOX 19 |
Reviews, 1910
The Sinking of the Merrimac, 1898-1899, 1915, 1933-1936
Cavite Navy Yard, Philippine Islands, 1899-1900
Charges and accusations |
Bowles, Francis T., 1896
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, by |
Bowles, Francis T., 1896
Woodward, Joseph J., 1897
Charleston (cruiser), 1900, undated
Congressional bill re retirement as
admiral |
Congratulations, 1934
BOX 20 |
Correspondence, 1934-1935
(2 folders) |
Passage, 1931-1934
Supporting evidence and statements, 1931-1934
Congressional Medal of Honor
See Container 73, same heading
Disappearing gun turrets, 1895, undated
Donato Guerra (despatch vessel), 1897
Finances, 1895-1896
Fiske, Bradley A., 1916-1917
Forsyth, James McQueen, 1912
France, 1892-1893
Hobson (destroyer), 1941-1942
Illinois (battleship), 1901
Japan, 1900
Kearsarge (sloop-of-war), 1894
BOX 21 |
Medical record, 1900-1903
Naval constructors, 1895-1898, undated
Notes, undated
Official orders and correspondence, 1890-1901, undated
(2 folders) |
Oregon (battleship), 1900-1901
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y., 1901
(2 folders) |
Pension, 1926-1934
BOX 22 |
Personal correspondence, 1890, 1898-1905, 1915-1918, 1936-1937, undated
Photographs, circa
Public engagements, 1898
Sea duty, 1895-1897
Service record, undated
Ship stability, 1897
Shipyards and naval stations, survey
of |
Foochow Navy Yard, China, 1899-1900
See also Oversize
Hong Kong Navy Yard, China, 1900
Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., 1900
Ishikawajima Shipbuilding Co., 1900
Kure Navy Yard, Japan, 1900
Need for bases in Far East, 1894
New Amoy Dock Co., 1900
Olongapo (Subic Bay) naval station,
Philippine Islands, 1900
Yokosuka Navy Yard, Japan, 1900
BOX 23 |
Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), 1894
Spanish-American War (1898) |
Bustamente, Joaquin, 1913
Cervera y Topete, Pascual, 1903-1909, 1916, 1935
Chadwick, French Ensor, 1909, 1915
Confinement and release, Cuba, 1898, 1905, 1917, undated
Kissing controversy, 1898-1903
Matanzas, Cuba, battle, 1898
Merrimac (collier) |
Accolades and commendations, 1898-1900, 1909, 1917
Crew |
Correspondence, 1910-1918, 1935
Recognition by government, 1898-1901, 1916, 1935
Service records, 1935
Poems, circa
Published accounts, 1898, 1933, 1940-1942
Statements by Hobson, 1910, undated
Witnesses, 1934
Naval construction, circa 1898
BOX 24 |
Radio dramatizations and addresses, 1931-1936
Sampson, William T., 1898-1900
San Juan, Puerto Rico, battle, 1898
Santiago, Cuba,
circa 1898, 1934
Scrapbooks, 1898
(2 folders) |
Ship inspections |
Cincinnati (protected cruiser), 1898
Defender (yacht), 1895-1898
Detroit (cruiser), 1898
Edith Howes (coal lighter), 1898
Ericsson (torpedo gunboat), 1898
Hornet (yacht), 1898
Indiana (battleship), 1898
Iowa (battleship), 1895-1898
Iris (screw steamer), 1898-circa
Machias (patrol gunboat), 1898
Mangrove (cargo tender), 1898
Miscellaneous, 1898
Nashville (patrol gunboat), 1898
Newport (patrol gunboat), 1898
New York (armored cruiser), 1898
Potomac (ocean tugboat), 1898
Tecumseh (tugboat), 1898
Wilmington (gunboat), 1898
BOX 25 |
Spanish fleet, battle readiness, 1898
Spanish wrecks |
Cuba |
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