| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 18-20 |
Writings File, 1915-1974
Holograph, typewritten, and printed writings by Murray and others, with attached
and related matter. |
Writings by Murray are organized chronologically by year and alphabetically by
title therein. Writings by others are organized alphabetically by name of
author. |
BOX 18 |
By Murray |
circa 1940-1965, miscellaneous
notes |
"The Question of War's Threat to American
Family Life" |
Untitled articles on transference in
social work |
1943, 29 June-14 Sept.,
diary |
1944, "The Syndrome of
Operational Fatigue in Flyers" |
"Accomplishments of Psychiatry in the Army
Air Forces" |
"Returning Servicemen" |
Untitled articles on emotional factors in
flying |
1948, "Family Life and
Psychological Disturbances" |
1949, "New Horizons in
Medicine" |
1954, untitled lecture on
maturity |
1959, "Adolescent
Breakdown" |
"Traumatic Neuroses" |
Untitled lectures on character
neuroses |
"Psychopathology of the Criminal
Personality" |
"The Transformation of Early Narcissism
and Pregenital Fantasies during Pregnancy," with John Blitzer |
1962, "Why People Behave as They
Do" |
"Narcissism and the Ego-Ideal," paper
responding to discussions of paper by Murray |
"On Narcissism and the
Ego-Ideal" |
Long version |
(2 folders) |
BOX 19 |
Short version |
"On the Transformation of Narcissism into
Ego-Ideal" |
1965, "A Study of Juvenile
Murders" |
1967, eulogies |
1970, untitled lectures on
confrontation |
Undated |
"The Convalescent Care of Neuropsychiatric
patients in the Army Air Forces" |
"Discussion of 'A Trial de novo: some
early cases reexamined', by Gregory Rochlin" |
"The Dynamics of Reactive
Depressions" |
"Emotional Problems in Relation to
Driving" |
"Narcissism," draft |
"New Developments in
Psychotherapy" |
"On the Structure of the Criminal
Personality" |
"On the Structure of the Prison
Personality" |
"The Place of Confrontation in Modern
Psychotherapy" |
"The Problem of Mental Health in a Prison
Population" |
"The Problems of Adolescence" |
"Psycho-analysis" |
"The Purpose of Confrontation" |
"Social Applications of Psychiatry in
Social Functions" |
"Symptom Intensification Following Memory
Recovery: A Clinical Discussion" |
Untitled lectures |
Adolescence |
Ego |
Emotional problems of
adolescence |
Transference |
By others |
Bibring, Grete |
"A Discussion of Murray's `The
Transformation of Narcissism into Ego-Ideal,'"
"Some Considerations Regarding the
Ego-Ideal in the Analytic Process," 1963
Bond, Douglas, "The History of Psychiatry in
the Army Air Forces," undated
Bradley, Charles, "Schizophrenia in
Childhood," 1941
BOX 20 |
Buckley, Frederick J., "The Church and
Psycho-analysis," 1954
Campbell, Macfie, "History of Psychiatry,"
lectures, 1939-1940
Carter, Sarah, "A Bibliography of the Freud
Collection," 1970
Darre, Richard-Walther, "Nazi war speech,"
Deutsch, Felix, "Manual for Candidates of the
Group Control Seminar," undated
Deutsch, Helene, "A discussion of Murray's
"Narcissism and the Ego-Ideal," 1963
Freud, Sigmund, "On Transience,"
Friedman, Leonard, "Current Psychoanalytic
Object Relations Theory and Its Clinical Implications,"
Greenson, Ralph R., "Practical Approach to
War Neuroses," 1944
Hartmann, Heinz, and Loewenstein, Rudolph,
"The Super-ego and the Ego-Ideal," undated
Hendrick, Ives, "John M. Murray: `On the
Transformation of Narcissism into Ego-Ideal'," 1963
Hiden, Robert B., "Psychological Stresses in
Aviators in War," undated
Jensen, Walter S., "Neuropsychiatric Problems
in Aviation Medicine," 1944
Kris, Anton, miscellaneous writings,
1970-1974, undated
Levin, Sidney, "Discussion of paper entitled
`The Purpose of Confrontation' by John M. Murray,"
Loewald, Hans W., "Superego and Time,"
Oberndorf, Clarence Paul, "Unsatisfactory
Results of Psycho-analytic Therapy," 1948
Robins, Eli, and others, "A Study in
Suicides," 1959
Rosenfeld, Herbert A., "On the Psychology of
Narcissism, a Clinical Approach," 1963
Snyder, Howard McC., "Observations of
Psychiatry in World War II," undated
Socarides, Charles W., "Meaning and Content
of a Pedophiliac Perversion," undated
Solomon, Philip, "The Psychoanalysis of an
Impotent Man," undated
Walker, Weldon J., "The Patient with
Functional Cardiovascular Disorders," undated
Wendicott, D. W., "Transitional Objects and
Transitional Phenomena," 1953
Wood, Horatio C., untitled poem dedicated to
Murray, 1945
Zilboorg, Gregory, "The Medical Man and the
Witch during the Renaissance," 1935
Zweig, Stefan, "Mental Healers: Mesmer, Eddy,
and Freud," 1932
BOX 20-21 |
Miscellany, 1933-1973
Printed matter and unidentified material. |
Organized alphabetically by publication, person, or type of material. |
BOX 20 |
Printed matter |
British Medical Journal, 1941-1944
Hendrick, Ives, 1940-1958,
Institute of Living, Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry,
BOX 21 |
Kernberg, Otto F., miscellaneous writings,
Lancet reprints, 1942-1944
Newspaper clippings,
Miscellaneous |
Copies of articles, 1934-1966,
Near prints, 1956-1973, undated
(2 folders) |
Other, 1933-1968
(2 folders) |
Unidentified, undated