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Carl R. Rogers papers, 1913-1999

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Academic File, 1928-1985 (continued)
Discussion papers, 1961-1963
Relationship of Group Counseling to Subsequent Academic Performance at the College Level, 1962
BOX 130 Research reports, 1962
(6 folders)
BOX 131-142 Research File, 1928-1984
Notes, reports, transcripts of therapy sessions, background material, near-print and printed matter, correspondence, memoranda, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically within folders.
BOX 131 Background material for articles and books
Experiment with sixth graders, 1964, undated
Graduate education in psychology, 1958-1965, undated
(2 folders)
Interpersonal relationships in facilitation of learning, 1960-1966, undated
Teaching and learning, 1955-1964, undated
"The Year 2000," 1967, undated
Behavior control
Examples of psychological control of behavior, 1954-1957, undated
Material from 1956 debate with B. F. Skinner, 1956, undated See also Container 80, 4 Sept. 1956
BOX 132 Child studies
Analysis of year's cases, 1930-1932, undated
Character building and mental hygiene, 1938, undated
Children's court decisions, undated
Extravagant statements, undated
Gifted children, 1972-1973, undated
Juvenile delinquency, 1930-1931, undated
Mentality and treatment, undated
Prognosis and treatment, 1935, undated
Psychological examinations, samples, 1928-1939
"Evaluation of the Work of the Rochester Girls Service League and Big Sister Council," by Rogers, 1937, undated
Child Study Department, 1929-1937, undated
Rochester Guidance Center, 1936-1940, undated
Twelve month follow-up, 1935, undated
Cognitive processes and affective learning, 1947, 1966-1972, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 133 Encounter groups, reports by Morton H. Shaevitz and Donald J. Barr, 1968-1970
(3 folders)
Home Drapery Co., employee daily activities forms, 1970, undated
Ideas for research, 1954-1957, undated
Miscellaneous projects, 1964-1966
Monroe, Marilyn, 1962
Motivation, 1957, undated
Readings, 1952-1963, undated
"Openness to Experience," 1952, undated
Personality theory, 1953-1964
BOX 134 Pilot study of denied experience, undated
Psychological tension in counseling, undated
Q sort technique
Hartley, Margaret, undated
Miscellaneous data, 1950-1951
Relationship inventory, 1958-1962, undated
Research by others
Banks, Sam A., and Patrick Pentony, 1957-1961, undated
Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T., 1973
Bartlett, Marion R., 1947, undated
Bergin, Allan E., undated
Bills, Robert E., 1949
Braaten, Leif, 1958, undated
BOX 135 Cartwright, Desmond S., 1972
Cartwright, Desmond S., and Donald W. Fiske, 1956, undated
Cowan, Emory L., 1948
Ekstein, Rudolf, 1955
Ends, Earl J., and Curtis W. Page, 1957
Faw, Volney, 1951, undated
Gendlin, Eugene T., 1957-1962
Gordon, Thomas, 1949, undated
Halkides, Galatia, 1956, undated
Kasin, Edith, 1948, undated
Kirtner, Bill, 1957
Krause, Mertin S., 1958-1962
Leeper, Robert, 1947
Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans., 1952-1953
Miscellaneous, 1948-1974, undated
Muench, George Arthur, 1945-1946, undated
BOX 136 Powers, William T., 1957, undated
Raskin, Nathaniel J., 1974
Shedlin, Arthur J., 1970
Sheerer, Elizabeth T., 1948, undated
Shlien, John M., 1957-1961, undated
Spotts, Jules, 1964
Streich, Eugene, and Armin Klein, 1951
Tausch, Reinhard and Anne-Marie, 1975-1984, undated
Truax, Charles B., 1958-1961
Walker, Alan M., 1956
Wood, John Keith, 1980-1982
School survey material, 1930, 1936-1938, undated
Selves experiment, undated
Social issues, 1967-1972, undated
Subception, 1956, undated
BOX 137 Supervision, 1984, undated
American Psychological Association symposium, exhibits, 1951, undated
Cases (interview transcripts and notes)
Donel, 1977-1979, undated
Frank, a student, undated
Gregg, undated
Japanese cases, 1961-1962
Jim, 1957
Joan, undated
Marian, an LSD session, 1962-1963
Mike, a high school boy, 1962
Miss Hosp, 1957
Miss Mun, 1954, 1962, undated
Miss Sup, 1951-1952
BOX 138 Miss Vib, 1946, undated
(2 folders)
Mr. Bebb, 1957
Mr. Bik, 1958, undated
Mr. Fimp, undated
(2 folders)
Mr. Lin, 1954, undated
Mr. Necta, 1955-1959, undated
(2 folders)
Mr. Zak, 1950, undated
BOX 139 Mrs. Bafo, 1948-1952, undated
(3 folders)
Mrs. Ett, 1947
Mrs. Oak, undated
Mrs. Sar, undated
Mrs. Sim, undated
P.S., a young woman, undated
BOX 140 Client-centered therapy
Background papers, 1947-1962, undated
(4 folders)
Existentialism, 1951-1962, undated
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