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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings File, 1913-1989 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Articles and Papers, 1913-1989 (continued) | |||||||||||||
"Some Thoughts on the Brazil 'Ciclos,'" 1976-1977 | |||||||||||||
"Tribute to Haruko Tsugé," 1976-1977 | |||||||||||||
1978 | |||||||||||||
"Client-Centered Psychotherapy," in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Alfred M. Freedman, Harold I. Kaplan, and Benjamin J. Sadock, third edition, 1977-1980 | |||||||||||||
"Do We Need 'A' Reality?" 1975-1978 | |||||||||||||
"Evolving Aspects of a Person-Centered Workshop," 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
"The Formative Tendency," 1975-1978 | |||||||||||||
"From Heart to Heart (Some Elements of Effective Interpersonal Communications)," 1964, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
Introduction to Citation Classic edition of "The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change," 1957, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
"Meeting My Needs as a Facilitator" | |||||||||||||
"My Political Stance" | |||||||||||||
"Sâo Paulo Talk," Sâo Paulo, Brazil | |||||||||||||
"Some Directions in AHP" | |||||||||||||
"Some New Directions: A Personal View," 1976-1978 | |||||||||||||
"Statement re Louisville Schools," Louisville, Ky., 1973, 1978-1981 | |||||||||||||
Telephone seminar transcript | |||||||||||||
BOX 57 | 1979 | ||||||||||||
Account of Polish workshop (unfinished) | |||||||||||||
"Building Community: The Tension of a Paradox," 1978-1979 | |||||||||||||
"The Foundations of the Person-Centered Approach," 1978-1979 | |||||||||||||
"Groups in Two Cultures" | |||||||||||||
Interview in Le Monde | |||||||||||||
Interview in Pulsazione | |||||||||||||
"Learnings in Large Groups: Their Implications for the Future," 1977-1979 | |||||||||||||
"My Approach to Psychotherapy" | |||||||||||||
"The Security Guard: A Vignette" | |||||||||||||
1980 | |||||||||||||
"A Conversation with Dr. Carl Rogers" | |||||||||||||
"Growing Older—or Older and Growing," 1976-1980 | |||||||||||||
Introduction to Japanese translation of Personal Power | |||||||||||||
"Message to European Programs" | |||||||||||||
"New World, New Person" | |||||||||||||
"The Power Within" | |||||||||||||
BOX 58 | 1981 | ||||||||||||
"Building Person-Centered Communities: The Implications for the Future," 1979-1981 | |||||||||||||
"Education—a Personal Activity" | |||||||||||||
"The Expanding Process of the Person-Centered Approach" | |||||||||||||
Introduction to German translation of A Way of Being | |||||||||||||
Introduction to Japanese translation of Becoming Partners | |||||||||||||
"Notes on Rollo May," 1981-1982 | |||||||||||||
"Reply to Bill Coulson" | |||||||||||||
"Some Unanswered Questions" | |||||||||||||
1982 | |||||||||||||
"Addressing Evil and Expression of Negative Feelings" | |||||||||||||
"Entrevista con Carl Rogers" | |||||||||||||
"I Can't Read!" | |||||||||||||
"A Journey to the Heart of South Africa," 1982-1983 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
"Meine Beschreibung einer personzentrierten Haltung" | |||||||||||||
"My Secret Life—with Plants" | |||||||||||||
"Person-Centered Approach Foundations" | |||||||||||||
"A Psychologist Looks at Nuclear War: Its Threat, Its Possible Prevention" | |||||||||||||
"Reply to Rollo May's Letter to Carl Rogers" | |||||||||||||
"Some Notes on Leadership: Two Extremes" | |||||||||||||
"Some Personal Observations" | |||||||||||||
1983 | |||||||||||||
"The Camp David Mid-East Negotiations" | |||||||||||||
"Dialogos con Carl Rogers" | |||||||||||||
"I Walk Softly through Life" | |||||||||||||
BOX 59 | Journal of Japan trip | ||||||||||||
Letter re European trip | |||||||||||||
"One Woman's Fear of Nuclear War," interview by Rogers | |||||||||||||
Polish monograph, selected translations of Rogers's work | |||||||||||||
Preface to Em Busca De Vida ("Searching Life"), edited by Alfonso Henrique Lisboa da Fonseca | |||||||||||||
1984 | |||||||||||||
Interview by Reva Camiel | |||||||||||||
Interview in Holistic Living News | |||||||||||||
"My Experience at Teachers College" | |||||||||||||
Notes on European trip | |||||||||||||
"One Alternative to Nuclear Planetary Suicide," 1982-1987 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
"A Way of Meeting Life: An Interview with Carl Rogers" | |||||||||||||
1985 | |||||||||||||
"Carl Rogers Says" | |||||||||||||
"A Client-Centered/Person-Centered Approach to Therapy," 1984-1985 | |||||||||||||
"Client-Centered Psychotherapy," in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Harold I. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock, fourth edition, 1982-1986 | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 60 | "Client-Centered Psychotherapy," in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Harold I. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock, fourth edition, 1982-1986 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
"Comment on Kahn's Comparison of Kohut and Rogers," 1984-1985 | |||||||||||||
"Comment on Slack's Article," 1982-1985 | |||||||||||||
"Conceptions of a New World and a New Person" | |||||||||||||
"Education for the 1980s: An Interview with Carl Rogers," 1984-1985 | |||||||||||||
"Encountering Carl Rogers: His Views on Facilitating Groups," 1983-1985 | |||||||||||||
Hungarian interview, 1985-1986 | |||||||||||||
"Influences on Management" | |||||||||||||
Interview by Tim Smith, 1985-1986 | |||||||||||||
Introduction to collection of papers translated into Hungarian | |||||||||||||
"Notes on Brazil" | |||||||||||||
"Preliminary Thoughts about the March Meeting" | |||||||||||||
"Reaction to Gunnison's Article on the Similarities between Erickson and Rogers," 1984-1985 | |||||||||||||
"Some Impressions of the First Days in Ireland" | |||||||||||||
"Toward a More Human Science of the Person," 1975, 1985 | |||||||||||||
BOX 61 | 1986 | ||||||||||||
"At the Heart of the South African Struggle," 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
"Carl Rogers at 83: Interview with Tony Hobbs," 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
"The Dilemmas of a South African White" | |||||||||||||
"Fostering Creativity" | |||||||||||||
"Interview with Carl Rogers on the Use of the Self in Therapy" | |||||||||||||
Journal of trip to South Africa | |||||||||||||
"Measuring the Self and Its Changes" | |||||||||||||
"My Experience in Intercultural Groups" | |||||||||||||
"On the Development of the Person-Centered Approach" | |||||||||||||
"Oral History of Humanistic Psychology" | |||||||||||||
BOX 62 | "The Person-Centered Approach to Peace" (special issue of Counseling and Values) | ||||||||||||
"Reflections of Feelings," 1956, 1986 | |||||||||||||
"Reflections on Our South African Experience" | |||||||||||||
"Roundtable Discussion II" | |||||||||||||
"Rogers, Kohut, and Erickson: A Personal Perspective on Some Similarities and Differences," 1985-1986 | |||||||||||||
"The Rust Workshop: A Personal Overview" | |||||||||||||
"Steps toward Peace" | |||||||||||||
"What I Learned from Two Research Studies" | |||||||||||||
1987 | |||||||||||||
"Client-Centered? Person-Centered?" 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
"Comments on [John M.] Shlien's article 'A Counter-theory of Transference,'" 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
"Comments on the Issue of Equality in Psychotherapy," 1984-1987 | |||||||||||||
"Inside the World of the Soviet Professional," 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
"On Reaching 85" | |||||||||||||
"The Person-Centered Perspective" | |||||||||||||
1989 | |||||||||||||
"Client-Centered Psychotherapy," in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Harold I. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock, fifth edition, 1986-1989 | |||||||||||||
"Person-Centered Therapy," in Current Psychotherapies, [compiled by] Raymond J. Corsini and Danny Wedding, with the assistance of Judith W. McMahon, 1983-1986 | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
"Grass Roots Contacts" | |||||||||||||
"My Description of a Person-Centered Approach" | |||||||||||||
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