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William Safire papers, 1953-1980

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Writings, 1962-1980 (continued)
"Government Ain't Machinery," New York Times, 1970
"It's Time for a Change of Political Slogans," New York Times Magazine, 1971-1972
Letters to the editor, New York Times, 1970-1971
"The Moscow Summit," New York Times Magazine, 1972 See also Containers 109-111, USSR, Moscow Summit
Correspondence and background material
"Nixon's Way: A View From Within," Washington Post (1971)
Background material, 1969-1971
(1 folder)
BOX 119 Background material, 1969-1971
(1 folder)
Correspondence, 1971
Text, 1971
(2 folders)
"The 'Public Right To Know' Goes Wrong: the Meaning of the Irving-Hughes Case," 1972
"The Secret of Mr. Nixon's 'Secret Plan,'" New York Times, 1972
"Ten Thoughts for '72," New York Times and International Herald Tribune, 1972
Victor Riesel guest column, "The President's Favorite President," 1971
"Who's What Around the White House," New York Times Magazine, 1973
Before the Fall: An Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House
Chapter lists, 1970-1973
Front and back matter and captions, undated
Ideas and notes, undated
BOX 120 Photographs and illustrations, 1969-1972, undated
(2 folders)
Publication records, William Morrow & Co., 1973-1974
Richardson, Elliot, doodles, 1963-1973
Source material, Watergate scandal and impeachment hearings, 1973-1974
Chapters, episodes, and characterizations, 1965-1973, undated
"Ad Lib"
"Another Crack at the Real Nixon"
"Best Year Ever"
"Bizarre Incident"
"Cambodian Decision"
"Campaign Begins"
"Campaign That Never Was"
"Caught in the Draft -- The Mansfield Affair"
BOX 121 "China Report"
"Christmas Bombs"
"Clank of Truth"
Conclusion and Epilogue
"Economic Weekend at Camp David"
"Good Honest Appraisal"
"Guns of April"
"Haldeman I: Welcome to the White House"
"Hello Europe"
BOX 122 "Julie"
"Kennedy Criterion"
"Kissinger, Phase I (Pre-Celebrity)"
"Labor Rewards Its Friends"
"Loners Stick Together"
"Loomings -- Huston and Watergate"
"Man at the Wilson Desk"
"Minuteman: A Speech Timetable"
"Moscow Summit"
"Mystery of Power"
"New Federalism"
"New Isolationists"
BOX 123 "Night at the Lincoln Memorial"
"Nixon and the Catholics"
"Nixon and the Jews"
"Nixon Style -- The Big Play"
"Nixon's Haldeman"
"Pat" See also Classified
"Peace With Honor"
"President Falls in Love -- Connally"
"Phantom Press Conference"
"Power Games -- Burns and Colson"
"Press Is the Enemy"
BOX 124 "Road To Moscow" See also Classified
"Rise of John Mitchell" and "Fall of John Mitchell"
"Secret Negotiations -- Inside and Out" See also Classified
"Secret of the `Secret Plan'"
"Sense of Direction"
"Seventy Campaign"
"Silent Majority"
"Sixty-Eight Campaign -- Nixon's the One"
(2 folders)
BOX 125 "State of the World" See also Classified
"Tale of Two Bridges -- Moon Shot"
"Tax Reform"
"Tennis Anyone?"
"To Peking in Secret"
"Turning Point"
"Twenty Broad Street"
"Two-Ideology System"
"Us Against Them"
"Way to San Jose"
BOX 126 "Wayward Bus I"
"Wayward Bus II"
"Work Ethic"
Fragments, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 127 Full draft, "A Hurry To Be Great: Inside the Nixon White House," undated
(5 folders)
BOX 128 Full draft, "A Hurry To Be Great: Inside the Nixon White House," undated
(2 folders)
Full Disclosure
Outline and sample chapter, undated
Draft, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 129 Draft, undated
(2 folders)
Fragment, undated
The New Language of Politics
First edition (1968)
Bibliography, 1967
Contract, 1967
Corrections, 1968
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