| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Special Series, 1944-1954
(continued) |
Partido Acción Revolucionaria |
BOX 7 |
Partido Acción Revolucionaria |
Partido Acción Revolucionaria and
Communism |
Partido Communista de Guatemala |
Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo |
BOX 8 |
Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo |
BOX 9 |
Partido Integridan Nacional |
Partido Revolución Guatemalteca |
Partido Revolución Nacional |
Partido Revolución Obrero de
Guatemala |
Partido Socialista |
BOX 10 |
Confederación Nacional Campesina de Guatemala
(CNCG) |
Acción Campesina |
Agrarian Reform |
Amor Velasco |
CNCG General Files |
BOX 11 |
Collaboration in Defense of
Regime |
Congresses |
BOX 12 |
Denials of Communism |
Dissatisfaction with Progress of Agrarian
Reform |
Government |
Guardia Civil |
Internal Affairs |
International Labor and Front
Groups |
Land Reform |
Operating Techniques |
Political Relationships |
BOX 13 |
Political Relationships |
Relations with CGTG |
Unions |
BOX 14 |
Agrarian Reform |
Agrarian Reform Laws |
Agrarian Reform Personnel |
Background of Agrarian Reform |
Banco Nacional Agrario |
Communist and Execution of Agrarian
Reform |
Complaints |
Degree of Penetration by
Communists |
Departmento Agrario Nacional |
Government |
Pellecer and Agrarian Reform |
BOX 15 |
Confederación de Trabajadores de
Guatemala |
Comité Nacional de Unidad Sindical |
Comité Politico Nacional de los
Trabajadores |
BOX 16 |
Federación Sindical de Guatemala |
BOX 17 |
Transport Congress,
Unity Congress, 1951
BOX 18 |
Confederación de Trabajadores de
Guatemala |
Assemblies |
Cardoza y Aragon |
Communism |
Frente Democratico |
Government |
Gutierrez |
Internal Matters |
BOX 19 |
Operations |
Judiciary |
Labor Relations |
Minister of Communications |
Minister of Government |
Political Relations |
Partido Acción Revolucionaria |
Partido Revolución
Guatemalteca |
Partido Renovacion Nacional |
Relations with member unions |
Rural Operations |
Social Security |
Unions |
United States Government |
BOX 20 |
Individual Unions and Leaders |
Federación Laboral Autónoma
Guatemalteca |
Federación de Trabajadores del Departamento
de Guatemala |
Gutierrez |
Pinto Usaga |
Sindicate de Acción y Mejoramiento
Ferrocarrilero |
BOX 21 |
Sindicate de Acción y Mejoramiento
Ferrocarrilero |
Sindicate de Trabajadores de la Educación de
Guatemala (STEG) |
BOX 22 |
Sindicate de Trabajadores de la Educación de
Guatemala |
Front Activities |
International Connections |
Patronage |
Peace Activities |
Politics |
Propaganda |
Role of STEG in CTG |
Support of Regime |
BOX 23 |
Unclassified Unions |
BOX 24 |
International Labor |
Confederación de Trabajadores de América
Latina |
Federación Sindical Mundial (FSM) |
Agricultural and Forestry
Workers |
CGTG Relations |
Escuela Sindical |
Federación Internacional Sindical de la
Enseñanza |
Front Groups |
Instruction from FSM |
Interest of FSM in Guatemala |
May Day Celebrations |
BOX 25 |
Metal and Engineering
Department |
Relations with FSM |
Support for strike in Honduras |
Unions affiliated |
BOX 26 |
Communist Activities and Front
Groups |
Alianza de la Juventud Democrática
Guatemalteca |
Anti-Communism |
Arevalo |
Asociación de Comedores y Guarderias
Infantiles |
Communist Operations |
Confederación General de Trabajadores de
Guatemala, Relations with Iron Curtain Countries |
Congresses |
BOX 27 |
Death of Stalin |
Exile Groups |
Fiesta de la Amistad |
Fortuny |
Frente Universitario Democrático |
Individuals |
Infiltration |
Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad
Social |
Other Latin American Governments |
Peace Activities |
Pressure on Governments |
Pro-Communist Youth |
Soviet Films |
Soviet Propaganda |
Next Page » |