The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David S.C. Chu papers, 1969-1993
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Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1973-1993 (continued)
Office Files (classified) (continued)
Defense Communications Agency programs, 1990
Dependent schools (DoDDS), 1988
Intelligence and counterintelligence management, 1989
DoD Mobilization and Deployment Steering Group, minutes
Mar.-July 1981
BOX CL 77 Aug. 1981-Jan. 1984
(5 folders)
Management review, 1989-1990
Programmers See Container CL 88, MIL-5 meetings
BOX CL 78 Defense industrial base, 1991-1992
Defense program
"Changes to DoD Forces and Program: ‘Bush' Budget to Current Posture," Feb. 1990, notebook
1984, with handwritten notes and annotations
1986, originals with color charts
Presidential budget briefing, 1981
(2 folders)
Updated changes, FY1990-FY1994 versus FY1988-FY1992, notebook, undated
Defense Satellite Communications System, 3rd Generation (DSCSIII), 1981
Defense Support Program (DSP), 1991
Defense Technologies Executive Committee meetings, 1983-1986
BOX CL 79 Defense Technology Board, meeting on science and technology issue paper, 19 Aug. 1992
(2 folders)
Desert Shield/Desert Storm
General, 1990-1992, undated
(4 folders)
Post-Desert Storm discussion topics used to brief secretary of defense, June 1991
(2 folders)
BOX CL 80 (1 folder)
Weapons performance presentation, 17 Dec. 1991
(2 folders)
Discount rates, 1987-1992
Distant early warning (DEW) line, 1984
Division Air Defense (DIVAD)
Alternatives, 1984-1985
Cancellation decision, 1984-1985
(2 folders)
Performance, 1982-1984
(3 folders)
BOX CL 81 Press accounts, 1983
Program, 1982-1984
Tests, 1983-1985
(2 folders)
Dollar Value Steering Group, 1987
(2 folders)
Egyptian study, 1991
8-inch howitzers, 1988
Electronic warfare, 1991
End of term review, 1980-1981, undated
Environmental restoration, 1988
BOX CL 82 Equipment longevity charts, 1992
(3 folders)
Falkland Islands war, 1982
Federally funded research development centers (FFRDCs)
General, 1990-1991, undated
(2 folders)
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), 1981
Rand Corp., 1991-1992
Fiscal status, 1988
Five Year Defense Program Tracking System (FYDPTS), undated
BOX CL 83 Fixed Distributed System (FDS), 1989
Follow-on Early Warning System (FEWS)
Chronology of documents, 23 July 1992
General, 1991-1992
Follow-on forces attack (FOFA), 1989-1990
Follow-on to Lance (FOTL), 1988-1989
Force structure analysis, 1989
Foreign Materiel Program Board, 1983-1988, undated
Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control (FAADC2), 1989
Forward Area Air Defense System (FAADS)
Command, Control, and Intelligence (C2 I), 1993
Line-of-Sight Forward-Heavy (LOS-FH), 1986-1987
Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS), 1988
Funding problems ("squishy resources"), 1979-1989, undated
(2 folders)
Guardrail, 1990
BOX CL 84 Hart, Gary, Defense Department response to proposed "Military Reform Defense Budget for Fiscal Year 1984," Apr. 1983
"Have Clear" [anti-jam communications program] (formerly JTIDS), 1982-1983
"Have Quick," See Container CL 97, "Seek Talk"
Helicopter programs, 1982-1992, undated See also Container CL 59, Major reviews, aircraft
Helos See Container CL 84, Helicopter programs
High frequency anti-jam (HFAJ) program, 1987
High-speed anti-radiation missile (HARM), 1983-1985
Hospital ships, 1981-1982, undated
IFF See Container CL 74, Combat identification
Imaging infrared (IIR) maverick, 1982-1986, undated
Independent cost estimates
Attack on Cost Analysis Improvement Group (CAIG), 1991-1993, undated
Major reports, 1981-1991
BOX CL 85 Miscellany, 1973-1991
Rand Corp., 1991-1992
Ship costing, 1983-1988
Independent research and development (IRandD), 1989-1992
Inflation adjustments, 1981
Information Policy Council, 1991, undated
Institute for Defense Analysis Advisory Group, 1984-1993
Interdiction weapons, 1982-1988, undated
Iranian issues, 1987, undated
Javelin (formerly AAWS-M), 1986-1991, undated See also Container CL 64, Advanced Interdiction Weapon System
(2 folders)
Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS), 1992-1993, undated
Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), formerly Advanced Interdiction Weapon System/Joint Direct Attack Munition (AIWS/JDAM), 1992
BOX CL 86 Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS), 1985-1992
(3 folders)
Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), 1983-1989
LAMPS, Mark III, 1981-1991
Land Remote Sensing Satellite System (LANDSAT), 1989-1992
Leasing, 1981-1983
Lebanon, 1984
Legislative initiatives, 1984-1985
LHX See Container CL 74, Comanche
Light Anti-Armor Weapon (LAW) System, 1982-1983, undated
Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Program, 1982, undated
BOX CL 87 Light helicopter program See Container CL 84, Helicopter programs
Light infantry division, 1983-1988, undated
(2 folders)
LMI Advisory Group, 3 Feb. 1992
Longbow Apache helicopter, 1990-1992
Long range conventional standoff weapon (LRCSW), 1981-1990, undated
LOSAT See Container CL 72, Anti-armor systems
Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN) System, 1989
Low observable/counter low observable study (LO/CLO), 1989-1991, undated
LX See Container CL71, Amphibious assault ship
M-1 tank, 1981-1993, undated
(3 folders)
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