| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 159-193 |
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1909-1964
Handwritten and typewritten drafts, proofs, printed copies, notes, research
material, and correspondence relating to speeches, articles, books, reports, and
miscellaneous writings by Ackerman. |
Arranged by type of material and chronologically within each file. A partial list
of correspondents is provided for some files. |
BOX 159 |
Speeches |
"Progress in Journalism," Ionian Literary
Society, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 12 Nov.
"The Causes of the Present Industrial
Unrest," National Hardware Association of the United States, 16 Oct.
"Dawes' Prosperity Plan," American Hardware
Manufacturers' Association, 16 Oct. 1924
"Do It in the United States of America,"
American Hardware Manufacturers' Association, 16 Oct.
"Journalism in the 'Machine Age,'" annual
chapel service, School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
16 May 1930
Remarks, School of Journalism dinner for John
W. Cunliffe, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 29 Apr.
Talk to Copyreaders' Club, New York Herald Tribune, 30 Apr. 1931
Chapel talk, Columbia University, New York,
N.Y., 14 May 1931
"The Growth of Journalism," School of
Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 26 Sept.
"Co-operative Advertising," Advertising Club
of New York, News York, N.Y., 28 Oct. 1931
"Life Is Action," Riverside Church, New York,
N.Y., 2 Feb. 1932
Eastman, George,
correspondence |
Address at convention of Inter-Collegiate
News Association, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., 16 Apr.
NBC Broadcast on anniversary of the founding
of the Boston News Letter, 24 Apr. 1932
"The Relationship of Discipline and Control
to Education," 18 May 1932
"The Newspaper in Public Affairs,"
Advertising Federation of America, 21 June 1932
Introduction of John H. Finley, 14 Nov.
"Balancing the Newspaper Budget," Institute
of Citizenship and Georgia Press Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.,
10 Feb. 1933
"The Newspaper in International Affairs,"
Institute of Citizenship and Georgia Press Institute, Emory University,
Atlanta, Ga., 10 Feb. 1933
"Challenge to the Press," American Society of
Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C., 29 Apr. 1933
"The Press of Today," University of Missouri,
Columbia, Mo., 2 May 1933
Chapel talk, Columbia University, New York,
N.Y., 19 May 1933
"The Last Proving Ground for Democracy,"
Commercial Club of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 24 Nov.
"The Philosophy of Journalism," Yale
University, New Haven, Conn., 8 Jan. 1934
"The Leadership of the Press," New York State
Publishers Association, 12 Jan. 1934
"The Recovery of Youth," New York State
Newspaper Publishers' Association, 17 Jan. 1934
Address, Ohio Newspaper Association, 9
Feb. 1934
"Liberty and Living," Brotherhood of St.
Andrew, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, N.Y., 22 Feb.
"A New Approach to Peace," NBC broadcast,
23 Feb. 1934
Correspondence, George Seldes |
BOX 160 |
"The Treaty of Peace with the Press," New
York Conference of Business Paper Editors, New York, N.Y., 28 Feb.
"Journalism in World Affairs," Association of
Foreign Press Correspondents, 19 Apr. 1934
Remarks at dinner for Pulitzer Prize winners,
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 7 May 1934
"More Freedom for Business," City Club of
Portland, Portland, Oreg., 20 July 1934
"Freedom of Opinion Makes Public Opinion,"
California Newspaper Publishers Association., 3 Aug.
"The Church and the Press," Annual conference
for clergy of the New York Diocese, Lake Mahopac, N.Y., 3 Oct.
"Press Radio, an Experiment in Public
Service," NBC broadcast, 19 Dec. 1934
"Intellectual Endowments in International
Education," Alumni Day, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 12 Feb.
"Education and Society," chapel service,
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 13 May 1935
Remarks at luncheon given by George B. Dryden
in honor of Ackerman, Chicago Club, Chicago, Ill., 14 June
"The Test of Citizenship," National
Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Seattle, Wash.,
16 July 1935
"The Press," roundtable conference on "The
Press and Crime Prevention," 2 Oct. 1935
"Invest in Youth,"
Miscellaneous lecture notes, world trip,
Oct. 1935-Jan. 1936
"Freedom of the Press," Sorbonne, Paris,
France, 7 Jan. 1936
"The Press in World Affairs,"Sorbonne, Paris,
announcements, clippings, 14 Jan. 1936
"The Source of Our Liberties," Advertising
Bureau of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, 23 Apr.
Speech, American Society of Newspaper
Editors, Apr. 1936
"Leadership in a Democracy," Earlham College,
Richmond, Ind., 15 June 1936
"The Freedom to Advance Knowledge," Faculty
Club of Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 8 Oct.
Remarks, memorial service for Marlen Pew,
18 Nov. 1936
"Workshops for Public Opinion," Newspaper
Institute, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., 15 Jan.
Father-and-son dinner, Columbia College,
12 Feb. 1937
"The Doctor and Public Opinion," Medical
Society of the State of New York, Rochester, N.Y., correspondence, 25
May 1937
"The Role of the Press as a Factor in Public
Opinion and Economic Change," National Industrial Conference Board, 27
May 1937
BOX 161 |
Address at University of LaPlata, Argentina,
25 Aug. 1937
"The Newspaper Guild," New York Herald Tribune Forum, 4 Oct. 1937
"Is a Constitutional Amendment the Price of
Peace?" First Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N.Y., correspondence, 20
Mar. 1938
"Editors, to Arms," American Society of
Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C., 22 Apr. 1938
"The Leadership of the Pope," Saint Mary's
College, Notre Dame, Ind., 4 June 1938
"The American Axis," University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Neb., correspondence, Brett Homer, 6 June
"Receptivity, the Key to the Universe,"
Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 29
Sept. 1938
"The Central Problem of Democracy," National
Conference on Government, National Municipal League, Baltimore, Md., 1
Dec. 1938
"Freedom in the Market Place," Washington
Cathedral, Washington, D.C., correspondence, 11 Dec.
"The University of Tomorrow," Columbia Alumni
Club of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif., 5 Jan.
"Should Educators Declare War?" Columbia
University Alumni Club of Essex County, N.J., correspondence, 2 Mar.
Dennis, William Cullen |
Dodge, M. Hartley |
Ludlow, Louis |
Myers, William Starr |
Wasson, R. Gordon |
"Journalism in the United States," 4
May 1939
"What Is Past Is Prologue," service in St.
Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 15 May
"The Arena of Public Opinion," luncheon in
honor of Cabot medalists, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., 10
Nov. 1939
"The Land of Our Future," First Presbyterian
Church, Lambertville, N.J., 1 Dec. 1939
"The Internationalism of Christianity,"
Church Club of New York, New York, N.Y., correspondence, 31 Jan.
"Propaganda Blitzkrieg Over the United
States," Columbia University Club, New York, N.Y., 9 May
"Psalm of Youth," annual chapel service,
Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 14
May 1940
"War Propaganda," CBS broadcast, 5 June
BOX 162 |
"Keeping the News Lines Open," 18 Apr.
"The Freedom of Printing," CBS broadcast,
6 May 1941
Remarks at luncheon in honor of the 175th
anniversary of the opening of St. Paul's Chapel, Bankers' Club, New York,
N.Y., 30 Oct. 1941
Address to Rotary Club of Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 28 Jan. 1942
"Will Our Southern Flank Become a Southern
Front?" |
Kiwanis Clubs of Lambertville, N.J., and
Doylestown, Pa., 31 Mar. 1942
"Watchmen! Be Clear and Accurate!" service,
St. Paul's Chapel, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New
York, N.Y., 11 May 1942
Address at farmer-businessmen's picnic,
Hunterdon County, N.J., 24 June 1942
"Freezing the Press," Fourth Accounting
Institute banquet, New York, N.Y., 20 Oct. 1942
Correspondence and clipping
book |
Bickel, Karl A. |
Castle, William R. |
Cooper, Kent |
Hoover, Herbert |
Landon, Alfred M. |
Moore, John Bassett |
BOX 163 |
Clipping book |
"The Relation of News to Global Peace,"
Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., 12 Jan. 1943
Address at memorial service for Alexander
Woollcott, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 28 Jan.
"A Salute to Reporters of War," annual chapel
service, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
10 May 1943
"The Mobilization of Civilian Brain Power,"
Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 21 June 1943
BOX 164 |
"Welcome to New York," luncheon in honor of
six visiting Latin American journalists, Columbia University, New York,
N.Y., 13 Apr. 1944
"On the Eve of Invasion," chapel service,
Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 8
May 1944
"The Education of a Hemisphere," University
of Havana, Havana, Cuba, 15 July 1944
Talk to students before embarking on world
trip, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
5 Jan. 1945
Radio interview concerning American Society
of Newspaper Editors, World Free Press Mission, Chungking, China, 30
Mar. 1945
Radio broadcast to Japanese journalists,
Manila, Philippines, 27 Apr. 1945
Radio broadcast, Philippine Hour, Manila,
Philippines, 29 Apr. 1945
"The Big Four in the News World," Flag Day
exercises, Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York, 14 June
Remarks, American Society of Newspaper
Editors, annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 20 Apr.
Address, 33rd annual chapel service, Graduate
School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 17 May
"Industrial Journalism, A New Opportunity,"
E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del., 25 June
"The Need for Leadership," Grace Church, New
York, 20 Oct. 1946
"Pictures Can Be More Informative Than Type,"
American Press Institute, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 28 Oct.
Remarks, editorial seminar, American Press
Institute, 20 Jan. 1947
Remarks, Joseph Pulitzer Centennial ceremony,
Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 10 Apr. 1947
Remarks at American Press Institute opening,
5 May 1947
"The Foundation for a School of Journalism,"
Central University of Venezuela, 11 June 1947
"The Future of the Press," Association of
Army-Navy Chaplains, Governor's Island, N.Y., 8 Mar.
Remarks presenting Romulo Gallegos for
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
9 July 1948
"The Pen Can Be as Mighty as the Sword,"
165th anniversary of the birth of Simon Bolivar, 23 July
Remarks at dinner for German publishers and
editors, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
13 Sept. 1948
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