The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Carl W. Ackerman papers, 1833-1970
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1909-1964 (continued)
1932-1935 (continued)
(4 folders)
Public Opinion Around the World: A Report by Dean Carl W. Ackerman of the Graduate School of Journalism, 19 Dec. 1936
Report of the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism
(2 folders)
Supplement, 1937: The Black Plague of the Twentieth Century
Correspondence, 1937-1938
Miscellany, 1937-1938
BOX 191 1938
Supplement: The Refuge of World Opinion
(5 folders)
The Chinese Post-Graduate School of Journalism, Mar. 1943-Aug. 1945: Report of the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism
One Million for the Advancement of Journalism, 1948
Gist, Sept. 1950 (annual report of the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism)
BOX 192 Annual report, 1951, typescript
The Dawn of the XXI Century, 1955
Miscellaneous writings; unpublished and unidentified typescripts
"Interview with Count von Bernstorff," 8 Jan. 1914
"In 1849 Victor Hugo Prophesied a United States of Europe," circa 1914
"The War and Our Next Election," circa 1914
"Uncle Sam and the War," Jan. 1915
"Methods and Organization of the Censorship in Germany," 1 May 1917
"Spy or Die; Scenario of a Five-act Play on Germany," 1917
"The Bear of Pontarlier," spy story, 1918
"The New American Ambassador: Colonel George Brinton McClellan Harvey, LL.D.," 1921
"Reporting for the Main Street Journal," outline of proposed book, circa 1921
"Gooding Has the 'Goods,'" American Valuation Association, circa 1925
"The Prophecy of the Vicar of Greenwich," 1927
"Our Economic Hereafter," circa 1927
Statement, "The Press and World Peace," 1931
Introduction to Headlines and Deadlines, 1933
Statement, "The Freedom of the Press," 15 Aug. 1933
Statement, American Society of Newspaper Editors, Report of the Committee on the Press and Public Relations, Washington, 19-21 Apr. 1934
Statement on transition to a graduate school of journalism, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1935
"Decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Louisiana Tax Case," submitted to the New York Times, Feb. 1936
"The New Deal Abroad," circa 1936
"Journalism in the United States," 4 May 1939
"Periodismo en los Estados Unidos," 4 May 1939
Statement, "The End of World Wars," 30 Mar. 1940
Open letter to Dr. Samuel Harden Church, 2 May 1940
"Letter to the Press and Radio," uncirculated, 22 May 1940
Round robin letter to students, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1 Jan. 1942
Introduction to David Hinshaw's Journalism-Today's Third Estate, 1943
"Mexican Russian, and British Activities in Latin America," 1944
"The Greater Miracles," 1954
Notes for article for This Week magazine, 1956
"Pulitzer Prizes Versus Ivy League Colleges," outline of unpublished article
BOX 193 "The Baby Plague in Germany," by Mabel VanderHoof Ackerman
"14 Points for the Mellon Plan"
"Germany Is Preparing Another Peace Drive"
"The Molder"
"Poison Gas and the Washington Conference"
"Scarlet Letters"
"Scarlet Letters of Suspicion"
"Vagabonding in Siberia; the Pot Puri of Russia"
Miscellaneous typescripts concerning China, 1918-1919 (fragments)
Miscellaneous typescripts concerning Germany, 1914-1918 (fragments)
Miscellaneous typescripts concerning Russia and Siberia, 1918-1919 (fragments)
Miscellaneous unidentified typescripts (fragments)
Card index to writings, 1928-1956
BOX 194-227 Miscellany, 1833-1970
Newspaper clippings, printed matter, and miscellaneous personal papers.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 194 Ackerman, Carl W., miscellaneous clippings and printed matter concerning
BOX 195 1936-1970, undated
Awards See also Oversize
Birthday souvenirs
Calling cards
Certificates See also Oversize
Charitable appeals received
Christmas cards sent
BOX 196 1911-1914
BOX 197 1915-1917
BOX 198 1918-1919
BOX 199 1919-1932
BOX 200 1933-1937
BOX 201 1937-1938
BOX 202 1938-1939
BOX 203 1939-1940
BOX 204 1940
BOX 205 1941
BOX 206 1942
BOX 207 1942-1943
BOX 208 1943-1945
BOX 209 1945
BOX 210 1945-1946
BOX 211 1946-1948
BOX 212 1948-1950
BOX 213 1951-1969, undated
BOX 214 Degrees
Employment proposals
Financial papers
BOX 215 1919-1921
BOX 216 1922-1929
BOX 217 1930-1938
BOX 218 1939-1947
BOX 219 1948-1952
BOX 220 1953-1955
BOX 221 1956-1970, undated
BOX 222 Invitations
Jackson, Andrew; Edward Livingston; and Roger B. Taney, signed patent letters, 18 Feb. 1833
Licenses, permits
Medical papers
Press credentials
BOX 223 Printed matter
BOX 224 1935-1954
BOX 225 1962-1964, undated
BOX 226 Programs, menus
BOX 227 Student papers, circa 1904-1913, undated
Travel documents
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Passports, visas
Unidentified papers
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