The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896
Part II: Medical Papers (1732-1896) (continued)
Writings and Compilations by Others, circa 1732-1889 (continued)
Barton, Benjamin, lectures on materia medica (taken by Robert Abbott, 1809-1811)
Barton, Benjamin, lectures on materia medica (taken by George B. McKnight, 1813)
Boerhaave, Herman, lectures on the lues veneres of the virulent gonorrhea in men (taken by [?] Wright, [undated])
BOX 143 Clark, Alonzo, lectures on pathology (taken by James C. How, 1850)
Cullen, William, lectures on the practice of physic (taken by John McMorran, 1782)
Duncan, Andrew, lectures on cases in the clinical ward of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (taken by John Pennington, 1790-1791)
Gibson, William , lectures on surgery (taken by [John P. MacKelroy?] 1818-1819)
Home, Francis, clinical lectures (Feb. 23-Apr. 29, 1774, with notes from the “Reports on the Clinical Ward of the Royal Infirmary” and letters of Alex Brodie)
Hosack, David, lectures on the theory and practice of medicine (taken by George B. McKnight, 1814-1816)
Hosack, David, private clinical lectures (taken by George B. McKnight, 1815)
Hosack, David, lectures on anatomy, physiology, and surgery (taken by George B. McKnight, 1815-1816)
BOX 144 McNeven, William J., lectures on materia medica (taken by George B. McKnight, 1814-1816 (includes lectures of David Hosack, John W. Francis, and Valentine Mott)
McNeven, William J., lectures in chemistry (taken by George B. McKnight, 1810 [?]-1816)
(3 vols.)
Mott, Valentine, lectures on surgery (taken by George B. McKnight, 1815-1816)
BOX 145 Monkut, John C. S., lectures on materia medica (bearing the name of S. Hallowell, 1822)
Monkut, John C. S., lectures on materia medica (bearing the name of C. G. Stevenson, 1822)
Monkut, John C. S., miscellaneous medical lectures (circa 1822-1826)
(3 vols.)
BOX 146 Moro, Alexander, lectures on anatomy (nos. 93-123)
Potter, Nathaniel, lectures on the theory and practice of medicine (taken by George Robert Hall [undated])
Rush, Benjamin, lectures on the practice of physick (taken by Alexander Clendinen, 1798)
Rush, Benjamin, lectures on physiology (taken by George B. McKnight [undated])
Stringham, James S., lectures on legal medicine (taken by George B. McKnight, 1814-1816)
BOX 147 Dissertations
Ahl, John, “Dysentery” [undated]
Anderson, John H., “Variola and Its Prophylaxis,” 1835
Applewhite, Arthur, “Modus Operandi of Medicines,” 1829
Archer, John G., “Hemorrahage,” 1842
Arnold, Abraham B., “Fumigations of Sulphur in Chronic Cutaneous Diseases,” 1848
Ahe, Jacob, “Delirium Tremens” [undated]
Bagwell, Thomas H. “The Nature, Cause, and Seat of Fever” [undated]
Bailey, David H., “Congestive Fever,” 1841-1842
Bailey, George W., “Anatomy and Physiology of the Absorbent System,” 1839
Bartholow, Wesley, “Scarlatina” [undated]
Beall, John T. G., “Variola,” 1841
Becher, Frederick, “Haemorrhagia,” 1847
Bennett, Thompson Mines, “Means of Lessening the Pains of Labour” [undated]
Bennett, Winfield H., “Variola,” 1846
Berry, George H., “Origin of Hematuria” [undated]
Booker, Edward M., “Burns and Scalds,” 1847
Booker, William S., “Rubeola” [undated]
Boteler, William e., “Puerperal Fever,” 1845
Brooks, Joseph D., “Iritis” [undated]
Brown, William V. H., “Cynanche Trachealis” [undated]
Bull, Jacob, “A Brief Effort on Means Used in Arresting Hemorrhage,” 1843
Bunting [?] “De obserbationum occuratarum natura et necessitate in Artem Medicam exercendo, et de signis morborum paucorum” [undated]
Bunton, Sylvanus, “Pneumonia,” 1844-1845
Busk, Thomas M., “Stethoscope,” 1839-1840
Byers, Henry Koontz, “Delirium Tremens” [undated]
BOX 148 Carl, Adam, “A Case of Poisoning by Nitric Acid,” 1829
Castle, Noah, “Cholera Infantum,” 1845
Chambers, John A., “Laryngitis,” 1845-1846
Clinger, Peter S., The Physiogonomical Expression,” 1842-1843
Cole, Barzillai Lipscomb, “Scarlatina,” 1826
Cook, Septimus I. “Cholera Infantum,” 1829
Cooke, Warren, “Angina Pectoris” [undated]
Cootes, John S., “Pneumonia,” 1847
Cornthwait, D. Wilson, “Digestive Absorption,” 1839
Craggs, Joseph, “Puerperal Fever,” 1841-1842
Crane, R. Kearney,” Intermittent Fever,” 1846
Crawford, Francis J., “Acute Gastritis,” 1844
Dallam, William, “Cynanche Trachealis,” 1842-1843
Davies, David W., “Yellow Fever,” 1841
Davis, Francis Thomas,” Auscultation,” 1844-1845
Diffenderffer, William L., “Animal Magnetism and Surgery,” 1845
Dixon, George C., “Acalephae,” 1841-1842
Dorsey, George W., “Hemorrhage,” 1839
Dorsey, Septimus, “Structure and Use of the Round Ligament of the Uterus,” 1839
Edmondson, William M., “Remittent Fever,” 1847
Eidson, Joseph F., “Acute Dysentery,” 1843-1844
Ellis, Charles K., “Diagnosis,” 1847
Eoff, John Q., “Use of Depletion,” 1835
Foulks, Charles Tyler, “Nature and the Functions of the Skin,” 1845
Free, E. W., “Respiration and Animal Heat,” 1846-1847
Funk, Samuel, “Dermoid System,” 1842-1843
BOX 149 Garrett, Samuel A., “Syphilis” [undated]
Geyer, John W., “Phthisis Pulmonalis,” 1835
Gibbons, John L., “Intermittent Fever” [undated]
Gibson, Rezin S., “Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver,” 1839
Grier, William, “General Pathology and Treatment of Fever,” 1835
Hanby, J. H., “Apoplexy,” 1844
Hance, Benjamin O., “Ancient History of Medicine,” 1848
Hartman, Andrew, “Physiology of Digestion” [undated]
Harrell, James A., “Medical Jurisprudence,” 1842
Harrison, Benjamin B., “Inflammation” [undated]
Hasson, Alexander B., “Action of Medicines” [undated]
Hodson, Levin, “Acute Rheumatism” [undated]
Hoffman, Daniel F., “Phthise Pulmonali,” 1840
Hooper, John Edwin, “Acute Dysentery” [undated]
Hubbell, E., “Properties of Alcohol and Its Effects on the Human System,” 1841-1842
Hughes, Benjamin E., “Effects of Iodine upon the Human Organism, and Its Use as a Medicine” [undated]
Hull, Tideman, “Purpura Hemorrhagica,” 1839-1840
Hynson, James, “Antiphlogistic Remedies” [undated]
Irby, Edward, “Opium,” 1847
Jackson, Samuel K., “Mortification” [undated]
Jennings, Samuel Kenedy, “Modus Operandi Medicinae,” 1848
Johnson, William M., “Properties, Uses &c of Iodine,” 1840-1841
Kendall, Thomas, “Inguinal Hernia” [undated]
Kingrose, William D., “Influenza or Epidemic Catarrh,” 1837
Knox, Matthew M., “Erysipelas,” 1841-1842
BOX 150 Laphen, J. J., “Apoplexy,” 1841
Lee, Richard D., “Modes of Dying” [undated]
Leitner, Charles B., “Purpura Hemorrhagica,” 1847
Litt, P.E., “Venereal Disease,” 1846-1847
McCaine, A. M., “Asclepias Tuberosa with a History of Its Properties and Medical Uses,” 1838
McKeehan, Samuel L., “Nosology,” 1829
McWilliams, Ambrose P., “Symptoms and Treatment of Exanthesis Rosalia” [undated]
Martin, James S., “Phthisis Pulmonalis,” 1845
Martin, Samuel H., “Erysipelas” [undated]
Massey, T. E., “Fractures,” 1844
Medcalfe, William Hunter, “Remittent Fever,” 1846
Morris, W.U., “Delirium Tremens” [undated]
O'Brian, John M., “Labour Connected with Uterine Hemmorrhage,” 1848
O'Keefee, “Hernia” [undated]
Pool, Warren W. S., “Puerperalis” [undated]
Poole, William H., “Intermittent Fever” [undated]
Porter, John B., “Utility of Anatomy and Physiology to Science in General and in Surgery and Medicine, the sine qua non” [undated]
Redgraves, Thomas J., “Apoplexy,” 1841-1842
Richardson, E. H., “Inflammation” [undated]
Riddlemoser, W. A., “Conception in the Human Female,” 1843-1844
Riggs, Artemas, “Apoplexy” [undated]
Robertson, John, “Intermittent Fever,” 1846
Robinson, William, “Apoplexy,” 1848
Robison, M. F., “Hernia,” 1847
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