| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part II: Medical Papers (1732-1896)
(continued) |
Writings and Compilations by Others, circa
(continued) |
By author (“A-S”) (includes Medical Education and Men of Lexington, Kentucky by Robert Peter) |
BOX 153 |
Other |
BOX 154-158 |
Bibliographical Material, circa
Cards containing handwritten bibliographical notes. |
Arranged alphabetically by author cited. |
BOX 154 |
Articles, books |
A-G |
BOX 155 |
H-Q |
BOX 156 |
R-Y |
BOX 157 |
Theses (A-Z by author and title) |
BOX 158 |
Miscellany |
BOX 159-160 |
Catalogs, circa 1856-1878
Mainly catalogs of Toner's library of books and journals. |
Chronologically arranged. |
BOX 159 |
Toner's library (1871-1878) |
(5 vols.) |
BOX 160 |
Toner's medical journals |
Thomas Mutter's library (1856) |
BOX 161-170 |
Indices and Guides, circa 1860-1880
Indices and guides. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject or by work covered. |
BOX 161 |
American publications prior to 1800, medical items |
A-L |
BOX 162 |
M-Z |
BOX 163 |
American periodicals and other publications, medical
items |
Adair-Amaurous |
BOX 164 |
Amaurous-Aphasia |
BOX 165 |
Aphasia-Blood |
BOX 166 |
Blood-Chloroform |
BOX 167 |
Chloroform-Columbine |
BOX 168 |
Cabbage-Cytisus |
BOX 169 |
Continental Congress, Journals of, index to medical men and
subjects |
Force, Peter, names of medical men in is American
archives |
Gross, Samuel D., index to his History of American Surgery
Pennsylvania archives, index of medical men |
Pennsylvania colonial records, index of medical men |
BOX 170 |
“Pennsylvania Gazette,” index to medical matters in (prior to
1800) |
Thacher, James, index to physicians mentioned in his American Medical Biography
BOX 171-177 |
Lists, circa 1860-1885
Lists pertaining to medical matters circa 1700-1885. |
Arranged alphabetically by state. |
BOX 171 |
District of Columbia, lists of physicians, members of medical
societies |
BOX 172 |
Physicians in States of the United States (1871) |
Alabama-Iowa |
BOX 173 |
Kansas-New Hampshire |
BOX 174 |
New Jersey-Pennsylvania |
BOX 175 |
Rhode Island-Wyoming |
BOX 176 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 177 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 178-183 |
Miscellany, circa 1790-1890
Account books, financial papers, appointment book, commonplace book, case
records, notebooks, notes, and miscellaneous material. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX 178 |
Account books, 1802-1862
Craik, James, and William Washington |
Available on microfilm shelf no. 16,722
BOX 179 |
Boyle, C.; James C. Howe, John C. S. Monkur, Ben Wellford, and
Toner, 1802-1862
BOX 180 |
American Medical Association, circa
International Medical Congress, 1887
BOX 181 |
Appointment book, 1858-1859
Commonplace book (Robert Dunbar) |
Mental cases |
Bucklers, Hermann, 1883
Tachmyntis, E. J., 1881
BOX 182 |
Notebooks (includes “History of Midwifery,” circa
1769) |
BOX 183 |
Notes on baldness and yellow fever |
BOX 184 |
Oversize, circa 1850-1890
Case histories of rabies victims, charts, and a tracing of Dr. John Morgan's
diploma. |
Arranged by subject or type of material. |
BOX 184 |
Case histories of rabies victims |
Charts |
Tracing of Dr. John Morgan's diploma |
BOX 185-282 |
Part III: Washingtoniana (circa
BOX 185-205 |
Journals and Diaries, 1747-1799
Bound transcripts of Washington's journals and diaries, heavily annotated by
Toner. |
Arranged chronologically. Unbound notes on the diaries and journals are
grouped at the end and arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX 185 |
1747-1748, Mar. 11-Apr. 13
1751, Sept. 28-1752, Mar. 4
BOX 186 |
1753, Oct. 31-1754, Jan. 16
BOX 187 |
Jan. 1-Feb. 17
Feb. 18-Apr. 29
Apr. 30-1764, Oct. 18
BOX 188 |
1765, Jan. 1-1768, July 31
1768, Aug. 1-1769, Aug. 30
1769, Aug. 30-Dec. 31
BOX 189 |
Jan. 1-Sept. 30
Oct. 1-Nov. 1
Nov. 1-1771, Aug. 31
BOX 190 |
1771, Sept. 1-1772, July 31
1772, Aug. 1-1773, May 31
1773, June 1-1774, June 30
BOX 191 |
1774, July 1-Dec. 31
1775, Jan. 1-June 19
May 1-11
BOX 192 |
May 12-July 3
July 3-Nov. 5
1784, Sept. 1-Oct. 4
BOX 193 |
Jan. 1-May 16
May 17-Sept. 16
Sept. 28-Dec. 30
BOX 194 |
1785, Dec. 31-1786, Mar. 31
July 1-Sept. 30
BOX 195 |
Oct. 1-Dec. 31
Jan. 1-Mar. 31
Apr. 1-May 7
May 7-Nov. 30
BOX 196 |
1787, Nov. 30-1788, Apr. 17
Apr. 17-June 30
June 30-Sept. 30
BOX 197 |
1788, Sept. 30-1789, Feb. 2
1789, Oct. 1-Dec. 31
1789, Dec. 31-1790, June 30
1790, July 1-1791, June 1
BOX 198 |
1791, June 2-July 4
1794, Sept. 30-Oct. 20
1795, Apr. 14-Dec. 21
1798, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
1799, Jan. 22-Dec. 13
BOX 199-205 |
Toner's annotations to Washington's journals and diaries (mainly
identifying people and places) |
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