The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896
Part II: Medical Papers (1732-1896) (continued)
Writings and Compilations by Others, circa 1732-1889 (continued)
By author (“A-S”) (includes Medical Education and Men of Lexington, Kentucky by Robert Peter)
BOX 153 Other
BOX 154-158 Bibliographical Material, circa 1850-1880
Cards containing handwritten bibliographical notes.
Arranged alphabetically by author cited.
BOX 154 Articles, books
BOX 155 H-Q
BOX 156 R-Y
BOX 157 Theses (A-Z by author and title)
BOX 158 Miscellany
BOX 159-160 Catalogs, circa 1856-1878
Mainly catalogs of Toner's library of books and journals.
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 159 Toner's library (1871-1878)
(5 vols.)
BOX 160 Toner's medical journals
Thomas Mutter's library (1856)
BOX 161-170 Indices and Guides, circa 1860-1880
Indices and guides.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or by work covered.
BOX 161 American publications prior to 1800, medical items
BOX 162 M-Z
BOX 163 American periodicals and other publications, medical items
BOX 164 Amaurous-Aphasia
BOX 165 Aphasia-Blood
BOX 166 Blood-Chloroform
BOX 167 Chloroform-Columbine
BOX 168 Cabbage-Cytisus
BOX 169 Continental Congress, Journals of, index to medical men and subjects
Force, Peter, names of medical men in is American archives
Gross, Samuel D., index to his History of American Surgery
Pennsylvania archives, index of medical men
Pennsylvania colonial records, index of medical men
BOX 170 “Pennsylvania Gazette,” index to medical matters in (prior to 1800)
Thacher, James, index to physicians mentioned in his American Medical Biography
BOX 171-177 Lists, circa 1860-1885
Lists pertaining to medical matters circa 1700-1885.
Arranged alphabetically by state.
BOX 171 District of Columbia, lists of physicians, members of medical societies
BOX 172 Physicians in States of the United States (1871)
BOX 173 Kansas-New Hampshire
BOX 174 New Jersey-Pennsylvania
BOX 175 Rhode Island-Wyoming
BOX 176 Miscellaneous
BOX 177 Miscellaneous
BOX 178-183 Miscellany, circa 1790-1890
Account books, financial papers, appointment book, commonplace book, case records, notebooks, notes, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 178 Account books, 1802-1862
Craik, James, and William Washington
Available on microfilm shelf no. 16,722
BOX 179 Boyle, C.; James C. Howe, John C. S. Monkur, Ben Wellford, and Toner, 1802-1862
BOX 180 American Medical Association, circa 1845-1890
International Medical Congress, 1887
BOX 181 Appointment book, 1858-1859
Commonplace book (Robert Dunbar)
Mental cases
Bucklers, Hermann, 1883
Tachmyntis, E. J., 1881
BOX 182 Notebooks (includes “History of Midwifery,” circa 1769)
BOX 183 Notes on baldness and yellow fever
BOX 184 Oversize, circa 1850-1890
Case histories of rabies victims, charts, and a tracing of Dr. John Morgan's diploma.
Arranged by subject or type of material.
BOX 184 Case histories of rabies victims
Tracing of Dr. John Morgan's diploma
BOX 185-282 Part III: Washingtoniana (circa 1688-1896)
BOX 185-205 Journals and Diaries, 1747-1799
Bound transcripts of Washington's journals and diaries, heavily annotated by Toner.
Arranged chronologically. Unbound notes on the diaries and journals are grouped at the end and arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 185 1747-1748, Mar. 11-Apr. 13
1751, Sept. 28-1752, Mar. 4
BOX 186 1753, Oct. 31-1754, Jan. 16
BOX 187 1760
Jan. 1-Feb. 17
Feb. 18-Apr. 29
Apr. 30-1764, Oct. 18
BOX 188 1765, Jan. 1-1768, July 31
1768, Aug. 1-1769, Aug. 30
1769, Aug. 30-Dec. 31
BOX 189 1770
Jan. 1-Sept. 30
Oct. 1-Nov. 1
Nov. 1-1771, Aug. 31
BOX 190 1771, Sept. 1-1772, July 31
1772, Aug. 1-1773, May 31
1773, June 1-1774, June 30
BOX 191 1774, July 1-Dec. 31
1775, Jan. 1-June 19
May 1-11
BOX 192 May 12-July 3
July 3-Nov. 5
1784, Sept. 1-Oct. 4
BOX 193 1785
Jan. 1-May 16
May 17-Sept. 16
Sept. 28-Dec. 30
BOX 194 1785, Dec. 31-1786, Mar. 31
July 1-Sept. 30
BOX 195 Oct. 1-Dec. 31
Jan. 1-Mar. 31
Apr. 1-May 7
May 7-Nov. 30
BOX 196 1787, Nov. 30-1788, Apr. 17
Apr. 17-June 30
June 30-Sept. 30
BOX 197 1788, Sept. 30-1789, Feb. 2
1789, Oct. 1-Dec. 31
1789, Dec. 31-1790, June 30
1790, July 1-1791, June 1
BOX 198 1791, June 2-July 4
1794, Sept. 30-Oct. 20
1795, Apr. 14-Dec. 21
1798, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
1799, Jan. 22-Dec. 13
BOX 199-205 Toner's annotations to Washington's journals and diaries (mainly identifying people and places)
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