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Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896

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Part III: Washingtoniana (circa 1688-1896) (continued)
Journals and Diaries, 1747-1799 (continued)
1789, Dec. 31-1790, June 30
1790, July 1-1791, June 1
BOX 198 1791, June 2-July 4
1794, Sept. 30-Oct. 20
1795, Apr. 14-Dec. 21
1798, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
1799, Jan. 22-Dec. 13
BOX 199-205 Toner's annotations to Washington's journals and diaries (mainly identifying people and places)
BOX 206-233 Correspondence, 1741-1896
Mainly transcripts and printed copies of letters of George Washington.
Arranged chronologically. A small amount of family correspondence and a few letters of relatives and descendants are alphabetically arranged.
BOX 206 Letters sent, transcripts
BOX 207 1757-1772
BOX 208 1773-1779
BOX 209 1780-1784
BOX 210 1785-1791
BOX 211 1792-1796
BOX 212 1797-1799
BOX 213 Letters sent, printed copies
BOX 214 1771, Jan.-1775, Sept.
BOX 215 1775, Oct.-1776, Jan.
BOX 216 1776
BOX 217 June-Aug.
BOX 218 Sept.-Nov.
BOX 219 1776, Dec.-1777, May
BOX 220 1777, June-Dec.
BOX 221 1778, Jan.-June
BOX 222 1778, July-1779, June
BOX 223 1779, July-1780, June
BOX 224 1780, July-Dec.
BOX 225 1781
BOX 226 1782-1784
BOX 227 1785-1788
BOX 228 1789-1791
BOX 229 1792, Jan.-1794, Aug.
BOX 230 1794, Sept.-1796, Dec.
BOX 231 1797-1799
BOX 232 Letters received
Adam-Walker, 1755-1785
BOX 233 Family, relatives, and descendants
Washington, George
Anne, 1764
Augustine, 1756
Frances, 1796
Bushrod, 1802-1823
George C., 1832
Lawrence, 1695, 1749
Lawrence, 1821-1834
Lund, 1767-1790
Martha, 1799, 1800
Mary, 1759-1758
Richard, 1836
Sarah, 1815
Thomas, 1784
William, 1790
Lewis, Betty, 1779-1796
Toner's correspondence with descendants of George Washington (B-W)
BOX 234 Surveys, 1749-1799
Copies of surveys, notes, and memoranda.
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 234 1749-1799
BOX 235-238 Financial Papers, 1747-1799
Account books, cash memoranda, and indices.
Chronologically arranged.
BOX 235 Account books and cash memoranda
BOX 236 1772-1797
BOX 237 Account books, synopsis and indices, circa 1747-1799
BOX 238 Cash memoranda, index, 1754-1775
BOX 239-241 Mount Vernon Estate, 1688-1803
Copies of early surveys and deeds, financial records, notes on experiments in planting, directions concerning crops, overseer's letters, lists, and miscellaneous material.
Organized by topic or type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 239 Deeds and surveys, 1688-1759
Financial records, 1755-1793 [Account Book of Thomas Davis] 1767-1771
BOX 240 Financial records, 1776-1803
Experiments in planting, 1785-1786
Directions concerning crops, 1800
BOX 241 Overseer's letters to George Washington, 1786-1799
BOX 242-249 Military Papers, 1754-1758
Copies of correspondence, orderly books, journals, diaries, memoranda, lists, orders, and miscellaneous material relating to George Washington and his military associates in the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars.
Organized alphabetically by author and chronologically thereunder.
BOX 242 French and Indian War
Bouquet, Henry
Correspondence, 1757-1764
Orderly book, 1758
Braddock, Edward
Orderly book, 1755
BOX 243-244 Forbes expedition
Account of John Forbes' expedition to Fort Duquesne, 1758, by Toner
BOX 245 Washington, George
Journal and diary, extracts and notes, 1755-1757
Orderly book, 1755-1758
Letters received, 1755-1756
BOX 246 Memorandum respecting the militia of Virginia, 1756
Returns of Virginia troops, 1754-1757
Toner's notes and annotations on French and Indian War
BOX 247 Toner's notes and annotations on the French and Indian War
BOX 248 General miscellany (“D-V”)
BOX 249 Revolutionary War
Washington's orders at Valley Forge, Pa., 1778
BOX 250 Writings, circa 1744-1799
Copies of a sample of Washington's childhood writing, “Rules of Civility,” and an index to his writings.
Grouped as described but otherwise unarranged.
BOX 250 Childhood writing (sample)
Rules of civility
BOX 251 Genealogy
Genealogical records of Washington's family and their descendants.
BOX 252-256 Miscellany, circa 1740-1890
Clippings, lists, notes, wills, and miscellaneous papers (includes Robert Lewis Journal, 1789, in Container 255)
Grouped by type of material but otherwise unarranged.
BOX 257-282 Part IV: Other Collected Material
BOX 257-258 Autographs, 1717-1878
Autograph letters, clipped signatures, and miscellaneous material.
Letters are arranged alphabetically by name of writer; clipped signatures and other material are unarranged.
BOX 257 Adams, C. F. (1), 1852
Adams, Samuel (1), 1782
Bailey, William (1), 1777
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