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Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896

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Part IV: Other Collected Material (continued)
Papers, 1744-1902 (continued)
BOX 270 Worthington, William G. C.
Diaries, 1818-1842
BOX 271 Organizations
First Presbyterian Church Ladies' Association of the District of Columbia
Minutes, 1868-1871
United States Army
Report on the reduction of personnel, 1821
BOX 272-274 Washington National Monument Society
Correspondence (invitations), 1883-1896
BOX 275 Lists of guests, 1896
Commemorative material, 1885-1891
Letters to John Sherman, 1883-1885
BOX 276 Petitions addressed to John Sherman
BOX 277 Locations
Ohio, Fort Washington (Cincinnati)
Letterbook, 1894-1895
Ohio, Scioto
Proposed settlement, notes on, 1757
BOX 278 Virginia, Aquia Creek
Merchant's daybook, 1785
BOX 279 Wales, Llanely
Bank drafts on the West of England and South Wales District Bank, 1868-1869
Musqueto (British privateer)
Accounts, 1779-1780
Water Witch (American steamer)
Account of exploration of the Rio Pananria and its tributaries [undated]
BOX 280 Collected correspondence (A-Z)
Subscription letters to the “Evening Star,” 1902
BOX 281 Writings (not by Toner)
BOX 282 General miscellany (includes index to Martin Cockburn letterbooks)
BOX 283-596 Part V: Biographical File
BOX 283-351 Medical File
Mounted clippings including obituaries and news articles on historical figures.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and occasionally annotated by year.
BOX 283 As-Allen
BOX 284 Allend-As
BOX 285 At-Bald
BOX 286 Bale-Bartl
BOX 287 Barto-Bea (includes Baad-Bace)
BOX 288 Bec-Big
BOX 289 Bic-Bol
BOX 290 Bom-Brah
BOX 291 Brai-Brown, G.
BOX 292 Brown, I.-Bum
BOX 293 Bun-Calh
BOX 294 Calk-Chamberla
BOX 295 Chamberle-Clark
BOX 296 Clarke-Coll
BOX 297 Colo-Cow
BOX 298 Cox-Cus
BOX 299 Cut-Da
BOX 300 De-Dl
BOX 301 Do-Dr
BOX 302 Du-Ek
BOX 303 El-Fal
BOX 304 Fan-Fl
BOX 305 Fo-Fri
BOX 306 Fro-Gem
BOX 307 Gen-Gon
BOX 308 Goo-Greg
BOX 309 Greh-Hall, L.
BOX 310 Hall, M.-Harri
BOX 311 Harro-Hei
BOX 312 Hel-Hin
BOX 313 Hip-Hop
BOX 314 Hor-Hum
BOX 315 Hun-Jackson, J.
BOX 316 Jackson, L.-Johnson, J.
BOX 317 Johnson, L.-Ka
BOX 318 Ke-Kin
BOX 319 Kip-Lam
BOX 320 Lan-Leh
BOX 321 Lei-Li
BOX 322 Ll-McCh
BOX 323 McCl-Mc
BOX 324 Maa-Mar
BOX 325 Mas-Mif
BOX 326 Mig-Mon
BOX 327 Moo-Mul
BOX 328 Mun-Ni
BOX 329 No-Os
BOX 330 Ot-Par
BOX 331 Pas-Pe
BOX 332 Pf-Porter, D.
BOX 333 Porter, E.-O
BOX 334 Ra-Rice
BOX 335 Rich-Rol
BOX 336 Rom-Sand
BOX 337 Sanf-Sem
BOX 338 Sen-Sk
BOX 339 Sl-Sn
BOX 340 So-Ste
BOX 341 Sti-Sz
BOX 342 Ta-Thoma
BOX 343 Thomp-Ton
BOX 344 Too-U
BOX 345 V
BOX 346 Wad-War
BOX 347 Was-Whe
BOX 348 Whi-Williams
BOX 349 Williamso-Wol
BOX 350 Woo-X
BOX 351 X-Z
BOX 352-596 General File
Mounted clippings including obituaries and news articles on historical figures.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and occasionally annotated by year.
BOX 352 Aa-Abg
BOX 353 Abi-Adams, G.
BOX 354 Adams, H.-Ael
BOX 355 Aem-Ala
BOX 356 Alb-Alexander, E.
BOX 357 Alexander, G.-Allen, R.
BOX 358 Allen, S.-Amb
BOX 359 Ame-Andra
BOX 360 Andre-Anth
BOX 361 Anti-Arg
BOX 362 Ari-Arr
BOX 363 Ars-Athi
BOX 364 Athl-Au
BOX 365 Av-Bacon, H.
BOX 366 Bacon, L.-Baker, D.
BOX 367 Baker, E.-Bal
BOX 368 Bam-Bari
BOX 369 Bark-Barri
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