| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part IV: Other Collected Material
(continued) |
Papers, 1744-1902
(continued) |
BOX 270 |
Worthington, William G. C. |
Diaries, 1818-1842
BOX 271 |
Organizations |
First Presbyterian Church Ladies' Association of the District of
Columbia |
Minutes, 1868-1871
United States Army |
Report on the reduction of personnel,
BOX 272-274 |
Washington National Monument Society |
Correspondence (invitations), 1883-1896
BOX 275 |
Lists of guests, 1896
Commemorative material, 1885-1891
Letters to John Sherman, 1883-1885
BOX 276 |
Petitions addressed to John Sherman |
BOX 277 |
Locations |
Ohio, Fort Washington (Cincinnati) |
Letterbook, 1894-1895
Ohio, Scioto |
Proposed settlement, notes on, 1757
BOX 278 |
Virginia, Aquia Creek |
Merchant's daybook, 1785
BOX 279 |
Wales, Llanely |
Bank drafts on the West of England and South Wales District
Bank, 1868-1869
Miscellany |
Musqueto (British privateer) |
Accounts, 1779-1780
Water Witch (American steamer) |
Account of exploration of the Rio Pananria and its tributaries
[undated] |
BOX 280 |
Collected correspondence (A-Z) |
Subscription letters to the “Evening Star,”
BOX 281 |
Writings (not by Toner) |
BOX 282 |
General miscellany (includes index to Martin Cockburn
letterbooks) |
BOX 283-596 |
Part V: Biographical File
BOX 283-351 |
Medical File
Mounted clippings including obituaries and news articles on historical figures.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and occasionally annotated by
year. |
BOX 283 |
As-Allen |
BOX 284 |
Allend-As |
BOX 285 |
At-Bald |
BOX 286 |
Bale-Bartl |
BOX 287 |
Barto-Bea (includes Baad-Bace) |
BOX 288 |
Bec-Big |
BOX 289 |
Bic-Bol |
BOX 290 |
Bom-Brah |
BOX 291 |
Brai-Brown, G. |
BOX 292 |
Brown, I.-Bum |
BOX 293 |
Bun-Calh |
BOX 294 |
Calk-Chamberla |
BOX 295 |
Chamberle-Clark |
BOX 296 |
Clarke-Coll |
BOX 297 |
Colo-Cow |
BOX 298 |
Cox-Cus |
BOX 299 |
Cut-Da |
BOX 300 |
De-Dl |
BOX 301 |
Do-Dr |
BOX 302 |
Du-Ek |
BOX 303 |
El-Fal |
BOX 304 |
Fan-Fl |
BOX 305 |
Fo-Fri |
BOX 306 |
Fro-Gem |
BOX 307 |
Gen-Gon |
BOX 308 |
Goo-Greg |
BOX 309 |
Greh-Hall, L. |
BOX 310 |
Hall, M.-Harri |
BOX 311 |
Harro-Hei |
BOX 312 |
Hel-Hin |
BOX 313 |
Hip-Hop |
BOX 314 |
Hor-Hum |
BOX 315 |
Hun-Jackson, J. |
BOX 316 |
Jackson, L.-Johnson, J. |
BOX 317 |
Johnson, L.-Ka |
BOX 318 |
Ke-Kin |
BOX 319 |
Kip-Lam |
BOX 320 |
Lan-Leh |
BOX 321 |
Lei-Li |
BOX 322 |
Ll-McCh |
BOX 323 |
McCl-Mc |
BOX 324 |
Maa-Mar |
BOX 325 |
Mas-Mif |
BOX 326 |
Mig-Mon |
BOX 327 |
Moo-Mul |
BOX 328 |
Mun-Ni |
BOX 329 |
No-Os |
BOX 330 |
Ot-Par |
BOX 331 |
Pas-Pe |
BOX 332 |
Pf-Porter, D. |
BOX 333 |
Porter, E.-O |
BOX 334 |
Ra-Rice |
BOX 335 |
Rich-Rol |
BOX 336 |
Rom-Sand |
BOX 337 |
Sanf-Sem |
BOX 338 |
Sen-Sk |
BOX 339 |
Sl-Sn |
BOX 340 |
So-Ste |
BOX 341 |
Sti-Sz |
BOX 342 |
Ta-Thoma |
BOX 343 |
Thomp-Ton |
BOX 344 |
Too-U |
BOX 345 |
V |
BOX 346 |
Wad-War |
BOX 347 |
Was-Whe |
BOX 348 |
Whi-Williams |
BOX 349 |
Williamso-Wol |
BOX 350 |
Woo-X |
BOX 351 |
X-Z |
BOX 352-596 |
General File
Mounted clippings including obituaries and news articles on historical
figures. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and occasionally annotated by
year. |
BOX 352 |
Aa-Abg |
BOX 353 |
Abi-Adams, G. |
BOX 354 |
Adams, H.-Ael |
BOX 355 |
Aem-Ala |
BOX 356 |
Alb-Alexander, E. |
BOX 357 |
Alexander, G.-Allen, R. |
BOX 358 |
Allen, S.-Amb |
BOX 359 |
Ame-Andra |
BOX 360 |
Andre-Anth |
BOX 361 |
Anti-Arg |
BOX 362 |
Ari-Arr |
BOX 363 |
Ars-Athi |
BOX 364 |
Athl-Au |
BOX 365 |
Av-Bacon, H. |
BOX 366 |
Bacon, L.-Baker, D. |
BOX 367 |
Baker, E.-Bal |
BOX 368 |
Bam-Bari |
BOX 369 |
Bark-Barri |
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