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Wallace H. White papers, 1915-1948

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BOX 54-56 Pension File, 1918-1921
Letters sent and received.
Alphabetically arranged by name of pensioners.
BOX 54 Pension File, 1918-1921
A - J
BOX 55 K - S
BOX 56 T - Z, Miscellany
BOX 57-59 Legislation File, 1927-1949
Bills, acts, and amendments, and a few letters and memoranda.
Alphabetically arranged by subject.
BOX 57 Legislation File, 1927-1949
Agriculture Department, Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress
Airports, 77th Congress
Civil Service Retirement, 71st Congress
Civil Service Salary Bill, 70th Congress
Constitutional Amendments, 70th Congress
Convict Labor, Hawes-Cooper Bill, 70th Congress
Deficiencies, Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress
District of Columbia, Appropriations Bills, 72nd Congress
Emergency Officers Retirement,77th Congress
Foreign Relations, Voice of America, 80th Congress
Housing, 80th Congress
Immigration, 70th Congress
Interior Department, Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress
BOX 58 International Telecommunications Convention, 80th Congress
Legislative Economy Bill, 72nd Congress
Lend-Lease Operations, 78th Congress
Maritime Legislation, 80th Congress
Merchant Marine and Fisheries Bills, 70th Congress
Miscellaneous Appropriation Bills, 78th Congress
Miscellany, 80th Congress
Navy Department Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress
Neutrality, 76th Congress
BOX 59 Private Bills of White, 71st Congress
Rivers and Harbors Act, 71st Congress
Selective Service Act, 78th Congress
State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Department, Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress
Universal Draft Bill, 70th Congress
War Department Appropriation Bill, 72nd Congress
War Risk Insurance, 70th Congress
Water Pollution Control Bill, 76th Congress
Whaling Convention and Protocols
World War I Veterans, 70th Congress
BOX 60-66 Subject File, 1925-1948
Memoranda, reports, clippings, correspondence, and printed matter.
Alphabetically arranged by subject.
BOX 60 Biographical Data of White
Borah, William Edgar, Clippings on Death, 1940
Cairo Telegraph Conference, 1938
Canadian Border Problems, 1941
Convention for Promoting Safety of Life at Sea, 1929
Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 1944
Immigration, 1925-1930
BOX 61 Interstate Commerce, 1925-1948
General Data
BOX 62 Newspapers
Port of Portland
Potato Marketing
Merchant Marine, 1925-1948
National Defense, 1941
National Republican Convention, 1936
National Federation of American Shipping, 1948
BOX 63 Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, 1948
Presidential Campaign
Radio Commission, Federal, 1925-1948
BOX 64 Radio, Federal Control of Communications and Legislation, 1919-1948
BOX 65 Shipping, 1941
St. Lawrence Seaway, 1946
BOX 66 Taxes, 1925-1948
Veterans' Benefits, 1944
BOX 67-70 Speech, Article and Remarks File, 1918-1947
Mainly handwritten drafts of speeches and articles; also some typewritten and printed copies.
Dated material is arranged by year.
BOX 67 1918-1936
BOX 68 1937-1947
BOX 69 Undated
BOX 70 Undated and by others
BOX 71-72 Newspaper File, circa 1918-1945
Miscellaneous clippings.
BOX 71-72 Clippings, circa 1918-1945
BOX 73-84 Scrapbooks, 1915-1948
Clippings mounted in scrapbooks.
Mainly arranged by year.
BOX 73 Political Clippings, 1918-1926
Radio, 1926
BOX 74 Maine Political Clippings, 1915-1931
Miscellaneous Political Clippings, 1931-1934
BOX 75 Radio and Shipping, 1925-1931
BOX 76 Safety of Life at Sea, 1929
BOX OV 77 Political Clippings, 1926-1930
BOX OV 78 Quoddy Tidal Project
BOX 79 1935-1936
BOX OV 80 1936-1939
BOX 81 Political Clippings
BOX 82 1938-1941
BOX 83 1928-1945
BOX 84 Governor Sumner Sewall of Maine, 1941-1944
BOX 85 Miscellany
Printed matter, portrait, and miscellaneous material.
BOX 85 Printed matter, portrait, and other miscellaneous items

Contents List