| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 54-56 |
Pension File, 1918-1921
Letters sent and received. |
Alphabetically arranged by name of pensioners. |
BOX 54 |
Pension File, 1918-1921
A - J |
BOX 55 |
K - S |
BOX 56 |
T - Z, Miscellany |
BOX 57-59 |
Legislation File, 1927-1949
Bills, acts, and amendments, and a few letters and memoranda. |
Alphabetically arranged by subject. |
BOX 57 |
Legislation File, 1927-1949
Agriculture Department, Appropriation Bills,
72nd Congress |
Airports, 77th Congress |
Civil Service Retirement, 71st
Congress |
Civil Service Salary Bill, 70th
Congress |
Constitutional Amendments, 70th
Congress |
Convict Labor, Hawes-Cooper Bill, 70th
Congress |
Deficiencies, Appropriation Bills, 72nd
Congress |
District of Columbia, Appropriations Bills, 72nd
Congress |
Emergency Officers Retirement,77th
Congress |
Foreign Relations, Voice of America, 80th
Congress |
Housing, 80th Congress |
Immigration, 70th Congress |
Interior Department, Appropriation Bills, 72nd
Congress |
BOX 58 |
International Telecommunications Convention,
80th Congress |
Legislative Economy Bill, 72nd
Congress |
Lend-Lease Operations, 78th Congress |
Maritime Legislation, 80th Congress |
Merchant Marine and Fisheries Bills, 70th
Congress |
Miscellaneous Appropriation Bills, 78th
Congress |
Miscellany, 80th Congress |
Navy Department Appropriation Bills, 72nd
Congress |
Neutrality, 76th Congress |
BOX 59 |
Private Bills of White, 71st
Congress |
Rivers and Harbors Act, 71st
Congress |
Selective Service Act, 78th Congress |
State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Department,
Appropriation Bills, 72nd Congress |
Universal Draft Bill, 70th Congress |
War Department Appropriation Bill, 72nd
Congress |
War Risk Insurance, 70th Congress |
Water Pollution Control Bill, 76th
Congress |
Whaling Convention and Protocols |
World War I Veterans, 70th Congress |
BOX 60-66 |
Subject File, 1925-1948
Memoranda, reports, clippings, correspondence, and printed matter. |
Alphabetically arranged by subject. |
BOX 60 |
Biographical Data of White |
Borah, William Edgar, Clippings on Death,
Cairo Telegraph Conference, 1938
Canadian Border Problems, 1941
Convention for Promoting Safety of Life at Sea,
Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 1944
Immigration, 1925-1930
BOX 61 |
Interstate Commerce, 1925-1948
Maine |
General Data |
BOX 62 |
Newspapers |
Politics |
Port of Portland |
Potato Marketing |
Merchant Marine, 1925-1948
National Defense, 1941
National Republican Convention,
National Federation of American Shipping,
BOX 63 |
Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, 1948
Presidential Campaign |
Radio Commission, Federal,
BOX 64 |
Radio, Federal Control of Communications and
Legislation, 1919-1948
BOX 65 |
Shipping, 1941
St. Lawrence Seaway, 1946
BOX 66 |
Taxes, 1925-1948
Veterans' Benefits, 1944
BOX 67-70 |
Speech, Article and Remarks File, 1918-1947
Mainly handwritten drafts of speeches and articles; also some typewritten and
printed copies. |
Dated material is arranged by year. |
BOX 67 |
BOX 68 |
BOX 69 |
BOX 70 |
Undated and by others |
BOX 71-72 |
Newspaper File, circa 1918-1945
Miscellaneous clippings. |
Unarranged. |
BOX 71-72 |
Clippings, circa 1918-1945
BOX 73-84 |
Scrapbooks, 1915-1948
Clippings mounted in scrapbooks. |
Mainly arranged by year. |
BOX 73 |
Political Clippings, 1918-1926
Radio, 1926
BOX 74 |
Maine Political Clippings,
Miscellaneous Political Clippings,
BOX 75 |
Radio and Shipping, 1925-1931
BOX 76 |
Safety of Life at Sea, 1929
BOX OV 77 |
Political Clippings, 1926-1930
BOX OV 78 |
Quoddy Tidal Project |
BOX 79 |
BOX OV 80 |
BOX 81 |
Political Clippings |
BOX 82 |
BOX 83 |
BOX 84 |
Governor Sumner Sewall of Maine,
BOX 85 |
Printed matter, portrait, and miscellaneous material. |
BOX 85 |
Printed matter, portrait, and other
miscellaneous items |